6 letter word starting with cas

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
casing present participle & vb. noun of Case, of Cash, The act or process of inclosing in, or covering with, a case or thin substance, as plaster, boards, etc., An outside covering, for protection or ornament, or to precent the radiation of heat., An inclosing frame; esp. the framework around a door or a window. See Case, n., 4.
caseic adjective Of or pertaining to cheese; as, caseic acid.
casein noun A proteid substance present in both the animal and the vegetable kingdom. In the animal kingdom it is chiefly found in milk, and constitutes the main part of the curd separated by rennet; in the vegetable kingdom it is found more or less abundantly in the seeds of leguminous plants. Its reactions resemble those of alkali albumin.
casern noun A lodging for soldiers in garrison towns, usually near the rampart; barracks.
caseum noun Same as Casein.
cashed imp. & past participle of Cash
cashew noun A tree (Anacardium occidentale) of the same family which the sumac. It is native in tropical America, but is now naturalized in all tropical countries. Its fruit, a kidney-shaped nut, grows at the extremity of an edible, pear-shaped hypocarp, about three inches long.
cashoo noun See Catechu.
casini plural of Casino
casino noun A small country house., A building or room used for meetings, or public amusements, for dancing, gaming, etc., A game at cards. See Cassino.
casket noun A small chest or box, esp. of rich material or ornamental character, as for jewels, etc., A kind of burial case., Anything containing or intended to contain something highly esteemed, The body., The tomb., A book of selections., A gasket. See Gasket., To put into, or preserve in, a casket.
casque noun A piece of defensive or ornamental armor (with or without a vizor) for the head and neck; a helmet.
cassia noun A genus of leguminous plants (herbs, shrubs, or trees) of many species, most of which have purgative qualities. The leaves of several species furnish the senna used in medicine., The bark of several species of Cinnamomum grown in China, etc.; Chinese cinnamon. It is imported as cassia, but commonly sold as cinnamon, from which it differs more or less in strength and flavor, and the amount of outer bark attached.
caster noun One who casts; as, caster of stones, etc. ; a caster of cannon; a caster of accounts., A vial, cruet, or other small vessel, used to contain condiments at the table; as, a set of casters., A stand to hold a set of cruets., A small wheel on a swivel, on which furniture is supported and moved.
castle noun A fortified residence, especially that of a prince or nobleman; a fortress., Any strong, imposing, and stately mansion., A small tower, as on a ship, or an elephant’s back., A piece, made to represent a castle, used in the game of chess; a rook., To move the castle to the square next to king, and then the king around the castle to the square next beyond it, for the purpose of covering the king.
castor noun A genus of rodents, including the beaver. See Beaver., Castoreum. See Castoreum., A hat, esp. one made of beaver fur; a beaver., A heavy quality of broadcloth for overcoats., See Caster, a small wheel., the northernmost of the two bright stars in the constellation Gemini, the other being Pollux., Alt. of Castorite
casual adjective Happening or coming to pass without design, and without being foreseen or expected; accidental; fortuitous; coming by chance., Coming without regularity; occasional; incidental; as, casual expenses., One who receives relief for a night in a parish to which he does not belong; a vagrant.