6 letter word starting with lo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
loaded imp. & past participle of Load
loader noun One who, or that which, loads; a mechanical contrivance for loading, as a gun.
loaves plural of Loaf, pl. of Loaf.
loafed imp. & past participle of Loaf
loafer noun One who loafs; a lazy lounger.
loamed imp. & past participle of Loam
loaned imp. & past participle of Loan
loanin noun Alt. of Loaning
loathe verb t. To feel extreme disgust at, or aversion for., To dislike greatly; to abhor; to hate., To feel disgust or nausea.
loathy adjective Loathsome.
lobbed imp. & past participle of Lob
lobate adjective Alt. of Lobated
lobosa noun pl. An order of Rhizopoda, in which the pseudopodia are thick and irregular in form, as in the Amoeba.
lobule noun A small lobe; a subdivision of a lobe.
locale noun A place, spot, or location., A principle, practice, form of speech, or other thing of local use, or limited to a locality.
locate verb t. To place; to set in a particular spot or position., To designate the site or place of; to define the limits of; as, to locate a public building; to locate a mining claim; to locate (the land granted by) a land warrant., To place one’s self; to take up one’s residence; to settle.
lochan noun A small lake; a pond.
lochia noun pl. The discharge from the womb and vagina which follows childbirth.
locked imp. & past participle of Lock
locken obs. past participle of Lock., The globeflower (Trollius).
locker noun One who, or that which, locks., A drawer, cupboard, compartment, or chest, esp. one in a ship, that may be closed with a lock.
locket noun A small lock; a catch or spring to fasten a necklace or other ornament., A little case for holding a miniature or lock of hair, usually suspended from a necklace or watch chain.
lockup noun A place where persons under arrest are temporarily locked up; a watchhouse.
locule noun A little hollow; a loculus.
loculi plural of Loculus
locust noun Any one of numerous species of long-winged, migratory, orthopterous insects, of the family Acrididae, allied to the grasshoppers; esp., (Edipoda, / Pachytylus, migratoria, and Acridium perigrinum, of Southern Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the United States the related species with similar habits are usually called grasshoppers. See Grasshopper., The locust tree. See Locust Tree (definition, note, and phrases).
lodged imp. & past participle of Lodge, Lying down; — used of beasts of the chase, as couchant is of beasts of prey.
lodger noun One who, or that which, lodges; one who occupies a hired room in another’s house.
logged imp. & past participle of Log, Made slow and heavy in movement; water-logged.
loggan noun See Logan.
loggat noun A small log or piece of wood., An old game in England, played by throwing pieces of wood at a stake set in the ground.
logger noun One engaged in logging. See Log, v. i.
loggia noun A roofed open gallery. It differs from a veranda in being more architectural, and in forming more decidedly a part of the main edifice to which it is attached; from a porch, in being intended not for entrance but for an out-of-door sitting-room.
logics noun See Logic.
logmen plural of Logman
logman noun A man who carries logs.
lohock noun See Loch, a medicine.
loimic adjective Of or pertaining to the plague or contagious disorders.
loiter verb i. To be slow in moving; to delay; to linger; to be dilatory; to spend time idly; to saunter; to lag behind., To wander as an idle vagrant.
loligo noun A genus of cephalopods, including numerous species of squids, common on the coasts of America and Europe. They are much used for fish bait.
lolled imp. & past participle of Loll
loller noun One who lolls., An idle vagabond., A Lollard.
lollop verb i. To move heavily; to lounge or idle; to loll.
lomata plural of Loma
loment noun An elongated pod, consisting, like the legume, of two valves, but divided transversely into small cells, each containing a single seed.
london noun The capital city of England.
lonely superl. Sequestered from company or neighbors; solitary; retired; as, a lonely situation; a lonely cell., Alone, or in want of company; forsaken., Not frequented by human beings; as, a lonely wood., Having a feeling of depression or sadness resulting from the consciousness of being alone; lonesome.
longed imp. & past participle of Long
longan noun A pulpy fruit related to the litchi, and produced by an evergreen East Indian tree (Nephelium Longan).
