6 letter word starting with k

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
kabala noun See Cabala.
kabook noun A clay ironstone found in Ceylon.
kabyle noun A Berber, as in Algiers or Tunis. See Berber.
kadder noun The jackdaw.
kaffir noun Alt. of Kafir
kaffle noun See Coffle.
kaftan n & verb See Caftan.
kaguan noun The colugo.
kahani noun A kind of notary public, or attorney, in the Levant.
kainit noun Salts of potassium used in the manufacture of fertilizers.
kaique noun See Caique.
kaiser noun The ancient title of emperors of Germany assumed by King William of Prussia when crowned sovereign of the new German empire in 1871.
kakapo noun A singular nocturnal parrot (Strigops habroptilus), native of New Zealand. It lives in holes during the day, but is active at night. It resembles an owl in its colors and general appearance. It has large wings, but can fly only a short distance. Called also owl parrot, night parrot, and night kaka.
kalium noun Potassium; — so called by the German chemists.
kalmia noun A genus of North American shrubs with poisonous evergreen foliage and corymbs of showy flowers. Called also mountain laurel, ivy bush, lamb kill, calico bush, etc.
kalong noun A fruit bat, esp. the Indian edible fruit bat (Pteropus edulis).
kamala noun The red dusty hairs of the capsules of an East Indian tree (Mallotus Philippinensis) used for dyeing silk. It is violently emetic, and is used in the treatment of tapeworm.
kamsin noun Alt. of Khamsin
kanaka noun A native of the Sandwich Islands.
kansas noun pl. A tribe of Indians allied to the Winnebagoes and Osages. They formerly inhabited the region which is now the State of Kansas, but were removed to the Indian Territory.
kaolin noun Alt. of Kaoline
karreo noun One of the dry table-lands of South Africa, which often rise terracelike to considerable elevations.
karvel noun See Carvel, and Caravel.
kasack noun Same as Cossack.
kavass noun An armed constable; also, a government servant or courier.
kawaka noun a New Zealand tree, the Cypress cedar (Libocedrus Doniana), having a valuable, fine-grained, reddish wood.
kayles noun pl. A game; ninepins.
kecked imp. & past participle of Keck
keckle verb i. & noun See Keck, v. i. & n., To wind old rope around, as a cable, to preserve its surface from being fretted, or to wind iron chains around, to defend from the friction of a rocky bottom, or from the ice.
kecksy noun The hollow stalk of an umbelliferous plant, such as the cow parsnip or the hemlock.
kedged imp. & past participle of Kedge
kedger noun A small anchor; a kedge.
keeled imp. & past participle of Keel, Keel-shaped; having a longitudinal prominence on the back; as, a keeled leaf., Having a median ridge; carinate; as, a keeled scale.
keeler noun One employed in managing a Newcastle keel; — called also keelman., A small or shallow tub; esp., one used for holding materials for calking ships, or one used for washing dishes, etc.
keener noun A professional mourner who wails at a funeral.
keenly adverb In a keen manner.
keeper noun One who, or that which, keeps; one who, or that which, holds or has possession of anything., One who retains in custody; one who has the care of a prison and the charge of prisoners., One who has the care, custody, or superintendence of anything; as, the keeper of a park, a pound, of sheep, of a gate, etc. ; the keeper of attached property; hence, one who saves from harm; a defender; a preserver., One who remains or keeps in a place or position., A ring, strap, clamp, or any device for holding an object in place; as: (a) The box on a door jamb into which the bolt of a lock protrudes, when shot. (b) A ring serving to keep another ring on the finger. (c) A loop near the buckle of a strap to receive the end of the strap., A fruit that keeps well; as, the Roxbury Russet is a good keeper.
keeved imp. & past participle of Keeve
keever noun See Keeve, n.
keloid adjective Applied to a variety of tumor forming hard, flat, irregular excrescences upon the skin., A keloid tumor.
kelpie noun Alt. of Kelpy
kelson noun See Keelson.
kelter noun Regular order or proper condition.
keltic adjective & noun Same as Celtic, a. & n.
kembed imp. & past participle of Kemb
kempty noun Coarse, rough hair wool or fur, injuring its quality.
kenned imp. & past participle of Ken
kendal A cloth colored green by dye obtained from the woad-waxen, formerly used by Flemish weavers at Kendal, in Westmoreland, England.
kennel noun The water course of a street; a little canal or channel; a gutter; also, a puddle., A house for a dog or for dogs, or for a pack of hounds., A pack of hounds, or a collection of dogs., The hole of a fox or other beast; a haunt., To lie or lodge; to dwell, as a dog or a fox., To put or keep in a kennel.
kentle noun A hundred weight; a quintal.
kerana noun A kind of long trumpet, used among the Persians.
kerite noun A compound in which tar or asphaltum combined with animal or vegetable oils is vulcanized by sulphur, the product closely resembling rubber; — used principally as an insulating material in telegraphy.
