6 letter word starting with fib

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fibbed imp. & past participle of Fib
fibber noun One who tells fibs.
fibred adjective Having fibers; made up of fibers.
fibril noun A small fiber; the branch of a fiber; a very slender thread; a fibrilla.
fibrin noun A white, albuminous, fibrous substance, formed in the coagulation of the blood either by decomposition of fibrinogen, or from the union of fibrinogen and paraglobulin which exist separately in the blood. It is insoluble in water, but is readily digestible in gastric and pancreatic juice., The white, albuminous mass remaining after washing lean beef or other meat with water until all coloring matter is removed; the fibrous portion of the muscle tissue; flesh fibrin., An albuminous body, resembling animal fibrin in composition, found in cereal grains and similar seeds; vegetable fibrin.
fibula noun A brooch, clasp, or buckle., The outer and usually the smaller of the two bones of the leg, or hind limb, below the knee., A needle for sewing up wounds.