6 letter word starting with imp

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
imping present participle & vb. noun of Imp, The act or process of grafting or mending., The process of repairing broken feathers or a deficient wing.
impact verb t. To drive close; to press firmly together: to wedge into a place., Contact or impression by touch; collision; forcible contact; force communicated., The single instantaneous stroke of a body in motion against another either in motion or at rest.
impair verb t. To make worse; to diminish in quantity, value, excellence, or strength; to deteriorate; as, to impair health, character, the mind, value., To grow worse; to deteriorate., Not fit or appropriate., Diminution; injury.
impale verb t. To pierce with a pale; to put to death by fixing on a sharp stake. See Empale., To inclose, as with pales or stakes; to surround., To join, as two coats of arms on one shield, palewise; hence, to join in honorable mention.
impalm verb t. To grasp with or hold in the hand.
impark verb t. To inclose for a park; to sever from a common; hence, to inclose or shut up.
imparl verb i. To hold discourse; to parley., To have time before pleading; to have delay for mutual adjustment.
impart noun To bestow a share or portion of; to give, grant, or communicate; to allow another to partake in; as, to impart food to the poor; the sun imparts warmth., To obtain a share of; to partake of., To communicate the knowledge of; to make known; to show by words or tokens; to tell; to disclose., To give a part or share., To hold a conference or consultation.
impave verb t. To pave.
impawn verb t. To put in pawn; to pledge.
impede verb t. To hinder; to stop in progress; to obstruct; as, to impede the advance of troops.
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impend verb t. To pay., To hang over; to be suspended above; to threaten frome near at hand; to menace; to be imminent. See Imminent.
impery noun Empery.
impest verb t. To affict with pestilence; to infect, as with plague.
imphee noun The African sugar cane (Holcus saccharatus), — resembling the sorghum, or Chinese sugar cane.
impire noun See Umpire.
implex adjective Intricate; entangled; complicated; complex.
impone verb t. To stake; to wager; to pledge.
impoon noun The duykerbok.
impoor verb t. To impoverish.
import verb t. To bring in from abroad; to introduce from without; especially, to bring (wares or merchandise) into a place or country from a foreign country, in the transactions of commerce; — opposed to export. We import teas from China, coffee from Brasil, etc., To carry or include, as meaning or intention; to imply; to signify., To be of importance or consequence to; to have a bearing on; to concern., To signify; to purport; to be of moment., Merchandise imported, or brought into a country from without its boundaries; — generally in the plural, opposed to exports., That which a word, phrase, or document contains as its signification or intention or interpretation of a word, action, event, and the like., Importance; weight; consequence.
impose verb t. To lay on; to set or place; to put; to deposit., To lay as a charge, burden, tax, duty, obligation, command, penalty, etc.; to enjoin; to levy; to inflict; as, to impose a toll or tribute., To lay on, as the hands, in the religious rites of confirmation and ordination., To arrange in proper order on a table of stone or metal and lock up in a chase for printing; — said of columns or pages of type, forms, etc., To practice trick or deception., A command; injunction.
impost noun That which is imposed or levied; a tax, tribute, or duty; especially, a duty or tax laid by goverment on goods imported into a country., The top member of a pillar, pier, wall, etc., upon which the weight of an arch rests.
impugn verb t. To attack by words or arguments; to contradict; to assail; to call in question; to make insinuations against; to gainsay; to oppose.
impune adjective Unpunished.
impure adjective Not pure; not clean; dirty; foul; filthy; containing something which is unclean or unwholesome; mixed or impregnated extraneous substances; adulterated; as, impure water or air; impure drugs, food, etc., Defiled by sin or guilt; unholy; unhallowed; — said of persons or things., Unchaste; lewd; unclean; obscene; as, impure language or ideas., Not purified according to the ceremonial law of Moses; unclean., Not accurate; not idiomatic; as, impure Latin; an impure style., To defile; to pollute.
impute verb t. To charge; to ascribe; to attribute; to set to the account of; to charge to one as the author, responsible originator, or possessor; — generally in a bad sense., To adjudge as one’s own (the sin or righteousness) of another; as, the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us., To take account of; to consider; to regard.