6 letter word starting with kit

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
kitcat adjective Designating a club in London, to which Addison and Steele belonged; — so called from Christopher Cat, a pastry cook, who served the club with mutton pies., Designating a canvas used for portraits of a peculiar size, viz., twenty-right or twenty-nine inches by thirty-six; — so called because that size was adopted by Sir Godfrey Kneller for the portraits he painted of the members of the Kitcat Club., A game played by striking with a stick small piece of wood, called a cat, shaped like two cones united at their bases; tipcat.
kitish adjective Like or relating to a kite.
kittel verb t. See Kittle, v. t.
kitten noun A young cat., To bring forth young, as a cat; to bring forth, as kittens.
kittle verb i. To bring forth young, as a cat; to kitten; to litter., To tickle., Ticklish; not easily managed; troublesome; difficult; variable.