6 letter word starting with bal

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
balaam noun A paragraph describing something wonderful, used to fill out a newspaper column; — an allusion to the miracle of Balaam’s ass speaking.
balcon noun A balcony.
balder noun The most beautiful and beloved of the gods; the god of peace; the son of Odin and Freya.
baldly adverb Nakedly; without reserve; inelegantly.
baling present participle & vb. noun of Bale
baleen noun Plates or blades of “whalebone,” from two to twelve feet long, and sometimes a foot wide, which in certain whales (Balaenoidea) are attached side by side along the upper jaw, and form a fringelike sieve by which the food is retained in the mouth.
balize noun A pole or a frame raised as a sea beacon or a landmark.
balked imp. & past participle of Balk
balker noun One who, or that which balks., A person who stands on a rock or eminence to espy the shoals of herring, etc., and to give notice to the men in boats which way they pass; a conder; a huer.
balled imp. & past participle of Ball
ballad noun A popular kind of narrative poem, adapted for recitation or singing; as, the ballad of Chevy Chase; esp., a sentimental or romantic poem in short stanzas., To make or sing ballads., To make mention of in ballads.
ballet noun An artistic dance performed as a theatrical entertainment, or an interlude, by a number of persons, usually women. Sometimes, a scene accompanied by pantomime and dancing., The company of persons who perform the ballet., A light part song, or madrigal, with a fa la burden or chorus, — most common with the Elizabethan madrigal composers., A bearing in coats of arms, representing one or more balls, which are denominated bezants, plates, etc., according to color.
ballot noun Originally, a ball used for secret voting. Hence: Any printed or written ticket used in voting., The act of voting by balls or written or printed ballots or tickets; the system of voting secretly by balls or by tickets., The whole number of votes cast at an election, or in a given territory or electoral district., To vote or decide by ballot; as, to ballot for a candidate., To vote for or in opposition to.
ballow noun A cudgel.
balsam noun A resin containing more or less of an essential or volatile oil., A species of tree (Abies balsamea)., An annual garden plant (Impatiens balsamina) with beautiful flowers; balsamine., Anything that heals, soothes, or restores., To treat or anoint with balsam; to relieve, as with balsam; to render balsamic.
balter verb t. To stick together.
baltic adjective Of or pertaining to the sea which separates Norway and Sweden from Jutland, Denmark, and Germany; situated on the Baltic Sea.