6 letter word starting with hy

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hyades nounpl. Alt. of Hyads
hyaena noun Same as Hyena.
hyalea noun A pteroid of the genus Cavolina. See Pteropoda, and Illustration in Appendix.
hybrid noun The offspring of the union of two distinct species; an animal or plant produced from the mixture of two species. See Mongrel., Produced from the mixture of two species; as, plants of hybrid nature.
hydage noun A land tax. See Hidage.
hydras plural of Hydra
hydrae plural of Hydra
hydria noun A water jar; esp., one with a large rounded body, a small neck, and three handles. Some of the most beautiful Greek vases are of this form.
hydric adjective Pertaining to, or containing, hydrogen; as, hydric oxide.
hydro- Alt. of Hydr-
hydrus noun A constellation of the southern hemisphere, near the south pole.
hyemal adjective Belonging to winter; done in winter.
hyenas plural of Hyena
hyetal adjective Of or pertaining to rain; descriptive of the distribution of rain, or of rainy regions.
hygeia noun The goddess of health, daughter of Esculapius.
hylism noun A theory which regards matter as the original principle of evil.
hymned imp. & past participle of Hymn
hymnal noun A collection of hymns; a hymn book.
hymnic adjective Relating to hymns, or sacred lyrics.
hympne noun A hymn.
hyper- A prefix signifying over, above; as, hyperphysical, hyperthyrion; also, above measure, abnormally great, excessive; as, hyperaemia, hyperbola, hypercritical, hypersecretion., A prefix equivalent to super- or per-; as hyperoxide, or peroxide. [Obs.] See Per-.
hyphae noun pl. The long, branching filaments of which the mycelium (and the greater part of the plant) of a fungus is formed. They are also found enveloping the gonidia of lichens, making up a large part of their structure.
hyphen noun A mark or short dash, thus [-], placed at the end of a line which terminates with a syllable of a word, the remainder of which is carried to the next line; or between the parts of many a compound word; as in fine-leaved, clear-headed. It is also sometimes used to separate the syllables of words., To connect with, or separate by, a hyphen, as two words or the parts of a word.
hypnum noun The largest genus of true mosses; feather moss.
hyrcan adjective Of or pertaining to Hyrcania, an ancient country or province of Asia, southeast of the Caspian (which was also called the Hyrcanian) Sea.
hyssop noun A plant (Hyssopus officinalis). The leaves have an aromatic smell, and a warm, pungent taste.