6 letter word starting with me

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
meadow noun A tract of low or level land producing grass which is mown for hay; any field on which grass is grown for hay., Low land covered with coarse grass or rank herbage near rives and in marshy places by the sea; as, the salt meadows near Newark Bay., Of or pertaining to a meadow; of the nature of a meadow; produced, growing, or living in, a meadow.
meager adjective Alt. of Meagre, Alt. of Meagre
meagre adjective Destitue of, or having little, flesh; lean., Destitute of richness, fertility, strength, or the like; defective in quantity, or poor in quality; poor; barren; scanty in ideas; wanting strength of diction or affluence of imagery., Dry and harsh to the touch, as chalk., To make lean., A large European sciaenoid fish (Sciaena umbra or S. aquila), having white bloodless flesh. It is valued as a food fish.
meanly adverb Moderately., In a mean manner; unworthily; basely; poorly; ungenerously.
measle noun A leper., A tapeworm larva. See 2d Measles, 4.
measly adjective Infected with measles., Containing larval tapeworms; — said of pork and beef.
meatal adjective Of or pertaining to a meatus; resembling a meatus.
meated adjective Fed; fattened., Having (such) meat; — used chiefly in composition; as, thick-meated.
meathe noun A sweet liquor; mead.
meatus noun sing. & pl. A natural passage or canal; as, the external auditory meatus. See Illust. of Ear.
meazel noun See 1st Measle.
mebles noun pl. See Moebles.
mecate noun A rope of hair or of maguey fiber, for tying horses, etc.
meddle verb i. To mix; to mingle., To interest or engage one’s self; to have to do; — / a good sense., To interest or engage one’s self unnecessarily or impertinently, to interfere or busy one’s self improperly with another’s affairs; specifically, to handle or distrub another’s property without permission; — often followed by with or in., To mix; to mingle.
mediae plural of Media
medial adjective Of or pertaining to a mean or average; mean; as, medial alligation., See 2d Media.
median adjective Being in the middle; running through the middle; as, a median groove., Situated in the middle; lying in a plane dividing a bilateral animal into right and left halves; — said of unpaired organs and parts; as, median coverts., A median line or point.
medics noun Science of medicine.
medino noun Same as Para.
medium noun That which lies in the middle, or between other things; intervening body or quantity. Hence, specifically: (a) Middle place or degree; mean., See Mean., The mean or middle term of a syllogism; that by which the extremes are brought into connection., A substance through which an effect is transmitted from one thing to another; as, air is the common medium of sound. Hence: The condition upon which any event or action occurs; necessary means of motion or action; that through or by which anything is accomplished, conveyed, or carried on; specifically, in animal magnetism, spiritualism, etc., a person through whom the action of another being is said to be manifested and transmitted., An average., A trade name for printing and writing paper of certain sizes. See Paper., The liquid vehicle with which dry colors are ground and prepared for application., Having a middle position or degree; mean; intermediate; medial; as, a horse of medium size; a decoction of medium strength.
medius noun The third or middle finger; the third digit, or that which corresponds to it.
medlar noun A tree of the genus Mespilus (M. Germanica); also, the fruit of the tree. The fruit is something like a small apple, but has a bony endocarp. When first gathered the flesh is hard and austere, and it is not eaten until it has begun to decay.
medley noun A mixture; a mingled and confused mass of ingredients, usually inharmonious; a jumble; a hodgepodge; — often used contemptuously., The confusion of a hand to hand battle; a brisk, hand to hand engagement; a melee., A composition of passages detached from several different compositions; a potpourri., A cloth of mixed colors., Mixed; of mixed material or color., Mingled; confused.
medusa noun The Gorgon; or one of the Gorgons whose hair was changed into serpents, after which all who looked upon her were turned into stone., Any free swimming acaleph; a jellyfish.
meeken verb t. To make meek; to nurture in gentleness and humility.
meekly adverb In a meek manner.
meeten verb t. To render fit.
meeter noun One who meets.
meetly adverb Fitly; suitably; properly.
megass noun Alt. of Megasse
megerg noun One of the larger measures of work, amounting to one million ergs; — called also megalerg.
megilp noun Alt. of Megilph
megohm noun One of the larger measures of electrical resistance, amounting to one million ohms.
megrim noun A kind of sick or nevrous headache, usually periodical and confined to one side of the head., A fancy; a whim; a freak; a humor; esp., in the plural, lowness of spirits., A sudden vertigo in a horse, succeeded sometimes by unconsciousness, produced by an excess of blood in the brain; a mild form of apoplexy., The British smooth sole, or scaldfish (Psetta arnoglossa).
melada noun Alt. of Melado
melado noun A mixture of sugar and molasses; crude sugar as it comes from the pans without being drained.
melain noun The dark coloring matter of the liquid of the cuttlefish.
melena noun See Melaena.
melene noun An unsaturated hydrocarbon, C30H60, of the ethylene series, obtained from beeswax as a white, scaly, crystalline wax; — called also melissene, and melissylene.
mellay noun A melee; a conflict.
mellic adjective See Mellitic.
mellow superl. Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp; as, a mellow apple., Easily worked or penetrated; not hard or rigid; as, a mellow soil., Not coarse, rough, or harsh; subdued; soft; rich; delicate; — said of sound, color, flavor, style, etc., Well matured; softened by years; genial; jovial., Warmed by liquor; slightly intoxicated., To make mellow., To become mellow; as, ripe fruit soon mellows.
