6 letter word starting with eq

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
equant noun A circle around whose circumference a planet or the center of ann epicycle was conceived to move uniformly; — called also eccentric equator.
equate verb t. To make equal; to reduce to an average; to make such an allowance or correction in as will reduce to a common standard of comparison; to reduce to mean time or motion; as, to equate payments; to equate lines of railroad for grades or curves; equated distances.
equery noun Same as Equerry.
equine adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a horse.
equity noun Equality of rights; natural justice or right; the giving, or desiring to give, to each man his due, according to reason, and the law of God to man; fairness in determination of conflicting claims; impartiality., An equitable claim; an equity of redemption; as, an equity to a settlement, or wife’s equity, etc., A system of jurisprudence, supplemental to law, properly so called, and complemental of it.