6 letter word starting with eu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
euchre noun A game at cards, that may be played by two, three, or four persons, the highest card (except when an extra card called the Joker is used) being the knave of the same suit as the trump, and called right bower, the lowest card used being the seven, or frequently, in two-handed euchre, the nine spot. See Bower., To defeat, in a game of euchre, the side that named the trump., To defeat or foil thoroughly in any scheme.
euclid noun A Greek geometer of the 3d century b. c.; also, his treatise on geometry, and hence, the principles of geometry, in general.
eugeny Nobleness of birth.
eulogy noun A speech or writing in commendation of the character or services of a person; as, a fitting eulogy to worth.
eunomy noun Equal law, or a well-adjusted constitution of government.
eunuch noun A male of the human species castrated; commonly, one of a class of such persons, in Oriental countries, having charge of the women’s apartments. Some of them, in former times, gained high official rank., Alt. of Eunuchate
eureka The exclamation attributed to Archimedes, who is said to have cried out “Eureka! eureka!” (I have found it! I have found it!), upon suddenly discovering a method of finding out how much the gold of King Hiero’s crown had been alloyed. Hence, an expression of triumph concerning a discovery.
eutaxy noun Good or established order or arrangement.