6 letter word starting with dec

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
decade noun A group or division of ten; esp., a period of ten years; a decennium; as, a decade of years or days; a decade of soldiers; the second decade of Livy.
decamp verb i. To break up a camp; to move away from a camping ground, usually by night or secretly., Hence, to depart suddenly; to run away; — generally used disparagingly.
decane noun A liquid hydrocarbon, C10H22, of the paraffin series, including several isomeric modifications.
decani adjective Used of the side of the choir on which the dean’s stall is placed; decanal; — correlative to cantoris; as, the decanal, or decani, side.
decant verb t. To pour off gently, as liquor, so as not to disturb the sediment; or to pour from one vessel into another; as, to decant wine.
decard verb t. To discard.
decede noun To withdraw.
deceit noun An attempt or disposition to deceive or lead into error; any declaration, artifice, or practice, which misleads another, or causes him to believe what is false; a contrivance to entrap; deception; a wily device; fraud., Any trick, collusion, contrivance, false representation, or underhand practice, used to defraud another. When injury is thereby effected, an action of deceit, as it called, lies for compensation.
decene noun One of the higher hydrocarbons, C10H20, of the ethylene series.
decent adjective Suitable in words, behavior, dress, or ceremony; becoming; fit; decorous; proper; seemly; as, decent conduct; decent language., Free from immodesty or obscenity; modest., Comely; shapely; well-formed., Moderate, but competent; sufficient; hence, respectable; fairly good; reasonably comfortable or satisfying; as, a decent fortune; a decent person.
decern verb t. To perceive, discern, or decide., To decree; to adjudge.
decerp verb t. To pluck off; to crop; to gather.
decide verb t. To cut off; to separate., To bring to a termination, as a question, controversy, struggle, by giving the victory to one side or party; to render judgment concerning; to determine; to settle., To determine; to form a definite opinion; to come to a conclusion; to give decision; as, the court decided in favor of the defendant.
decile noun An aspect or position of two planets, when they are distant from each other a tenth part of the zodiac, or 36ยก.
decime noun A French coin, the tenth part of a franc, equal to about two cents.
decine noun One of the higher hydrocarbons, C10H15, of the acetylene series; — called also decenylene.
decked imp. & past participle of Deck
deckel noun Same as Deckle.
decker noun One who, or that which, decks or adorns; a coverer; as, a table decker., A vessel which has a deck or decks; — used esp. in composition; as, a single-decker; a three-decker.
deckle noun A separate thin wooden frame used to form the border of a hand mold, or a curb of India rubber or other material which rests on, and forms the edge of, the mold in a paper machine and determines the width of the paper.
decoct verb t. To prepare by boiling; to digest in hot or boiling water; to extract the strength or flavor of by boiling; to make an infusion of., To prepare by the heat of the stomach for assimilation; to digest; to concoct., To warm, strengthen, or invigorate, as if by boiling.
decore verb t. To decorate; to beautify.
decree noun An order from one having authority, deciding what is to be done by a subordinate; also, a determination by one having power, deciding what is to be done or to take place; edict, law; authoritative ru// decision., A decision, order, or sentence, given in a cause by a court of equity or admiralty., A determination or judgment of an umpire on a case submitted to him., An edict or law made by a council for regulating any business within their jurisdiction; as, the decrees of ecclesiastical councils., To determine judicially by authority, or by decree; to constitute by edict; to appoint by decree or law; to determine; to order; to ordain; as, a court decrees a restoration of property., To ordain by fate., To make decrees; — used absolutely.
decrew verb i. To decrease.
decurt verb t. To cut short; to curtail.
decury noun A set or squad of ten men under a decurion.