6 letter word starting with ga

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gabber noun A liar; a deceiver., One addicted to idle talk.
gabble verb i. To talk fast, or to talk without meaning; to prate; to jabber., To utter inarticulate sounds with rapidity; as, gabbling fowls., Loud or rapid talk without meaning., Inarticulate sounds rapidly uttered; as of fowls.
gabbro noun A name originally given by the Italians to a kind of serpentine, later to the rock called euphotide, and now generally used for a coarsely crystalline, igneous rock consisting of lamellar pyroxene (diallage) and labradorite, with sometimes chrysolite (olivine gabbro).
gabert noun A lighter, or vessel for inland navigation.
gabion noun A hollow cylinder of wickerwork, like a basket without a bottom. Gabions are made of various sizes, and filled with earth in building fieldworks to shelter men from an enemy’s fire., An openwork frame, as of poles, filled with stones and sunk, to assist in forming a bar dyke, etc., as in harbor improvement.
gablet noun A small gable, or gable-shaped canopy, formed over a tabernacle, niche, etc.
gadded imp. & past participle of Gad
gadbee noun The gadfly.
gadder noun One who roves about idly, a rambling gossip.
gadere verb t. & i. Alt. of Gadre
gadfly noun Any dipterous insect of the genus Oestrus, and allied genera of botflies.
gadman noun A gadsman.
gadoid adjective Of or pertaining to the family of fishes (Gadidae) which includes the cod, haddock, and hake., One of the Gadidae.
gaduin noun A yellow or brown amorphous substance, of indifferent nature, found in cod-liver oil.
gaelic adjective Of or pertaining to the Gael, esp. to the Celtic Highlanders of Scotland; as, the Gaelic language., The language of the Gaels, esp. of the Highlanders of Scotland. It is a branch of the Celtic.
gaffed imp. & past participle of Gaff
gaffer noun An old fellow; an aged rustic., A foreman or overseer of a gang of laborers.
gaffle noun An artificial spur or gaff for gamecocks., A lever to bend crossbows.
gagged imp. & past participle of Gag
gagate noun Agate.
gaging p. pr & vb. noun of Gage
gagger noun One who gags., A piece of iron imbedded in the sand of a mold to keep the sand in place.
gaggle verb i. To make a noise like a goose; to cackle., A flock of wild geese.
gaidic adjective Pertaining to hypogeic acid; — applied to an acid obtained from hypogeic acid.
gaiety noun Same as Gayety.
gailer noun A jailer.
gained imp. & past participle of Gain
gainer noun One who gains.
gainly adjective Handily; readily; dexterously; advantageously.
gaited adjective Having (such) a gait; — used in composition; as, slow-gaited; heavy-gaited.
gaiter noun A covering of cloth or leather for the ankle and instep, or for the whole leg from the knee to the instep, fitting down upon the shoe., A kind of shoe, consisting of cloth, and covering the ankle., To dress with gaiters.
gaitre noun Alt. of Gaytre
gaytre noun The dogwood tree., The dogwood tree.
galage noun See Galoche.
galago noun A genus of African lemurs, including numerous species.
galaxy noun The Milky Way; that luminous tract, or belt, which is seen at night stretching across the heavens, and which is composed of innumerable stars, so distant and blended as to be distinguishable only with the telescope. The term has recently been used for remote clusters of stars., A splendid assemblage of persons or things.
galban noun Alt. of Galbanum
galeas noun See Galleass.
galena noun A remedy or antidose for poison; theriaca., Lead sulphide; the principal ore of lead. It is of a bluish gray color and metallic luster, and is cubic in crystallization and cleavage.
galiot noun A small galley, formerly used in the Mediterranean, built mainly for speed. It was moved both by sails and oars, having one mast, and sixteen or twenty seats for rowers., A strong, light-draft, Dutch merchant vessel, carrying a mainmast and a mizzenmast, and a large gaff mainsail.
