6 letter word starting with for

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
forage noun The act of foraging; search for provisions, etc., Food of any kind for animals, especially for horses and cattle, as grass, pasture, hay, corn, oats., To wander or rove in search of food; to collect food, esp. forage, for horses and cattle by feeding on or stripping the country; to ravage; to feed on spoil., To strip of provisions; to supply with forage; as, to forage steeds.
forbid of Forbid, To command against, or contrary to; to prohibit; to interdict., To deny, exclude from, or warn off, by express command; to command not to enter., To oppose, hinder, or prevent, as if by an effectual command; as, an impassable river forbids the approach of the army., To accurse; to blast., To defy; to challenge., To utter a prohibition; to prevent; to hinder.
forced imp. & past participle of Force, Done or produced with force or great labor, or by extraordinary exertion; hurried; strained; produced by unnatural effort or pressure; as, a forced style; a forced laugh.
forcer noun One who, or that which, forces or drives., The solid piston of a force pump; the instrument by which water is forced in a pump., A small hand pump for sinking pits, draining cellars, etc.
forcut verb t. To cut completely; to cut off.
forded imp. & past participle of Ford
fordry adjective Entirely dry; withered.
foreby preposition Near; hard by; along; past. See Forby.
forego verb t. To quit; to relinquish; to leave., To relinquish the enjoyment or advantage of; to give up; to resign; to renounce; — said of a thing already enjoyed, or of one within reach, or anticipated., To go before; to precede; — used especially in the present and past participles.
forein adjective Foreign.
forest noun An extensive wood; a large tract of land covered with trees; in the United States, a wood of native growth, or a tract of woodland which has never been cultivated., A large extent or precinct of country, generally waste and woody, belonging to the sovereign, set apart for the keeping of game for his use, not inclosed, but distinguished by certain limits, and protected by certain laws, courts, and officers of its own., Of or pertaining to a forest; sylvan., To cover with trees or wood.
forfex noun A pair of shears.
forged imp. & past participle of Forge
forger noun & verb t. One who forges, makes, of forms; a fabricator; a falsifier., Especially: One guilty of forgery; one who makes or issues a counterfeit document.
forgot imp. of Forget, of Forget, imp. & p. p. of Forget.
forgat of Forget
forget verb t. To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory; to cease to have in mind; not to think of; also, to lose the power of; to cease from doing., To treat with inattention or disregard; to slight; to neglect.
forked imp. & past participle of Fork, Formed into a forklike shape; having a fork; dividing into two or more prongs or branches; furcated; bifurcated; zigzag; as, the forked lighting., Having a double meaning; ambiguous; equivocal.
forlay verb t. To lie in wait for; to ambush.
forlet verb t. To give up; to leave; to abandon.
forlie verb i. See Forelie.
forlye verb i. Same as Forlie.
formed imp. & past participle of Form, Arranged, as stars in a constellation; as, formed stars., Having structure; capable of growth and development; organized; as, the formed or organized ferments. See Ferment, n.
formal noun See Methylal., Belonging to the form, shape, frame, external appearance, or organization of a thing., Belonging to the constitution of a thing, as distinguished from the matter composing it; having the power of making a thing what it is; constituent; essential; pertaining to or depending on the forms, so called, of the human intellect., Done in due form, or with solemnity; according to regular method; not incidental, sudden or irregular; express; as, he gave his formal consent., Devoted to, or done in accordance with, forms or rules; punctilious; regular; orderly; methodical; of a prescribed form; exact; prim; stiff; ceremonious; as, a man formal in his dress, his gait, his conversation., Having the form or appearance without the substance or essence; external; as, formal duty; formal worship; formal courtesy, etc., Dependent in form; conventional., Sound; normal.
former noun One who forms; a maker; a creator., A shape around which an article is to be shaped, molded, woven wrapped, pasted, or otherwise constructed., A templet, pattern, or gauge by which an article is shaped., A cutting die., Preceding in order of time; antecedent; previous; prior; earlier; hence, ancient; long past., Near the beginning; preceeding; as, the former part of a discourse or argument., Earlier, as between two things mentioned together; first mentioned.
formic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, ants; as, formic acid; in an extended sense, pertaining to, or derived from, formic acid; as, formic ether.
formyl noun A univalent radical, H.C:O, regarded as the essential residue of formic acid and aldehyde., Formerly, the radical methyl, CH3.
fornix noun An arch or fold; as, the fornix, or vault, of the cranium; the fornix, or reflection, of the conjuctiva., Esp., two longitudinal bands of white nervous tissue beneath the lateral ventricles of the brain.
forold adjective Very old.
forray verb t. To foray; to ravage; to pillage., The act of ravaging; a ravaging; a predatory excursion. See Foray.
forsay verb t. To forbid; to renounce; to forsake; to deny.
forted adjective Furnished with, or guarded by, forts; strengthened or defended, as by forts.
forthy adverb Therefore.
fortin noun A little fort; a fortlet.
forums plural of Forum
forwhy conj. Wherefore; because.
forwot pres. indic. 1st & 3d pers. sing. of Forwete.