6 letter word starting with loc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
locale noun A place, spot, or location., A principle, practice, form of speech, or other thing of local use, or limited to a locality.
locate verb t. To place; to set in a particular spot or position., To designate the site or place of; to define the limits of; as, to locate a public building; to locate a mining claim; to locate (the land granted by) a land warrant., To place one’s self; to take up one’s residence; to settle.
lochan noun A small lake; a pond.
lochia noun pl. The discharge from the womb and vagina which follows childbirth.
locked imp. & past participle of Lock
locken obs. past participle of Lock., The globeflower (Trollius).
locker noun One who, or that which, locks., A drawer, cupboard, compartment, or chest, esp. one in a ship, that may be closed with a lock.
locket noun A small lock; a catch or spring to fasten a necklace or other ornament., A little case for holding a miniature or lock of hair, usually suspended from a necklace or watch chain.
lockup noun A place where persons under arrest are temporarily locked up; a watchhouse.
locule noun A little hollow; a loculus.
loculi plural of Loculus
locust noun Any one of numerous species of long-winged, migratory, orthopterous insects, of the family Acrididae, allied to the grasshoppers; esp., (Edipoda, / Pachytylus, migratoria, and Acridium perigrinum, of Southern Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the United States the related species with similar habits are usually called grasshoppers. See Grasshopper., The locust tree. See Locust Tree (definition, note, and phrases).