6 letter word starting with le

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
leachy adjective Permitting liquids to pass by percolation; not capable of retaining water; porous; pervious; — said of gravelly or sandy soils, and the like.
leaded imp. & past participle of Lead, Fitted with lead; set in lead; as, leaded windows., Separated by leads, as the lines of a page.
leaden adjective Made of lead; of the nature of lead; as, a leaden ball., Like lead in color, etc. ; as, a leaden sky., Heavy; dull; sluggish.
leader noun One who, or that which, leads or conducts; a guide; a conductor., One who goes first., One having authority to direct; a chief; a commander., A performer who leads a band or choir in music; also, in an orchestra, the principal violinist; the one who plays at the head of the first violins., A block of hard wood pierced with suitable holes for leading ropes in their proper places., The principal wheel in any kind of machinery., A horse placed in advance of others; one of the forward pair of horses., A pipe for conducting rain water from a roof to a cistern or to the ground; a conductor., A net for leading fish into a pound, weir, etc. ; also, a line of gut, to which the snell of a fly hook is attached., A branch or small vein, not important in itself, but indicating the proximity of a better one., The first, or the principal, editorial article in a newspaper; a leading or main editorial article., A type having a dot or short row of dots upon its face., a row of dots, periods, or hyphens, used in tables of contents, etc., to lead the eye across a space to the right word or number.
leaves plural of Leaf, pl. of Leaf.
leafed imp. & past participle of Leaf, Having (such) a leaf or (so many) leaves; — used in composition; as, broad-leafed; four-leafed.
leafet noun A leaflet.
league noun A measure of length or distance, varying in different countries from about 2.4 to 4.6 English statute miles of 5.280 feet each, and used (as a land measure) chiefly on the continent of Europe, and in the Spanish parts of America. The marine league of England and the United States is equal to three marine, or geographical, miles of 6080 feet each., A stone erected near a public road to mark the distance of a league., An alliance or combination of two or more nations, parties, or persons, for the accomplishment of a purpose which requires a continued course of action, as for mutual defense, or for furtherance of commercial, religious, or political interests, etc., To unite in a league or confederacy; to combine for mutual support; to confederate., To join in a league; to cause to combine for a joint purpose; to combine; to unite; as, common interests will league heterogeneous elements.
leaked imp. & past participle of Leak
leamer noun A dog held by a leam.
leaned imp. & past participle of Lean
leanly adverb Meagerly; without fat or plumpness.
leaped imp. & past participle of Leap
leaper noun One who, or that which, leaps., A kind of hooked instrument for untwisting old cordage.
learnt of Learn
leased imp. & past participle of Lease
leaser noun One who leases or gleans., A liar.
leasow noun A pasture.
leaved imp. & past participle of Leave, Bearing, or having, a leaf or leaves; having folds; — used in combination; as, a four-leaved clover; a two-leaved gate; long-leaved.
leaven noun Any substance that produces, or is designed to produce, fermentation, as in dough or liquids; esp., a portion of fermenting dough, which, mixed with a larger quantity of dough, produces a general change in the mass, and renders it light; yeast; barm., Anything which makes a general assimilating (especially a corrupting) change in the mass., To make light by the action of leaven; to cause to ferment., To imbue; to infect; to vitiate.
leaver noun One who leaves, or withdraws.
lebban noun Coagulated sour milk diluted with water; — a common beverage among the Arabs. Also, a fermented liquor made of the same.
lecama noun The hartbeest.
lecher noun A man given to lewdness; one addicted, in an excessive degree, to the indulgence of sexual desire, or to illicit commerce with women., To practice lewdness.
lector noun A reader of lections; formerly, a person designated to read lessons to the illiterate.
ledden noun Language; speech; voice; cry.
ledger noun A book in which a summary of accounts is laid up or preserved; the final book of record in business transactions, in which all debits and credits from the journal, etc., are placed under appropriate heads., A large flat stone, esp. one laid over a tomb., A horizontal piece of timber secured to the uprights and supporting floor timbers, a staircase, scaffolding, or the like. It differs from an intertie in being intended to carry weight.