kermes noun The dried bodies of the females of a scale insect (Coccus ilicis), allied to the cochineal insect, and found on several species of oak near the Mediterranean. They are round, about the size of a pea, contain coloring matter analogous to carmine, and are used in dyeing. They were anciently thought to be of a vegetable nature, and were used in medicine., A small European evergreen oak (Quercus coccifera) on which the kermes insect (Coccus ilicis) feeds.
kerned imp. & past participle of Kern, Having part of the face projecting beyond the body or shank; — said of type.
kernel noun The essential part of a seed; all that is within the seed walls; the edible substance contained in the shell of a nut; hence, anything included in a shell, husk, or integument; as, the kernel of a nut. See Illust. of Endocarp., A single seed or grain; as, a kernel of corn., A small mass around which other matter is concreted; a nucleus; a concretion or hard lump in the flesh., The central, substantial or essential part of anything; the gist; the core; as, the kernel of an argument., To harden or ripen into kernels; to produce kernels.
kerish adjective Clownish; boorish.
kersey noun A kind of coarse, woolen cloth, usually ribbed, woven from wool of long staple.
kerver noun A carver.
keslop noun The stomach of a calf, prepared for rennet.
ketine noun One of a series of organic bases obtained by the reduction of certain isonitroso compounds of the ketones. In general they are unstable oily substances having a pungent aromatic odor.
ketmie noun The name of certain African species of Hibiscus, cultivated for the acid of their mucilage.
ketone noun One of a large class of organic substances resembling the aldehydes, obtained by the distillation of certain salts of organic acids and consisting of carbonyl (CO) united with two hydrocarbon radicals. In general the ketones are colorless volatile liquids having a pungent ethereal odor.
kettle noun A metallic vessel, with a wide mouth, often without a cover, used for heating and boiling water or other liguids.
keuper noun The upper division of the European Triassic. See Chart of Geology.
keying present participle & vb. noun of Key
keyage noun Wharfage; quayage.
keyway noun See Key way, under Key.
khenna noun See Henna.
kholah noun The Indian jackal.
kibble verb t. To bruise; to grind coarsely; as, kibbled oats., A large iron bucket used in Cornwall and Wales for raising ore out of mines.
kiblah noun See Keblah.
kichil noun See Kechil.
kicred imp. & past participle of Kick
kicker noun One who, or that which, kicks.
kickup noun The water thrush or accentor.
kidded imp. & past participle of Kid
kiddle noun A kind of basketwork wear in a river, for catching fish.
kiddow noun The guillemot.
kidfox A young fox.
kidnap verb t. To take (any one) by force or fear, and against one’s will, with intent to carry to another place.
kidney noun A glandular organ which excretes urea and other waste products from the animal body; a urinary gland., Habit; disposition; sort; kind., A waiter.
killed imp. & past participle of Kill
killer noun One who deprives of life; one who, or that which, kills., A voracious, toothed whale of the genus Orca, of which several species are known.
killow noun An earth of a blackish or deep blue color.
kilted imp. & past participle of Kilt, Having on a kilt., Plaited after the manner of kilting., Tucked or fastened up; — said of petticoats, etc.
kilter noun See Kelter.
kimnel noun A tub. See Kemelin.
kinate noun See Quinate.
kincob noun India silk brocaded with flowers in silver or gold., Of the nature of kincob; brocaded.
kindle verb t. & i. To bring forth young., To set on fire; to cause to burn with flame; to ignite; to cause to begin burning; to start; to light; as, to kindle a match, or shavings., Fig.: To inflame, as the passions; to rouse; to provoke; to excite to action; to heat; to fire; to animate; to incite; as, to kindle anger or wrath; to kindle the flame of love, or love into a flame., To take fire; to begin to burn with flame; to start as a flame., Fig.: To begin to be excited; to grow warm or animated; to be roused or exasperated.
kindly noun According to the kind or nature; natural., Humane; congenial; sympathetic; hence, disposed to do good to; benevolent; gracious; kind; helpful; as, kindly affections, words, acts, etc., Favorable; mild; gentle; auspicious; beneficent., Naturally; fitly., In a kind manner; congenially; with good will; with a disposition to make others happy, or to oblige.
kinged imp. & past participle of King
kingly superl. Belonging to, suitable to, or becoming, a king; characteristic of, resembling, a king; directed or administered by a king; monarchical; royal; sovereign; regal; august; noble; grand., In a kingly or kinglike manner.
kinked imp. & past participle of Kink
kinkle noun Same as 3d Kink.
kinone noun See Quinone.
kinoyl noun See Quinoyl.
kipper noun A salmon after spawning., A salmon split open, salted, and dried or smoked; — so called because salmon after spawning were usually so cured, not being good when fresh., To cure, by splitting, salting, and smoking., Amorous; also, lively; light-footed; nimble; gay; sprightly.
