6 letter word starting with bon

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bonair adjective Gentle; courteous; complaisant; yielding.
bonbon noun Sugar confectionery; a sugarplum; hence, any dainty.
bonded imp. & past participle of Bond, Placed under, or covered by, a bond, as for the payment of duties, or for conformity to certain regulations.
bondar noun A small quadruped of Bengal (Paradoxurus bondar), allied to the genet; — called also musk cat.
bonder noun One who places goods under bond or in a bonded warehouse., A bonding stone or brick; a bondstone., A freeholder on a small scale.
bonduc noun See Nicker tree.
boning present participle & vb. noun of Bone, The clearing of bones from fish or meat., The manuring of land with bones., A method of leveling a line or surface by sighting along the tops of two or more straight edges, or a range of properly spaced poles. See 3d Bone, v. t.
bonify verb t. To convert into, or make, good.
bonito noun A large tropical fish (Orcynus pelamys) allied to the tunny. It is about three feet long, blue above, with four brown stripes on the sides. It is sometimes found on the American coast., The skipjack (Sarda Mediterranea) of the Atlantic, an important and abundant food fish on the coast of the United States, and (S. Chilensis) of the Pacific, and other related species. They are large and active fishes, of a blue color with black oblique stripes., The medregal (Seriola fasciata), an edible fish of the southern of the United States and the West Indies., The cobia or crab eater (Elacate canada), an edible fish of the Middle and Southern United States.
bonmot noun A witty repartee; a jest.
bonnet noun A headdress for men and boys; a cap., A soft, elastic, very durable cap, made of thick, seamless woolen stuff, and worn by men in Scotland., A covering for the head, worn by women, usually protecting more or less the back and sides of the head, but no part of the forehead. The shape of the bonnet varies greatly at different times; formerly the front part projected, and spread outward, like the mouth of a funnel., Anything resembling a bonnet in shape or use, A small defense work at a salient angle; or a part of a parapet elevated to screen the other part from enfilade fire., A metallic canopy, or projection, over an opening, as a fireplace, or a cowl or hood to increase the draught of a chimney, etc., A frame of wire netting over a locomotive chimney, to prevent escape of sparks., A roofing over the cage of a mine, to protect its occupants from objects falling down the shaft., In pumps, a metal covering for the openings in the valve chambers., An additional piece of canvas laced to the foot of a jib or foresail in moderate winds., The second stomach of a ruminating animal., An accomplice of a gambler, auctioneer, etc., who entices others to bet or to bid; a decoy., To take off the bonnet or cap as a mark of respect; to uncover.
bonnie adjective See Bonny, a.