6 letter word starting with fr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fracas verb t. An uproar; a noisy quarrel; a disturbance; a brawl.
fracho noun A shallow iron pan to hold glass ware while being annealed.
fracid adjective Rotten from being too ripe; overripe.
fraena plural of Frenum
frenum noun A connecting fold of membrane serving to support or restrain any part; as, the fraenum of the tongue., A cheek stripe of color., Same as Fraenum.
fragor noun A loud and sudden sound; the report of anything bursting; a crash., A strong or sweet scent.
fraise noun A large and thick pancake, with slices of bacon in it., A defense consisting of pointed stakes driven into the ramparts in a horizontal or inclined position., A fluted reamer for enlarging holes in stone; a small milling cutter., To protect, as a line of troops, against an onset of cavalry, by opposing bayonets raised obliquely forward.
fraken noun A freckle.
framed imp. & past participle of Frame
framer noun One who frames; as, the framer of a building; the framers of the Constitution.
frater noun A monk; also, a frater house.
fraxin noun A colorless crystalline substance, regarded as a glucoside, and found in the bark of the ash (Fraxinus) and along with esculin in the bark of the horse-chestnut. It shows a delicate fluorescence in alkaline solutions; — called also paviin.
frayed imp. & past participle of Fray
freely adverb In a free manner; without restraint or compulsion; abundantly; gratuitously.
freeze noun A frieze., To become congealed by cold; to be changed from a liquid to a solid state by the abstraction of heat; to be hardened into ice or a like solid body., To become chilled with cold, or as with cold; to suffer loss of animation or life by lack of heat; as, the blood freezes in the veins., To congeal; to harden into ice; to convert from a fluid to a solid form by cold, or abstraction of heat., To cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat; to give the sensation of cold to; to chill., The act of congealing, or the state of being congealed.
frozen past participle of Freeze, Congealed with cold; affected by freezing; as, a frozen brook., Subject to frost, or to long and severe cold; chilly; as, the frozen north; the frozen zones., Cold-hearted; unsympathetic; unyielding.
frelte noun Frailty.
fremed adjective Strange; foreign.
french adjective Of or pertaining to France or its inhabitants., The language spoken in France., Collectively, the people of France.
frenzy noun Any violent agitation of the mind approaching to distraction; violent and temporary derangement of the mental faculties; madness; rage., Mad; frantic., To affect with frenzy; to drive to madness
fresco adjective A cool, refreshing state of the air; duskiness; coolness; shade., The art of painting on freshly spread plaster, before it dries., In modern parlance, incorrectly applied to painting on plaster in any manner., A painting on plaster in either of senses a and b., To paint in fresco, as walls.
fretty adjective Adorned with fretwork.
fretum noun A strait, or arm of the sea.
friary noun Like a friar; pertaining to friars or to a convent., A monastery; a convent of friars., The institution or praactices of friars.
frible adjective Frivolous; trifling; sily.
friday noun The sixth day of the week, following Thursday and preceding Saturday.
fridge noun To rub; to fray.
friend noun One who entertains for another such sentiments of esteem, respect, and affection that he seeks his society aud welfare; a wellwisher; an intimate associate; sometimes, an attendant., One not inimical or hostile; one not a foe or enemy; also, one of the same nation, party, kin, etc., whose friendly feelings may be assumed. The word is some times used as a term of friendly address., One who looks propitiously on a cause, an institution, a project, and the like; a favorer; a promoter; as, a friend to commerce, to poetry, to an institution., One of a religious sect characterized by disuse of outward rites and an ordained ministry, by simplicity of dress and speech, and esp. by opposition to war and a desire to live at peace with all men. They are popularly called Quakers., A paramour of either sex., To act as the friend of; to favor; to countenance; to befriend.
friese noun Same as Friesic, n.