leered imp. & past participle of Leer
leeway noun The lateral movement of a ship to the leeward of her course; drift.
legacy noun A gift of property by will, esp. of money or personal property; a bequest. Also Fig.; as, a legacy of dishonor or disease., A business with which one is intrusted by another; a commission; — obsolete, except in the phrases last legacy, dying legacy, and the like.
legate noun An ambassador or envoy., An ecclesiastic representing the pope and invested with the authority of the Holy See., An official assistant given to a general or to the governor of a province., Under the emperors, a governor sent to a province.
legato adjective Connected; tied; — a term used when successive tones are to be produced in a closely connected, smoothly gliding manner. It is often indicated by a tie, thus /, /, or /, /, written over or under the notes to be so performed; — opposed to staccato.
legend noun That which is appointed to be read; especially, a chronicle or register of the lives of saints, formerly read at matins, and in the refectories of religious houses., A story respecting saints; especially, one of a marvelous nature., Any wonderful story coming down from the past, but not verifiable by historical record; a myth; a fable., An inscription, motto, or title, esp. one surrounding the field in a medal or coin, or placed upon an heraldic shield or beneath an engraving or illustration., To tell or narrate, as a legend.
legged adjective Having (such or so many) legs; — used in composition; as, a long-legged man; a two-legged animal.
leggin noun A cover for the leg, like a long gaiter.
legion noun A body of foot soldiers and cavalry consisting of different numbers at different periods, — from about four thousand to about six thousand men, — the cavalry being about one tenth., A military force; an army; military bands., A great number; a multitude., A group of orders inferior to a class.
legist noun One skilled in the laws; a writer on law.
legume noun A pod dehiscent into two pieces or valves, and having the seed attached at one suture, as that of the pea., The fruit of leguminous plants, as peas, beans, lupines; pulse.
leiger noun See Leger, n., 2.
leipoa noun A genus of Australian gallinaceous birds including but a single species (Leipoa ocellata), about the size of a turkey. Its color is variegated, brown, black, white, and gray. Called also native pheasant.
lemmas plural of Lemma
lemman noun A leman.
lender noun One who lends.
lendes noun pl. See Lends.
lenger adjective Alt. of Lengest
length adjective The longest, or longer, dimension of any object, in distinction from breadth or width; extent of anything from end to end; the longest line which can be drawn through a body, parallel to its sides; as, the length of a church, or of a ship; the length of a rope or line., A portion of space or of time considered as measured by its length; — often in the plural., The quality or state of being long, in space or time; extent; duration; as, some sea birds are remarkable for the length of their wings; he was tired by the length of the sermon, and the length of his walk., A single piece or subdivision of a series, or of a number of long pieces which may be connected together; as, a length of pipe; a length of fence., Detail or amplification; unfolding; continuance as, to pursue a subject to a great length., Distance., To lengthen.
lenify verb t. To assuage; to soften; to mitigate; to alleviate.
lenity noun The state or quality of being lenient; mildness of temper or disposition; gentleness of treatment; softness; tenderness; clemency; — opposed to severity and rigor.
lenses plural of Lens
lenten noun Lent., Of or pertaining to the fast called Lent; used in, or suitable to, Lent; as, the Lenten season., Spare; meager; plain; somber; unostentatious; not abundant or showy.
lentil noun A leguminous plant of the genus Ervum (Ervum Lens), of small size, common in the fields in Europe. Also, its seed, which is used for food on the continent.
lentor adjective Tenacity; viscidity, as of fluids., Slowness; delay; sluggishness.
leonid noun One of the shooting stars which constitute the star shower that recurs near the fourteenth of November at intervals of about thirty-three years; — so called because these shooting stars appear on the heavens to move in lines directed from the constellation Leo.
