6 letter word starting with bum

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bummed imp. & past participle of Bum
bumble noun The bittern., To make a hollow or humming noise, like that of a bumblebee; to cry as a bittern.
bumkin noun A projecting beam or boom; as: (a) One projecting from each bow of a vessel, to haul the fore tack to, called a tack bumpkin. (b) One from each quarter, for the main-brace blocks, and called brace bumpkin. (c) A small outrigger over the stern of a boat, to extend the mizzen.
bummer noun An idle, worthless fellow, who is without any visible means of support; a dissipated sponger.
bumped imp. & past participle of Bump
bumper noun A cup or glass filled to the brim, or till the liquor runs over, particularly in drinking a health or toast., A covered house at a theater, etc., in honor of some favorite performer., That which bumps or causes a bump., Anything which resists or deadens a bump or shock; a buffer.