6 letter word starting with is

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
isabel Alt. of Isabel color
isagel noun One of two or more objects containing the same information.
isagon adjective A figure or polygon whose angles are equal.
isatic adjective Alt. of Isatinic
isatin noun An orange-red crystalline substance, C8H5NO2, obtained by the oxidation of indigo blue. It is also produced from certain derivatives of benzoic acid, and is one important source of artificial indigo.
isatis noun A genus of herbs, some species of which, especially the Isatis tinctoria, yield a blue dye similar to indigo; woad.
isicle noun A icicle.
island noun A tract of land surrounded by water, and smaller than a continent. Cf. Continent., Anything regarded as resembling an island; as, an island of ice., See Isle, n., 2., To cause to become or to resemble an island; to make an island or islands of; to isle., To furnish with an island or with islands; as, to island the deep.
isobar noun A line connecting or marking places upon the surface of the earth where height of the barometer reduced to sea level is the same either at a given time, or for a certain period (mean height), as for a year; an isopiestic line., The quality or state of being equal in weight, especially in atmospheric pressure. Also, the theory, method, or application of isobaric science.
isomer noun A body or compound which is isomeric with another body or compound; a member of an isomeric series.
isopod adjective Having the legs similar in structure; belonging to the Isopoda., One of the Isopoda.
issued imp. & past participle of Issue
issuer noun One who issues, emits, or publishes.
isuret noun An artificial nitrogenous base, isomeric with urea, and forming a white crystalline substance; — called also isuretine.