6 letter word starting with dac

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
dacapo From the beginning; a direction to return to, and end with, the first strain; — indicated by the letters D. C. Also, the strain so repeated.
dacian adjective Of or pertaining to Dacia or the Dacians., A native of ancient Dacia.
dacoit noun One of a class of robbers, in India, who act in gangs.
dactyl noun A poetical foot of three sylables (– ~ ~), one long followed by two short, or one accented followed by two unaccented; as, L. tegm/n/, E. merb6ciful; — so called from the similarity of its arrangement to that of the joints of a finger., A finger or toe; a digit., The claw or terminal joint of a leg of an insect or crustacean.