6 letter word starting with gu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
guacho noun One of the mixed-blood (Spanish-Indian) inhabitants of the pampas of South America; a mestizo., An Indian who serves as a messenger.
guaiac adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, guaiacum., Guaiacum.
guanin noun A crystalline substance (C5H5N5O) contained in guano. It is also a constituent of the liver, pancreas, and other glands in mammals.
guanos plural of Guano
guards noun pl. A body of picked troops; as, “The Household Guards.”
gueber noun Alt. of Guebre
guebre noun Same as Gheber.
guelph noun Alt. of Guelf
guenon noun One of several long-tailed Oriental monkeys, of the genus Cercocebus, as the green monkey and grivet.
gue’vi noun One of several very small species and varieties of African antelopes, of the genus Cephalophus, as the Cape guevi or kleeneboc (Cephalophus pygmaea); — called also pygmy antelope.
guffaw noun A loud burst of laughter; a horse laugh.
guffer noun The eelpout; guffer eel.
guggle verb i. See Gurgle.
guided imp. & past participle of Guide
guider noun A guide; a director.
guidon verb t. A small flag or streamer, as that carried by cavalry, which is broad at one end and nearly pointed at the other, or that used to direct the movements of a body of infantry, or to make signals at sea; also, the flag of a guild or fraternity. In the United States service, each company of cavalry has a guidon., One who carries a flag., One of a community established at Rome, by Charlemagne, to guide pilgrims to the Holy Land.
guilor noun A deceiver; one who deludes, or uses guile.
guilty superl. Having incurred guilt; criminal; morally delinquent; wicked; chargeable with, or responsible for, something censurable; justly exposed to penalty; — used with of, and usually followed by the crime, sometimes by the punishment., Evincing or indicating guilt; involving guilt; as, a guilty look; a guilty act; a guilty feeling., Conscious; cognizant., Condemned to payment.
guinea noun A district on the west coast of Africa (formerly noted for its export of gold and slaves) after which the Guinea fowl, Guinea grass, Guinea peach, etc., are named., A gold coin of England current for twenty-one shillings sterling, or about five dollars, but not coined since the issue of sovereigns in 1817.
guiser noun A person in disguise; a masker; a mummer.
guitar noun A stringed instrument of music resembling the lute or the violin, but larger, and having six strings, three of silk covered with silver wire, and three of catgut, — played upon with the fingers.
gulden noun See Guilder.
gulgul noun A cement made in India from sea shells, pulverized and mixed with oil, and spread over a ship’s bottom, to prevent the boring of worms.
gulist noun A glutton.
gulled imp. & past participle of Gull
guller noun One who gulls; a deceiver.
gullet noun The tube by which food and drink are carried from the pharynx to the stomach; the esophagus., Something shaped like the food passage, or performing similar functions, A channel for water., A preparatory cut or channel in excavations, of sufficient width for the passage of earth wagons., A concave cut made in the teeth of some saw blades.
gulles plural of Gully
gulped imp. & past participle of Gulp
gummed imp. &. p. of Gum
gummer noun A punch-cutting tool, or machine for deepening and enlarging the spaces between the teeth of a worn saw.
gunjah noun See Ganja.
gunnel noun A gunwale., A small, eel-shaped, marine fish of the genus Muraenoides; esp., M. gunnellus of Europe and America; — called also gunnel fish, butterfish, rock eel.
gunner noun One who works a gun, whether on land or sea; a cannoneer., A warrant officer in the navy having charge of the ordnance on a vessel., The great northern diver or loon. See Loon., The sea bream.
gunnie noun Space left by the removal of ore.
gurgle verb i. To run or flow in a broken, irregular, noisy current, as water from a bottle, or a small stream among pebbles or stones., The act of gurgling; a broken, bubbling noise. “Tinkling gurgles.”
gurjun noun A thin balsam or wood oil derived from the Diptcrocarpus laevis, an East Indian tree. It is used in medicine, and as a substitute for linseed oil in the coarser kinds of paint.
gurlet noun A pickax with one sharp point and one cutting edge.
gurnet noun One ofseveral European marine fishes, of the genus Trigla and allied genera, having a large and spiny head, with mailed cheeks. Some of the species are highly esteemed for food. The name is sometimes applied to the American sea robins.
gushed imp. & past participle of Gush
gusher noun One who gushes.
gusset noun A small piece of cloth inserted in a garment, for the purpose of strengthening some part or giving it a tapering enlargement., Anything resembling a gusset in a garment, A small piece of chain mail at the openings of the joints beneath the arms., A kind of bracket, or angular piece of iron, fastened in the angles of a structure to give strength or stiffness; esp., the part joining the barrel and the fire box of a locomotive boiler., An abatement or mark of dishonor in a coat of arms, resembling a gusset.
gutted imp. & past participle of Gut
guttae plural of Gutta
gutter noun A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough., A small channel at the roadside or elsewhere, to lead off surface water., Any narrow channel or groove; as, a gutter formed by erosion in the vent of a gun from repeated firing., To cut or form into small longitudinal hollows; to channel., To supply with a gutter or gutters., To become channeled, as a candle when the flame flares in the wind.
guttle noun To put into the gut; to swallow greedily; to gorge; to gormandize. [Obs.] L’Estrange.
guying present participle & vb. noun of Guy
guzzle verb i. To swallow liquor greedily; to drink much or frequently., To swallow much or often; to swallow with immoderate gust; to drink greedily or continually; as, one who guzzles beer., An insatiable thing or person.