6 letter word starting with lar

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
larded imp. & past participle of Lard
larder noun A room or place where meat and other articles of food are kept before they are cooked.
lardon noun Alt. of Lardoon
lardry noun A larder.
larget noun A sport piece of bar iron for rolling into a sheet; a small billet.
lariat noun A long, slender rope made of hemp or strips of hide, esp. one with a noose; — used as a lasso for catching cattle, horses, etc., and for picketing a horse so that he can graze without wandering., To secure with a lariat fastened to a stake, as a horse or mule for grazing; also, to lasso or catch with a lariat.
larine adjective Of or pertaining to the Gull family (Laridae).
larked imp. & past participle of Lark
larker noun A catcher of larks., One who indulges in a lark or frolic.
laroid adjective Like or belonging to the Gull family (Laridae).
larrup verb t. To beat or flog soundly.
larvae plural of Larva
larvas plural of Larva
larval adjective Of or pertaining to a larva.
larves plural of Larve
larynx noun The expanded upper end of the windpipe or trachea, connected with the hyoid bone or cartilage. It contains the vocal cords, which produce the voice by their vibrations, when they are stretched and a current of air passes between them. The larynx is connected with the pharynx by an opening, the glottis, which, in mammals, is protected by a lidlike epiglottis.