6 letter word starting with cy

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cyanic adjective Pertaining to, or containing, cyanogen., Of or pertaining to a blue color.
cyanin noun The blue coloring matter of flowers; — called also anthokyan and anthocyanin.
cyclas noun A long gown or surcoat (cut off in front), worn in the Middle Ages. It was sometimes embroidered or interwoven with gold. Also, a rich stuff from which the gown was made.
cycled imp. & past participle of Cycle
cyclic adjective Alt. of Cyclical
cyclo- A combining form meaning circular, of a circle or wheel.
cyclop noun See Note under Cyclops, 1.
cygnet noun A young swan.
cygnus noun A constellation of the northern hemisphere east of, or following, Lyra; the Swan.
cymbal noun A musical instrument used by the ancients. It is supposed to have been similar to the modern kettle drum, though perhaps smaller., A musical instrument of brass, shaped like a circular dish or a flat plate, with a handle at the back; — used in pairs to produce a sharp ringing sound by clashing them together., A musical instrument used by gypsies and others, made of steel wire, in a triangular form, on which are movable rings.
cymene noun A colorless, liquid, combustible hydrocarbon, CH3.C6H4.C3H7, of pleasant odor, obtained from oil of cumin, oil of caraway, carvacrol, camphor, etc.; — called also paracymene, and formerly camphogen.
cymoid adjective Having the form of a cyme.
cymose adjective Alt. of Cymous
cymous adjective Having the nature of a cyme, or derived from a cyme; bearing, or pertaining to, a cyme or cymes.
cymric adjective Welsh., The Welsh language.
cymule noun A small cyme, or one of very few flowers.
cypher noun & verb See Cipher.
cypres noun A rule for construing written instruments so as to conform as nearly to the intention of the parties as is consistent with law.
cypris noun A genus of small, bivalve, fresh-water Crustacea, belonging to the Ostracoda; also, a member of this genus.
cyprus noun A thin, transparent stuff, the same as, or corresponding to, crape. It was either white or black, the latter being most common, and used for mourning.
cysted adjective Inclosed in a cyst.
cystic adjective Having the form of, or living in, a cyst; as, the cystic entozoa., Containing cysts; cystose; as, cystic sarcoma., Pertaining to, or contained in, a cyst; esp., pertaining to, or contained in, either the urinary bladder or the gall bladder.
cystid noun One of the Cystidea.
cystis noun A cyst. See Cyst.
cytode noun A nonnucleated mass of protoplasm, the supposed simplest form of independent life differing from the amoeba, in which nuclei are present.
cytoid adjective Cell-like; — applied to the corpuscles of lymph, blood, chyle, etc.
cytula noun The fertilized egg cell or parent cell, from the development of which the child or other organism is formed.