6 letter word starting with est

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
estate noun Settled condition or form of existence; state; condition or circumstances of life or of any person; situation., Social standing or rank; quality; dignity., A person of high rank., A property which a person possesses; a fortune; possessions, esp. property in land; also, property of all kinds which a person leaves to be divided at his death., The state; the general body politic; the common-wealth; the general interest; state affairs., The great classes or orders of a community or state (as the clergy, the nobility, and the commonalty of England) or their representatives who administer the government; as, the estates of the realm (England), which are (1) the lords spiritual, (2) the lords temporal, (3) the commons., The degree, quality, nature, and extent of one’s interest in, or ownership of, lands, tenements, etc.; as, an estate for life, for years, at will, etc., To establish., Tom settle as a fortune., To endow with an estate.
esteem verb t. To set a value on; to appreciate the worth of; to estimate; to value; to reckon., To set a high value on; to prize; to regard with reverence, respect, or friendship., To form an estimate; to have regard to the value; to consider., Estimation; opinion of merit or value; hence, valuation; reckoning; price., High estimation or value; great regard; favorable opinion, founded on supposed worth.
estray verb i. To stray., Any valuable animal, not wild, found wandering from its owner; a stray.
estufa noun An assembly room in dwelling of the Pueblo Indians.
esture noun Commotion.