frieze noun That part of the entablature of an order which is between the architrave and cornice. It is a flat member or face, either uniform or broken by triglyphs, and often enriched with figures and other ornaments of sculpture., Any sculptured or richly ornamented band in a building or, by extension, in rich pieces of furniture. See Illust. of Column., A kind of coarse woolen cloth or stuff with a shaggy or tufted (friezed) nap on one side., To make a nap on (cloth); to friz. See Friz, v. t., 2.
frigga noun The wife of Odin and mother of the gods; the supreme goddess; the Juno of the Valhalla. Cf. Freya.
fright noun A state of terror excited by the sudden appearance of danger; sudden and violent fear, usually of short duration; a sudden alarm., Anything strange, ugly or shocking, producing a feeling of alarm or aversion., To alarm suddenly; to shock by causing sudden fear; to terrify; to scare.
frigid adjective Cold; wanting heat or warmth; of low temperature; as, a frigid climate., Wanting warmth, fervor, ardor, fire, vivacity, etc.; unfeeling; forbidding in manner; dull and unanimated; stiff and formal; as, a frigid constitution; a frigid style; a frigid look or manner; frigid obedience or service., Wanting natural heat or vigor sufficient to excite the generative power; impotent.
fringe noun An ornamental appendage to the border of a piece of stuff, originally consisting of the ends of the warp, projecting beyond the woven fabric; but more commonly made separate and sewed on, consisting sometimes of projecting ends, twisted or plaited together, and sometimes of loose threads of wool, silk, or linen, or narrow strips of leather, or the like., Something resembling in any respect a fringe; a line of objects along a border or edge; a border; an edging; a margin; a confine., One of a number of light or dark bands, produced by the interference of light; a diffraction band; — called also interference fringe., The peristome or fringelike appendage of the capsules of most mosses. See Peristome., To adorn the edge of with a fringe or as with a fringe.
fringy adjective Aborned with fringes.
frisky adjective Inclined to frisk; frolicsome; gay.
frithy adjective Woody.
frizel adjective A movable furrowed piece of steel struck by the flint, to throw sparks into the pan, in an early form of flintlock.
frizzy adjective Curled or crisped; as, frizzly, hair.
froggy adjective Abounding in frogs.
froise noun A kind of pancake. See 1st Fraise.
frolic adjective Full of levity; dancing, playing, or frisking about; full of pranks; frolicsome; gay; merry., A wild prank; a flight of levity, or of gayety and mirth., A scene of gayety and mirth, as in lively play, or in dancing; a merrymaking., To play wild pranks; to play tricks of levity, mirth, and gayety; to indulge in frolicsome play; to sport.
fronde noun A political party in France, during the minority of Louis XIV., who opposed the government, and made war upon the court party.
frosty adjective Attended with, or producing, frost; having power to congeal water; cold; freezing; as, a frosty night., Covered with frost; as, the grass is frosty., Chill in affection; without warmth of affection or courage., Appearing as if covered with hoarfrost; white; gray-haired; as, a frosty head.
frothy superl. Full of foam or froth, or consisting of froth or light bubbles; spumous; foamy., Not firm or solid; soft; unstable., Of the nature of froth; light; empty; unsubstantial; as, a frothy speaker or harangue.
frouzy adjective Fetid, musty; rank; disordered and offensive to the smell or sight; slovenly; dingy. See Frowzy.
frower noun A tool. See 2d Frow.
frowey adjective Working smoothly, or without splitting; — said of timber.
frowny adjective Frowning; scowling.
frowzy adjective Slovenly; unkempt; untidy; frouzy.
frugal noun Economical in the use or appropriation of resources; not wasteful or lavish; wise in the expenditure or application of force, materials, time, etc.; characterized by frugality; sparing; economical; saving; as, a frugal housekeeper; frugal of time., Obtained by, or appropriate to, economy; as, a frugal fortune.
frusta plural of Frustum
frutex noun A plant having a woody, durable stem, but less than a tree; a shrub.
frying present participle & vb. noun of Fry, The process denoted by the verb fry.