6 letter word starting with fer

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
feriae plural of Feria
ferial noun Same as Feria., Of or pertaining to holidays., Belonging to any week day, esp. to a day that is neither a festival nor a fast.
ferier adjective compar. of Fere, fierce.
ferine adjective Wild; untamed; savage; as, lions, tigers, wolves, and bears are ferine beasts., A wild beast; a beast of prey.
ferity noun Wildness; savageness; fierceness.
ferous adjective Wild; savage.
ferrer adjective & adverb compar. of Fer.
ferret noun An animal of the Weasel family (Mustela / Putorius furo), about fourteen inches in length, of a pale yellow or white color, with red eyes. It is a native of Africa, but has been domesticated in Europe. Ferrets are used to drive rabbits and rats out of their holes., To drive or hunt out of a lurking place, as a ferret does the cony; to search out by patient and sagacious efforts; — often used with out; as, to ferret out a secret., A kind of narrow tape, usually made of woolen; sometimes of cotton or silk; — called also ferreting., The iron used for trying the melted glass to see if is fit to work, and for shaping the rings at the mouths of bottles.
ferri- A combining form indicating ferric iron as an ingredient; as, ferricyanide.
ferric adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or containing iron. Specifically (Chem.), denoting those compounds in which iron has a higher valence than in the ferrous compounds; as, ferric oxide; ferric acid.
ferro- A prefix, or combining form, indicating ferrous iron as an ingredient; as, ferrocyanide.
ferthe adjective Fourth.
ferula noun A ferule., The imperial scepter in the Byzantine or Eastern Empire.
ferule noun A flat piece of wood, used for striking, children, esp. on the hand, in punishment., To punish with a ferule.
fervid adjective Very hot; burning; boiling., Ardent; vehement; zealous.
fervor noun Heat; excessive warmth., Intensity of feeling or expression; glowing ardor; passion; holy zeal; earnestness.