6 letter word starting with esc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
escape verb To flee from and avoid; to be saved or exempt from; to shun; to obtain security from; as, to escape danger., To avoid the notice of; to pass unobserved by; to evade; as, the fact escaped our attention., To flee, and become secure from danger; — often followed by from or out of., To get clear from danger or evil of any form; to be passed without harm., To get free from that which confines or holds; — used of persons or things; as, to escape from prison, from arrest, or from slavery; gas escapes from the pipes; electricity escapes from its conductors., The act of fleeing from danger, of evading harm, or of avoiding notice; deliverance from injury or any evil; flight; as, an escape in battle; a narrow escape; also, the means of escape; as, a fire escape., That which escapes attention or restraint; a mistake; an oversight; also, transgression., A sally., The unlawful permission, by a jailer or other custodian, of a prisoner’s departure from custody., An apophyge., Leakage or outflow, as of steam or a liquid., Leakage or loss of currents from the conducting wires, caused by defective insulation.
escarp noun The side of the ditch next the parapet; — same as scarp, and opposed to counterscarp., To make into, or furnish with, a steep slope, like that of a scrap.
eschar noun A dry slough, crust, or scab, which separates from the healthy part of the body, as that produced by a burn, or the application of caustics., In Ireland, one of the continuous mounds or ridges of gravelly and sandy drift which extend for many miles over the surface of the country. Similar ridges in Scotland are called kames or kams.
eschew adjective To shun; to avoid, as something wrong, or from a feeling of distaste; to keep one’s self clear of., To escape from; to avoid.
escort noun A body of armed men to attend a person of distinction for the sake of affording safety when on a journey; one who conducts some one as an attendant; a guard, as of prisoners on a march; also, a body of persons, attending as a mark of respect or honor; — applied to movements on land, as convoy is to movements at sea., Protection, care, or safeguard on a journey or excursion; as, to travel under the escort of a friend., To attend with a view to guard and protect; to accompany as safeguard; to give honorable or ceremonious attendance to; — used esp. with reference to journeys or excursions on land; as, to escort a public functionary, or a lady; to escort a baggage wagon.
escout noun See Scout.
escrod noun See Scrod, a young cod.
escrol noun Alt. of Escroll
escrow noun A deed, bond, or other written engagement, delivered to a third person, to be held by him till some act is done or some condition is performed, and then to be by him delivered to the grantee.