6 letter word starting with bl

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
blacks noun pl. The name of a kind of in used in copperplate printing, prepared from the charred husks of the grape, and residue of the wine press., Soot flying in the air., Black garments, etc. See Black, n., 4.
bladed adjective Having a blade or blades; as, a two-bladed knife., Divested of blades; as, bladed corn., Composed of long and narrow plates, shaped like the blade of a knife.
blague noun Mendacious boasting; falsehood; humbug.
blamed imp. & past participle of Blame
blamer noun One who blames.
blanch adjective To take the color out of, and make white; to bleach; as, to blanch linen; age has blanched his hair., To bleach by excluding the light, as the stalks or leaves of plants, by earthing them up or tying them together., To make white by removing the skin of, as by scalding; as, to blanch almonds., To whiten, as the surface of meat, by plunging into boiling water and afterwards into cold, so as to harden the surface and retain the juices., To give a white luster to (silver, before stamping, in the process of coining.)., To cover (sheet iron) with a coating of tin., Fig.: To whiten; to give a favorable appearance to; to whitewash; to palliate., To grow or become white; as, his cheek blanched with fear; the rose blanches in the sun., To avoid, as from fear; to evade; to leave unnoticed., To cause to turn aside or back; as, to blanch a deer., To use evasion., Ore, not in masses, but mixed with other minerals.
blared imp. & past participle of Blare
blasty adjective Affected by blasts; gusty., Causing blast or injury.
blazed imp. & past participle of Blaze
blazer noun One who spreads reports or blazes matters abroad.
blazon noun A shield., An heraldic shield; a coat of arms, or a bearing on a coat of arms; armorial bearings., The art or act of describing or depicting heraldic bearings in the proper language or manner., Ostentatious display, either by words or other means; publication; show; description; record., To depict in colors; to display; to exhibit conspicuously; to publish or make public far and wide., To deck; to embellish; to adorn., To describe in proper terms (the figures of heraldic devices); also, to delineate (armorial bearings); to emblazon., To shine; to be conspicuous.
bleach adjective To make white, or whiter; to remove the color, or stains, from; to blanch; to whiten., To grow white or lose color; to whiten.
bleaky adjective Bleak.
bleary adjective Somewhat blear.
blebby adjective Containing blebs, or characterized by blebs; as, blebby glass.
blench verb i. To shrink; to start back; to draw back, from lack of courage or resolution; to flinch; to quail., To fly off; to turn aside., To baffle; to disconcert; to turn away; — also, to obstruct; to hinder., To draw back from; to deny from fear., A looking aside or askance., To grow or make pale.
blende noun A mineral, called also sphalerite, and by miners mock lead, false galena, and black-jack. It is a zinc sulphide, but often contains some iron. Its color is usually yellow, brown, or black, and its luster resinous., A general term for some minerals, chiefly metallic sulphides which have a somewhat brilliant but nonmetallic luster.
blenny noun A marine fish of the genus Blennius or family Blenniidae; — so called from its coating of mucus. The species are numerous.
bleyme noun An inflammation in the foot of a horse, between the sole and the bone.
blight verb t. To affect with blight; to blast; to prevent the growth and fertility of., Hence: To destroy the happiness of; to ruin; to mar essentially; to frustrate; as, to blight one’s prospects., To be affected by blight; to blast; as, this vine never blights., Mildew; decay; anything nipping or blasting; — applied as a general name to various injuries or diseases of plants, causing the whole or a part to wither, whether occasioned by insects, fungi, or atmospheric influences., The act of blighting, or the state of being blighted; a withering or mildewing, or a stoppage of growth in the whole or a part of a plant, etc., That which frustrates one’s plans or withers one’s hopes; that which impairs or destroys., A downy species of aphis, or plant louse, destructive to fruit trees, infesting both the roots and branches; — also applied to several other injurious insects., A rashlike eruption on the human skin.
blimbi noun Alt. of Blimbing
blinde noun See Blende.
blithe adjective Gay; merry; sprightly; joyous; glad; cheerful; as, a blithe spirit.
blonde verb t. Of a fair color; light-colored; as, blond hair; a blond complexion., A person of very fair complexion, with light hair and light blue eyes., A kind of silk lace originally of the color of raw silk, now sometimes dyed; — called also blond lace.
bloody adjective Containing or resembling blood; of the nature of blood; as, bloody excretions; bloody sweat., Smeared or stained with blood; as, bloody hands; a bloody handkerchief., Given, or tending, to the shedding of blood; having a cruel, savage disposition; murderous; cruel., Attended with, or involving, bloodshed; sanguinary; esp., marked by great slaughter or cruelty; as, a bloody battle., Infamous; contemptible; — variously used for mere emphasis or as a low epithet., To stain with blood.
bloomy adjective Full of bloom; flowery; flourishing with the vigor of youth; as, a bloomy spray., Covered with bloom, as fruit.
blooth noun Bloom; a blossoming.
blosmy adjective Blossomy.
blotch adjective A blot or spot, as of color or of ink; especially a large or irregular spot. Also Fig.; as, a moral blotch., A large pustule, or a coarse eruption.
bloted imp. & past participle of Blote
blouse noun A light, loose over-garment, like a smock frock, worn especially by workingmen in France; also, a loose coat of any material, as the undress uniform coat of the United States army.
blowen noun Alt. of Blowess
blower noun One who, or that which, blows., A device for producing a current of air; as: (a) A metal plate temporarily placed before the upper part of a grate or open fire. (b) A machine for producing an artificial blast or current of air by pressure, as for increasing the draft of a furnace, ventilating a building or shaft, cleansing gram, etc., A blowing out or excessive discharge of gas from a hole or fissure in a mine., The whale; — so called by seamen, from the circumstance of its spouting up a column of water., A small fish of the Atlantic coast (Tetrodon turgidus); the puffer., A braggart, or loud talker.
blowse noun See Blowze.
blowth noun A blossoming; a bloom.
blowze noun A ruddy, fat-faced woman; a wench.
blowzy adjective Coarse and ruddy-faced; fat and ruddy; high colored; frowzy.
bluing present participle & vb. noun of Blue, The act of rendering blue; as, the bluing of steel., Something to give a bluish tint, as indigo, or preparations used by washerwomen.
bluely adverb With a blue color.
bluets adjective A name given to several different species of plants having blue flowers, as the Houstonia coerulea, the Centaurea cyanus or bluebottle, and the Vaccinium angustifolium.
bluffy adjective Having bluffs, or bold, steep banks., Inclined to bo bluff; brusque.
bluish adjective Somewhat blue; as, bluish veins.
blunge verb t. To amalgamate and blend; to beat up or mix in water, as clay.
blurry adjective Full of blurs; blurred.
blushy adjective Like a blush; having the color of a blush; rosy.