6 letter word starting with ev

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
evaded imp. & past participle of Evade
evanid adjective Liable to vanish or disappear; faint; weak; evanescent; as, evanid color.
evened imp. & past participle of Even
evener noun One who, or that which makes even., In vehicles, a swinging crossbar, to the ends of which other crossbars, or whiffletrees, are hung, to equalize the draught when two or three horses are used abreast.
evenly adverb With an even, level, or smooth surface; without roughness, elevations, or depression; uniformly; equally; comfortably; impartially; serenely.
everse verb t. To overthrow or subvert.
evilly adverb In an evil manner; not well; ill.
evince verb t. To conquer; to subdue., To show in a clear manner; to prove beyond any reasonable doubt; to manifest; to make evident; to bring to light; to evidence.
evoked imp. & past participle of Evoke
evolve verb t. To unfold or unroll; to open and expand; to disentangle and exhibit clearly and satisfactorily; to develop; to derive; to educe., To throw out; to emit; as, to evolve odors., To become open, disclosed, or developed; to pass through a process of evolution.
evomit verb t. To vomit.