leptus noun The six-legged young, or larva, of certain mites; — sometimes used as a generic name. See Harvest mite, under Harvest.
lesion noun A hurt; an injury., Loss sustained from failure to fulfill a bargain or contract., Any morbid change in the exercise of functions or the texture of organs.
lessee verb t. The person to whom a lease is given, or who takes an estate by lease.
lessen adjective To make less; to reduce; to make smaller, or fewer; to diminish; to lower; to degrade; as, to lessen a kingdom, or a population; to lessen speed, rank, fortune., To become less; to shrink; to contract; to decrease; to be diminished; as, the apparent magnitude of objects lessens as we recede from them; his care, or his wealth, lessened.
lesser adjective Less; smaller; inferior., Less.
lesses verb t. The leavings or dung of beasts.
lesson noun Anything read or recited to a teacher by a pupil or learner; something, as a portion of a book, assigned to a pupil to be studied or learned at one time., That which is learned or taught by an express effort; instruction derived from precept, experience, observation, or deduction; a precept; a doctrine; as, to take or give a lesson in drawing., A portion of Scripture read in divine service for instruction; as, here endeth the first lesson., A severe lecture; reproof; rebuke; warning., An exercise; a composition serving an educational purpose; a study., To teach; to instruct.
lessor verb t. One who leases; the person who lets to farm, or gives a lease.
letted of Let, of Lette
letchy adjective See Leachy.
lethal noun One of the higher alcohols of the paraffine series obtained from spermaceti as a white crystalline solid. It is so called because it occurs in the ethereal salt of lauric acid., Deadly; mortal; fatal.
letter noun One who lets or permits; one who lets anything for hire., One who retards or hinders., A mark or character used as the representative of a sound, or of an articulation of the human organs of speech; a first element of written language., A written or printed communication; a message expressed in intelligible characters on something adapted to conveyance, as paper, parchment, etc.; an epistle., A writing; an inscription., Verbal expression; literal statement or meaning; exact signification or requirement., A single type; type, collectively; a style of type., Learning; erudition; as, a man of letters., A letter; an epistle., To impress with letters; to mark with letters or words; as, a book gilt and lettered.
lettic adjective Of or pertaining to the Letts; Lettish., Of or pertaining to a branch of the Slavic family, subdivided into Lettish, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian., The language of the Letts; Lettish., The language of the Lettic race, including Lettish, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian.
let-up noun Abatement; also, cessation; as, it blew a gale for three days without any let-up.
leucic adjective Alt. of Leucinic
leucin noun A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance formed in the decomposition of albuminous matter by pancreatic digestion, by the action of boiling dilute sulphuric acid, and by putrefaction. It is also found as a constituent of various tissues and organs, as the spleen, pancreas, etc., and likewise in the vegetable kingdom. Chemically it is to be considered as amido-caproic acid.
leuco- Alt. of Leuc-
levana noun A goddess who protected newborn infants.
levant adjective Rising or having risen from rest; — said of cattle. See Couchant and levant, under Couchant., The countries washed by the eastern part of the Mediterranean and its contiguous waters., A levanter (the wind so called)., Eastern., To run away from one’s debts; to decamp.
levier noun One who levies.
levite noun One of the tribe or family of Levi; a descendant of Levi; esp., one subordinate to the priests (who were of the same tribe) and employed in various duties connected with the tabernacle first, and afterward the temple, such as the care of the building, bringing of wood and other necessaries for the sacrifices, the music of the services, etc., A priest; — so called in contempt or ridicule.
levity noun The quality of weighing less than something else of equal bulk; relative lightness, especially as shown by rising through, or floating upon, a contiguous substance; buoyancy; — opposed to gravity., Lack of gravity and earnestness in deportment or character; trifling gayety; frivolity; sportiveness; vanity., Lack of steadiness or constancy; disposition to change; fickleness; volatility.
levies plural of Levy
levied imp. & past participle of Levy
levyne noun Alt. of Levynite
leyser noun Leisure.