6 letter word starting with che

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
chebec noun See Chebacco., A small American bird (Empidonax minimus); the least flycatcher.
checky adjective Divided into small alternating squares of two tinctures; — said of the field or of an armorial bearing.
cheeky a Brazen-faced; impudent; bold.
cheese noun The curd of milk, coagulated usually with rennet, separated from the whey, and pressed into a solid mass in a hoop or mold., A mass of pomace, or ground apples, pressed together in the form of a cheese., The flat, circular, mucilaginous fruit of the dwarf mallow (Malva rotundifolia)., A low courtesy; — so called on account of the cheese form assumed by a woman’s dress when she stoops after extending the skirts by a rapid gyration.
cheesy adjective Having the nature, qualities, taste, form, consistency, or appearance of cheese.
chegoe noun Alt. of Chegre
chegre noun See Chigoe.
chelae plural of Chela
chemic noun A chemist; an alchemist., A solution of chloride of lime., Chemical.
cheque noun See Check.
chequy noun Same as Checky.
cherif noun See Cherif.
cherry noun A tree or shrub of the genus Prunus (Which also includes the plum) bearing a fleshy drupe with a bony stone;, The common garden cherry (Prunus Cerasus), of which several hundred varieties are cultivated for the fruit, some of which are, the begarreau, blackheart, black Tartarian, oxheart, morelle or morello, May-duke (corrupted from Medoc in France)., The wild cherry; as, Prunus serotina (wild black cherry), valued for its timber; P. Virginiana (choke cherry), an American shrub which bears astringent fruit; P. avium and P. Padus, European trees (bird cherry)., The fruit of the cherry tree, a drupe of various colors and flavors., The timber of the cherry tree, esp. of the black cherry, used in cabinetmaking, etc., A peculiar shade of red, like that of a cherry., Like a red cherry in color; ruddy; blooming; as, a cherry lip; cherry cheeks.
cherty adjective Like chert; containing chert; flinty.
cherub noun A mysterious composite being, the winged footstool and chariot of the Almighty, described in Ezekiel i. and x., A symbolical winged figure of unknown form used in connection with the mercy seat of the Jewish Ark and Temple., One of a order of angels, variously represented in art. In European painting the cherubim have been shown as blue, to denote knowledge, as distinguished from the seraphim (see Seraph), and in later art the children’s heads with wings are generally called cherubs., A beautiful child; — so called because artists have represented cherubs as beautiful children.
cherup verb i. To make a short, shrill, cheerful sound; to chirp. See Chirrup., To excite or urge on by making a short, shrill, cheerful sound; to cherup to. See Chirrup., A short, sharp, cheerful noise; a chirp; a chirrup; as, the cherup of a cricket.
chetah noun See Cheetah.
cheval noun A horse; hence, a support or frame.
cheven noun A river fish; the chub.
chevet noun The extreme end of the chancel or choir; properly the round or polygonal part.
chewed imp. & past participle of Chew
chewer noun One who chews.
chewet noun A kind of meat pie.