6 letter word starting with lab

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
labara plural of Labarum
labefy verb t. To weaken or impair.
labent adjective Slipping; sliding; gliding.
labial adjective Of or pertaining to the lips or labia; as, labial veins., Furnished with lips; as, a labial organ pipe., Articulated, as a consonant, mainly by the lips, as b, p, m, w., Modified, as a vowel, by contraction of the lip opening, as / (f/d), / (/ld), etc., and as eu and u in French, and o, u in German. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 11, 178., Of or pertaining to the labium; as, the labial palpi of insects. See Labium., A letter or character representing an articulation or sound formed or uttered chiefly with the lips, as b, p, w., An organ pipe that is furnished with lips; a flue pipe., One of the scales which border the mouth of a fish or reptile.
labile adjective Liable to slip, err, fall, or apostatize.
labium noun A lip, or liplike organ., The lip of an organ pipe., The folds of integument at the opening of the vulva., The organ of insects which covers the mouth beneath, and serves as an under lip. It consists of the second pair of maxillae, usually closely united in the middle line, but bearing a pair of palpi in most insects. It often consists of a thin anterior part (ligula or palpiger) and a firmer posterior plate (mentum)., Inner margin of the aperture of a shell.
lablab noun an East Indian name for several twining leguminous plants related to the bean, but commonly applied to the hyacinth bean (Dolichos Lablab).
labras noun pl. Lips.
labrum noun A lip or edge, as of a basin., An organ in insects and crustaceans covering the upper part of the mouth, and serving as an upper lip. See Illust. of Hymenoptera., The external margin of the aperture of a shell. See Univalve.
labrus noun A genus of marine fishes, including the wrasses of Europe. See Wrasse.