6 letter word starting with ko

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
koaita noun Same as Coaita.
kobalt noun See Cobalt.
kobold noun A kind of domestic spirit in German mythology, corresponding to the Scottish brownie and the English Robin Goodfellow.
kohnur noun A famous diamond, surrendered to the British crown on the annexation of the Punjab. According to Hindoo legends, it was found in a Golconda mine, and has been the property of various Hindoo and Persian rulers.
kokama noun The gemsbok.
kokoon noun The gnu.
komtok noun An African freshwater fish (Protopterus annectens), belonging to the Dipnoi. It can breathe air by means of its lungs, and when waters dry up, it encases itself in a nest of hard mud, where it remains till the rainy season. It is used as food.
konite noun See Conite.
koodoo noun A large South African antelope (Strepsiceros kudu). The males have graceful spiral horns, sometimes four feet long. The general color is reddish or grayish brown, with eight or nine white bands on each side, and a pale dorsal stripe. The old males become dark bluish gray, due to the skin showing through the hair. The females are hornless. Called also nellut.
kopeck noun A small Russian coin. One hundred kopecks make a rouble, worth about sixty cents.
kosmos noun See Cosmos.
koulan noun A wild horse (Equus, / Asinus, onager) inhabiting the plants of Central Asia; — called also gour, khur, and onager.
kousso noun An Abyssinian rosaceous tree (Brayera anthelmintica), the flowers of which are used as a vermifuge.
kowtow noun & verb i. The same as Kotow.