6 letter word starting with bel

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
belace verb t. To fasten, as with a lace or cord., To cover or adorn with lace., To beat with a strap. See Lace.
belamy noun Good friend; dear friend.
belate verb t. To retard or make too late.
belaud verb t. To laud or praise greatly.
belaid imp. & past participle of Belay
beldam noun Alt. of Beldame
beleft imp. & past participle of Beleave
belfry noun A movable tower erected by besiegers for purposes of attack and defense., A bell tower, usually attached to a church or other building, but sometimes separate; a campanile., A room in a tower in which a bell is or may be hung; or a cupola or turret for the same purpose., The framing on which a bell is suspended.
belgic adjective Of or pertaining to the Belgae, a German tribe who anciently possessed the country between the Rhine, the Seine, and the ocean., Of or pertaining to the Netherlands or to Belgium.
belial noun An evil spirit; a wicked and unprincipled person; the personification of evil.
belied imp. & past participle of Belie
belief noun Assent to a proposition or affirmation, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate personal knowledge; reliance upon word or testimony; partial or full assurance without positive knowledge or absolute certainty; persuasion; conviction; confidence; as, belief of a witness; the belief of our senses., A persuasion of the truths of religion; faith., The thing believed; the object of belief., A tenet, or the body of tenets, held by the advocates of any class of views; doctrine; creed.
belike adverb It is likely or probably; perhaps.
belime verb t. To besmear or insnare with birdlime.
belive adjective Forthwith; speedily; quickly.
belled imp. & past participle of Bell, Hung with a bell or bells.
bellic adjective Alt. of Bellical
bellon noun Lead colic.
bellow verb To make a hollow, loud noise, as an enraged bull., To bowl; to vociferate; to clamor., To roar; as the sea in a tempest, or as the wind when violent; to make a loud, hollow, continued sound., To emit with a loud voice; to shout; — used with out., A loud resounding outcry or noise, as of an enraged bull; a roar.
belock verb t. To lock, or fasten as with a lock.
belong verb i. To be the property of; as, Jamaica belongs to Great Britain., To be a part of, or connected with; to be appendant or related; to owe allegiance or service., To be the concern or proper business or function of; to appertain to., To be suitable for; to be due to., To be native to, or an inhabitant of; esp. to have a legal residence, settlement, or inhabitancy, whether by birth or operation of law, so as to be entitled to maintenance by the parish or town., To be deserved by.
belord verb t. To act the lord over., To address by the title of “lord”.
belove verb t. To love.
belowt verb t. To treat as a lout; to talk abusively to.
belted imp. & past participle of Belt, Encircled by, or secured with, a belt; as, a belted plaid; girt with a belt, as an honorary distinction; as, a belted knight; a belted earl., Marked with a band or circle; as, a belted stalk., Worn in, or suspended from, the belt.
beltin noun See Beltane.
beluga noun A cetacean allied to the dolphins.
belute verb t. To bespatter, as with mud.