galled imp. & past participle of Gall
galley noun A vessel propelled by oars, whether having masts and sails or not, A large vessel for war and national purposes; — common in the Middle Ages, and down to the 17th century., A name given by analogy to the Greek, Roman, and other ancient vessels propelled by oars., A light, open boat used on the Thames by customhouse officers, press gangs, and also for pleasure., One of the small boats carried by a man-of-war., The cookroom or kitchen and cooking apparatus of a vessel; — sometimes on merchant vessels called the caboose., An oblong oven or muffle with a battery of retorts; a gallery furnace., An oblong tray of wood or brass, with upright sides, for holding type which has been set, or is to be made up, etc., A proof sheet taken from type while on a galley; a galley proof.
gallic adjective Pertaining to, or containing, gallium., Pertaining to, or derived from, galls, nutgalls, and the like., Pertaining to Gaul or France; Gallican.
gallin noun A substance obtained by the reduction of gallein.
gallon noun A measure of capacity, containing four quarts; — used, for the most part, in liquid measure, but sometimes in dry measure.
gallop verb i. To move or run in the mode called a gallop; as a horse; to go at a gallop; to run or move with speed., To ride a horse at a gallop., Fig.: To go rapidly or carelessly, as in making a hasty examination., To cause to gallop., A mode of running by a quadruped, particularly by a horse, by lifting alternately the fore feet and the hind feet, in successive leaps or bounds.
gallow verb t. To fright or terrify. See Gally, v. t.
galoot noun A noisy, swaggering, or worthless fellow; a rowdy.
galore noun & adjective Plenty; abundance; in abundance.
galwes noun Gallows.
gambet noun Any bird of the genuis Totanus. See Tattler.
gambit noun A mode of opening the game, in which a pawn is sacrificed to gain an attacking position.
gamble verb i. To play or game for money or other stake., To lose or squander by gaming; — usually with away.
gambol noun A skipping or leaping about in frolic; a hop; a sportive prank., To dance and skip about in sport; to frisk; to skip; to play in frolic, like boys or lambs.
gaming present participle & vb. noun of Game, The act or practice of playing games for stakes or wagers; gambling.
gamely adverb In a plucky manner; spiritedly.
gammer noun An old wife; an old woman; — correlative of gaffer, an old man.
gammon noun The buttock or thigh of a hog, salted and smoked or dried; the lower end of a flitch., To make bacon of; to salt and dry in smoke., Backgammon., An imposition or hoax; humbug., To beat in the game of backgammon, before an antagonist has been able to get his “men” or counters home and withdraw any of them from the board; as, to gammon a person., To impose on; to hoax; to cajole., To fasten (a bowsprit) to the stem of a vessel by lashings of rope or chain, or by a band of iron.
gander noun The male of any species of goose.
ganesa noun The Hindoo god of wisdom or prudence.
ganger noun One who oversees a gang of workmen.
gangue noun The mineral or earthy substance associated with metallic ore.
gannet noun One of several species of sea birds of the genus Sula, allied to the pelicans.
ganoid adjective Of or pertaining to Ganoidei. — n. One of the Ganoidei.
gantry noun See Gauntree.
gaoler noun The keeper of a jail. See Jailer.
gaping present participle & vb. noun of Gape
garbed adjective Dressed; habited; clad.
garbel noun Same as Garboard., Anything sifted, or from which the coarse parts have been taken.
garble verb t. To sift or bolt, to separate the fine or valuable parts of from the coarse and useless parts, or from dros or dirt; as, to garble spices., To pick out such parts of as may serve a purpose; to mutilate; to pervert; as, to garble a quotation; to garble an account., Refuse; rubbish., Impurities separated from spices, drugs, etc.; — also called garblings.
garden noun A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables., A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country., To lay out or cultivate a garden; to labor in a garden; to practice horticulture., To cultivate as a garden.
gardon noun A European cyprinoid fish; the id.
garget noun The throat., A diseased condition of the udders of cows, etc., arising from an inflammation of the mammary glands., A distemper in hogs, indicated by staggering and loss of appetite., See Poke.
gargil noun A distemper in geese, affecting the head.
gargle noun See Gargoyle., To wash or rinse, as the mouth or throat, particular the latter, agitating the liquid (water or a medicinal preparation) by an expulsion of air from the lungs., To warble; to sing as if gargling, A liquid, as water or some medicated preparation, used to cleanse the mouth and throat, especially for a medical effect.
gargol noun A distemper in swine; garget.
garish adjective Showy; dazzling; ostentatious; attracting or exciting attention., Gay to extravagance; flighty.