longer noun One who longs for anything.
longly adverb With longing desire., For a long time; hence, wearisomely.
looing present participle & vb. noun of Loo
looked imp. & past participle of Look
looker noun One who looks.
loomed imp. & past participle of Loom
looped imp. & past participle of Loop, Bent, folded, or tied, so as to make a loop; as, a looped wire or string., Full of holes.
looper noun An instrument, as a bodkin, for forming a loop in yarn, a cord, etc., The larva of any species of geometrid moths. See Geometrid.
loopie adjective Deceitful; cunning; sly.
loosed imp. & past participle of Loose
loosen verb t. To make loose; to free from tightness, tension, firmness, or fixedness; to make less dense or compact; as, to loosen a string, or a knot; to loosen a rock in the earth., To free from restraint; to set at liberty.., To remove costiveness from; to facilitate or increase the alvine discharges of., To become loose; to become less tight, firm, or compact.
looted imp. & past participle of Loot
looter noun A plunderer.
loover noun See Louver.
lopped imp. & past participle of Lop
loping present participle & vb. noun of Lope
lopper noun One who lops or cuts off., To turn sour and coagulate from too long standing, as milk.
loquat noun The fruit of the Japanese medlar (Photinia Japonica). It is as large as a small plum, but grows in clusters, and contains four or five large seeds. Also, the tree itself.
lorate adjective Having the form of a thong or strap; ligulate.
lorcha noun A kind of light vessel used on the coast of China, having the hull built on a European model, and the rigging like that of a Chinese junk.
lorded imp. & past participle of Lord
lordly superl. Suitable for a lord; of or pertaining to a lord; resembling a lord; hence, grand; noble; dignified; honorable., Proud; haughty; imperious; insolent., In a lordly manner.
loreal adjective Alt. of Loral
lorica noun A cuirass, originally of leather, afterward of plates of metal or horn sewed on linen or the like., Lute for protecting vessels from the fire., The protective case or shell of an infusorian or rotifer.
loring noun Instructive discourse.
loriot noun The golden oriole of Europe. See Oriole.
lorrie noun Alt. of Lorry
lories plural of Lory
losing imp. & past participle of Lose, Given to flattery or deceit; flattering; cozening., Causing or incurring loss; as, a losing game or business.
lotted imp. & past participle of Lot
lothly adjective Alt. of Lothsome
lotion noun A washing, especially of the skin for the purpose of rendering it fair., A liquid preparation for bathing the skin, or an injured or diseased part, either for a medicinal purpose, or for improving its appearance.
lotong noun An East Indian monkey (Semnopithecus femoralis).
loture noun See Lotion.
loudly adverb In a loud manner.
lounge adjective To spend time lazily, whether lolling or idly sauntering; to pass time indolently; to stand, sit, or recline, in an indolent manner., An idle gait or stroll; the state of reclining indolently; a place of lounging., A piece of furniture resembling a sofa, upon which one may lie or recline.
loutou noun A crested black monkey (Semnopithecus maurus) of Java.
louver noun Alt. of Louvre
louvre noun A small lantern. See Lantern, 2 (a).
lovage noun An umbelliferous plant (Levisticum officinale), sometimes used in medicine as an aromatic stimulant.
loving present participle & vb. noun of Love, Affectionate., Expressing love or kindness; as, loving words.
lovely superl. Having such an appearance as excites, or is fitted to excite, love; beautiful; charming; very pleasing in form, looks, tone, or manner., Lovable; amiable; having qualities of any kind which excite, or are fitted to excite, love or friendship., Loving; tender., Very pleasing; — applied loosely to almost anything which is not grand or merely pretty; as, a lovely view; a lovely valley; a lovely melody., In a manner to please, or to excite love.
lovery noun See Louver.
lovyer noun A lover.
lowing present participle & vb. noun of Low, The calling sound made by cows and other bovine animals.
lowery adjective Cloudy; gloomy; lowering; as, a lowery sky; lowery weather.
lowish adjective Somewhat low.