kirked adjective Turned upward; bent.
kirtle noun A garment varying in form and use at different times, and worn doth by men and women.
kismet noun Destiny; fate.
kissed imp. & past participle of Kiss
kisser noun One who kisses.
kitcat adjective Designating a club in London, to which Addison and Steele belonged; — so called from Christopher Cat, a pastry cook, who served the club with mutton pies., Designating a canvas used for portraits of a peculiar size, viz., twenty-right or twenty-nine inches by thirty-six; — so called because that size was adopted by Sir Godfrey Kneller for the portraits he painted of the members of the Kitcat Club., A game played by striking with a stick small piece of wood, called a cat, shaped like two cones united at their bases; tipcat.
kitish adjective Like or relating to a kite.
kittel verb t. See Kittle, v. t.
kitten noun A young cat., To bring forth young, as a cat; to bring forth, as kittens.
kittle verb i. To bring forth young, as a cat; to kitten; to litter., To tickle., Ticklish; not easily managed; troublesome; difficult; variable.
knacky adjective Having a knack; cunning; crafty; trickish.
knaggy adjective Knotty; rough; figuratively, rough in temper.
knappy adjective Having knaps; full of protuberances or humps; knobby.
knarry adjective Knotty; gnarled.
knawel noun A low, spreading weed (Scleranthus annuus), common in sandy soil.
knives plural of Knife, of Knife. See Knife.
knifed imp. & past participle of Knife
knight noun A young servant or follower; a military attendant., In feudal times, a man-at-arms serving on horseback and admitted to a certain military rank with special ceremonies, including an oath to protect the distressed, maintain the right, and live a stainless life., One on whom knighthood, a dignity next below that of baronet, is conferred by the sovereign, entitling him to be addressed as Sir; as, Sir John., A champion; a partisan; a lover., A piece used in the game of chess, usually bearing a horse’s head., A playing card bearing the figure of a knight; the knave or jack., To dub or create (one) a knight; — done in England by the sovereign only, who taps the kneeling candidate with a sword, saying: Rise, Sir —.
knitch noun Alt. of Knitchet
knobby adjective Full of, or covered with, knobs or hard protuberances., Irregular; stubborn in particulars., Abounding in rounded hills or mountains; hilly.
knotty superl. Full of knots; knotted; having many knots; as, knotty timber; a knotty rope., Hard; rugged; as, a knotty head., Difficult; intricate; perplexed.
knower noun One who knows.
knurly superl. Full of knots; hard; tough; hence, capable of enduring or resisting much.
knurry adjective Full of knots.
koaita noun Same as Coaita.
kobalt noun See Cobalt.
kobold noun A kind of domestic spirit in German mythology, corresponding to the Scottish brownie and the English Robin Goodfellow.
kohnur noun A famous diamond, surrendered to the British crown on the annexation of the Punjab. According to Hindoo legends, it was found in a Golconda mine, and has been the property of various Hindoo and Persian rulers.
kokama noun The gemsbok.
kokoon noun The gnu.
komtok noun An African freshwater fish (Protopterus annectens), belonging to the Dipnoi. It can breathe air by means of its lungs, and when waters dry up, it encases itself in a nest of hard mud, where it remains till the rainy season. It is used as food.
konite noun See Conite.
koodoo noun A large South African antelope (Strepsiceros kudu). The males have graceful spiral horns, sometimes four feet long. The general color is reddish or grayish brown, with eight or nine white bands on each side, and a pale dorsal stripe. The old males become dark bluish gray, due to the skin showing through the hair. The females are hornless. Called also nellut.
kopeck noun A small Russian coin. One hundred kopecks make a rouble, worth about sixty cents.
kosmos noun See Cosmos.
koulan noun A wild horse (Equus, / Asinus, onager) inhabiting the plants of Central Asia; — called also gour, khur, and onager.
kousso noun An Abyssinian rosaceous tree (Brayera anthelmintica), the flowers of which are used as a vermifuge.
kowtow noun & verb i. The same as Kotow.
kraken noun A fabulous Scandinavian sea monster, often represented as resembling an island, but sometimes as resembling an immense octopus.
kukang noun The slow lemur. See Lemur.
kuklux noun The name adopted in the southern part of the United States by a secret political organization, active for several years after the close of the Civil War, and having for its aim the repression of the political power of the freedmen; — called also Kuklux Klan.
kumish noun Alt. of Kumiss
kumiss noun See Koumiss.
kummel noun A Russian and German liqueur, consisting of a sweetened spirit flavored with caraway seeds.
kuskus See Vetiver.
kyanol noun Aniline., A base obtained from coal tar.
kyloes noun pl. The cattle of the Hebrides, or of the Highlands.
kymnel noun See Kimnel.
kymric a & noun See Cymric, a. & n.
kythed past participle of Kithe