garlic noun A plant of the genus Allium (A. sativum is the cultivated variety), having a bulbous root, a very strong smell, and an acrid, pungent taste. Each root is composed of several lesser bulbs, called cloves of garlic, inclosed in a common membranous coat, and easily separable., A kind of jig or farce.
garner noun A granary; a building or place where grain is stored for preservation., To gather for preservation; to store, as in a granary; to treasure.
garnet noun A mineral having many varieties differing in color and in their constituents, but with the same crystallization (isometric), and conforming to the same general chemical formula. The commonest color is red, the luster is vitreous, and the hardness greater than that of quartz. The dodecahedron and trapezohedron are the common forms., A tackle for hoisting cargo in our out.
garous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, garum.
garran noun See Galloway.
garret noun A turret; a watchtower., That part of a house which is on the upper floor, immediately under or within the roof; an attic.
garron noun Same as Garran.
garrot noun A stick or small wooden cylinder used for tightening a bandage, in order to compress the arteries of a limb., The European golden-eye.
garter noun A band used to prevent a stocking from slipping down on the leg., The distinguishing badge of the highest order of knighthood in Great Britain, called the Order of the Garter, instituted by Edward III.; also, the Order itself., Same as Bendlet., To bind with a garter., To invest with the Order of the Garter.
garvie noun The sprat; — called also garvie herring, and garvock.
gascon adjective Of or pertaining to Gascony, in France, or to the Gascons; also, braggart; swaggering., A native of Gascony; a boaster; a bully. See Gasconade.
gashed imp. & past participle of Gash
gasify verb t. To convert into gas, or an aeriform fluid, as by the application of heat, or by chemical processes., To become gas; to pass from a liquid to a gaseous state.
gasket noun A line or band used to lash a furled sail securely. Sea gaskets are common lines; harbor gaskets are plaited and decorated lines or bands. Called also casket., The plaited hemp used for packing a piston, as of the steam engine and its pumps., Any ring or washer of packing.
gasped imp. & past participle of Gasp
gaster verb t. To gast.
gastly adjective See Ghastful, Ghastly.
gather verb t. To bring together; to collect, as a number of separate things, into one place, or into one aggregate body; to assemble; to muster; to congregate., To pick out and bring together from among what is of less value; to collect, as a harvest; to harvest; to cull; to pick off; to pluck., To accumulate by collecting and saving little by little; to amass; to gain; to heap up., To bring closely together the parts or particles of; to contract; to compress; to bring together in folds or plaits, as a garment; also, to draw together, as a piece of cloth by a thread; to pucker; to plait; as, to gather a ruffle., To derive, or deduce, as an inference; to collect, as a conclusion, from circumstances that suggest, or arguments that prove; to infer; to conclude., To gain; to win., To bring together, or nearer together, in masonry, as where the width of a fireplace is rapidly diminished to the width of the flue, or the like., To haul in; to take up; as, to gather the slack of a rope., To come together; to collect; to unite; to become assembled; to congregate., To grow larger by accretion; to increase., To concentrate; to come to a head, as a sore, and generate pus; as, a boil has gathered., To collect or bring things together., A plait or fold in cloth, made by drawing a thread through it; a pucker., The inclination forward of the axle journals to keep the wheels from working outward., The soffit or under surface of the masonry required in gathering. See Gather, v. t., 7.
gauche noun Left handed; hence, awkward; clumsy., Winding; twisted; warped; — applied to curves and surfaces.
gaucho noun One of the native inhabitants of the pampas, of Spanish-American descent. They live mostly by rearing cattle.
gauded imp. & past participle of Gaud
gauged imp. & past participle of Gauge, Tested or measured by, or conformed to, a gauge.
gauger noun One who gauges; an officer whose business it is to ascertain the contents of casks.
gaviae noun pl. The division of birds which includes the gulls and terns.
gavial noun A large Asiatic crocodilian (Gavialis Gangeticus); — called also nako, and Gangetic crocodile.
gayety adjective The state of being gay; merriment; mirth; acts or entertainments prompted by, or inspiring, merry delight; — used often in the plural; as, the gayeties of the season., Finery; show; as, the gayety of dress.
gazing present participle & vb. noun of Gaze