6 letter word starting with fen

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fencer noun One who fences; one who teaches or practices the art of fencing with sword or foil.
fended imp. & past participle of Fend
fender verb t. & i. One who or that which defends or protects by warding off harm, A screen to prevent coals or sparks of an open fire from escaping to the floor., Anything serving as a cushion to lessen the shock when a vessel comes in contact with another vessel or a wharf., A screen to protect a carriage from mud thrown off the wheels: also, a splashboard., Anything set up to protect an exposed angle, as of a house, from damage by carriage wheels.
fenian noun A member of a secret organization, consisting mainly of Irishment, having for its aim the overthrow of English rule in ireland., Pertaining to Fenians or to Fenianism.
fennec noun A small, African, foxlike animal (Vulpes zerda) of a pale fawn color, remarkable for the large size of its ears.
fennel noun A perennial plant of the genus Faeniculum (F. vulgare), having very finely divided leaves. It is cultivated in gardens for the agreeable aromatic flavor of its seeds.