6 letter word starting with dis

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
disard noun See Dizzard.
disarm verb t. To deprive of arms; to take away the weapons of; to deprive of the means of attack or defense; to render defenseless., To deprive of the means or the disposition to harm; to render harmless or innocuous; as, to disarm a man’s wrath.
disbar verb t. To expel from the bar, or the legal profession; to deprive (an attorney, barrister, or counselor) of his status and privileges as such.
disbud verb To deprive of buds or shoots, as for training, or economizing the vital strength of a tree.
discal adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a disk; as, discal cells.
discus noun A quoit; a circular plate of some heavy material intended to be pitched or hurled as a trial of strength and skill., The exercise with the discus., A disk. See Disk.
disert adjective Eloquent.
dished imp. & past participle of Dish
dismal adjective Fatal; ill-omened; unlucky., Gloomy to the eye or ear; sorrowful and depressing to the feelings; foreboding; cheerless; dull; dreary; as, a dismal outlook; dismal stories; a dismal place.
disman verb t. To unman.
dismaw verb t. To eject from the maw; to disgorge.
dismay verb i. To disable with alarm or apprehensions; to depress the spirits or courage of; to deprive or firmness and energy through fear; to daunt; to appall; to terrify., To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet., To take dismay or fright; to be filled with dismay., Loss of courage and firmness through fear; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits; consternation., Condition fitted to dismay; ruin.
disorb verb t. To throw out of the proper orbit; to unsphere.
disord noun Disorder.
disown verb t. To refuse to own or acknowledge as belonging to one’s self; to disavow or deny, as connected with one’s self personally; as, a parent can hardly disown his child; an author will sometimes disown his writings., To refuse to acknowledge or allow; to deny.
dispel verb t. To drive away by scattering, or so to cause to vanish; to clear away; to banish; to dissipate; as, to dispel a cloud, vapors, cares, doubts, illusions.
disple verb t. To discipline; to correct.
disray variant of Disarray.
distad adverb Toward a distal part; on the distal side of; distally.
distal adjective Remote from the point of attachment or origin; as, the distal end of a bone or muscle, Pertaining to that which is distal; as, the distal tuberosities of a bone.
dister verb t. To banish or drive from a country.
distil verb t. & i. See Distill.
disuse verb t. To cease to use; to discontinue the practice of., To disaccustom; — with to or from; as, disused to toil., Cessation of use, practice, or exercise; inusitation; desuetude; as, the limbs lose their strength by disuse.