melody noun A sweet or agreeable succession of sounds., A rhythmical succession of single tones, ranging for the most part within a given key, and so related together as to form a musical whole, having the unity of what is technically called a musical thought, at once pleasing to the ear and characteristic in expression., The air or tune of a musical piece.
melted imp. & past participle of Melt
melter noun One who, or that which, melts.
melton noun A kind of stout woolen cloth with unfinished face and without raised nap. A commoner variety has a cotton warp.
member verb t. To remember; to cause to remember; to mention., A part of an animal capable of performing a distinct office; an organ; a limb., Hence, a part of a whole; an independent constituent of a body, A part of a discourse or of a period or sentence; a clause; a part of a verse., Either of the two parts of an algebraic equation, connected by the sign of equality., Any essential part, as a post, tie rod, strut, etc., of a framed structure, as a bridge truss., Any part of a building, whether constructional, as a pier, column, lintel, or the like, or decorative, as a molding, or group of moldings., One of the persons composing a society, community, or the like; an individual forming part of an association; as, a member of the society of Friends.
memnon noun A celebrated Egyptian statue near Thebes, said to have the property of emitting a harplike sound at sunrise.
memoir noun Alt. of Memoirs
memory noun The faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of previous thoughts, impressions, or events., The reach and positiveness with which a person can remember; the strength and trustworthiness of one’s power to reach and represent or to recall the past; as, his memory was never wrong., The actual and distinct retention and recognition of past ideas in the mind; remembrance; as, in memory of youth; memories of foreign lands., The time within which past events can be or are remembered; as, within the memory of man., Something, or an aggregate of things, remembered; hence, character, conduct, etc., as preserved in remembrance, history, or tradition; posthumous fame; as, the war became only a memory., A memorial.
menace noun The show of an intention to inflict evil; a threat or threatening; indication of a probable evil or catastrophe to come., To express or show an intention to inflict, or to hold out a prospect of inflicting, evil or injury upon; to threaten; — usually followed by with before the harm threatened; as, to menace a country with war., To threaten, as an evil to be inflicted., To act in threatening manner; to wear a threatening aspect.
menage noun See Manage., A collection of animals; a menagerie.
menaia plural of Menaion
menald adjective Alt. of Menild
menild adjective Covered with spots; speckled; variegated.
mended imp. & past participle of Mend
mender noun One who mends or repairs.
meinte of Menge
menhir noun A large stone set upright in olden times as a memorial or monument. Many, of unknown date, are found in Brittany and throughout Northern Europe.
menial noun Belonging to a retinue or train of servants; performing servile office; serving., Pertaining to servants, esp. domestic servants; servile; low; mean., A domestic servant or retainer, esp. one of humble rank; one employed in low or servile offices., A person of a servile character or disposition.
mensal adjective Belonging to the table; transacted at table; as, mensal conversation., Occurring once in a month; monthly.
menses noun pl. The catamenial or menstrual discharge, a periodic flow of blood or bloody fluid from the uterus or female generative organs.
mental adjective Of or pertaining to the chin; genian; as, the mental nerve; the mental region., A plate or scale covering the mentum or chin of a fish or reptile., Of or pertaining to the mind; intellectual; as, mental faculties; mental operations, conditions, or exercise.
mentha noun A widely distributed genus of fragrant herbs, including the peppermint, spearmint, etc. The plants have small flowers, usually arranged in dense axillary clusters.
mentor noun A wise and faithful counselor or monitor.
mentum noun The front median plate of the labium in insects. See Labium.
menuse verb i. See Amenuse.
mercat noun Market; trade.
mercer noun Originally, a dealer in any kind of goods or wares; now restricted to a dealer in textile fabrics, as silks or woolens.
merely adverb Purely; unmixedly; absolutely., Not otherwise than; simply; barely; only.
merged imp. & past participle of Merge
merger noun One who, or that which, merges., An absorption of one estate, or one contract, in another, or of a minor offense in a greater.
meride noun A permanent colony of cells or plastids which may remain isolated, like Rotifer, or may multiply by gemmation to form higher aggregates, termed zoides.
merils noun A boy’s play, called also fivepenny morris. See Morris.
merino adjective Of or pertaining to a variety of sheep with very fine wool, originally bred in Spain., Made of the wool of the merino sheep., A breed of sheep originally from Spain, noted for the fineness of its wool., A fine fabric of merino wool.
merkin noun Originally, a wig; afterwards, a mop for cleaning cannon.
merlin noun A small European falcon (Falco lithofalco, or F. aesalon).
merlon noun One of the solid parts of a battlemented parapet; a battlement. See Illust. of Battlement.
mermen plural of Merman
merman noun The male corresponding to mermaid; a sea man, or man fish.
mescal noun A distilled liquor prepared in Mexico from a species of agave. See Agave.
meshed imp. & past participle of Mesh, Mashed; brewed.
mesiad adverb Toward, or on the side toward, the mesial plane; mesially; — opposed to laterad.
mesial adjective Middle; median; in, or in the region of, the mesial plane; internal; — opposed to lateral.
meslin noun See Maslin.
mesole noun Same as Thomsonite.
messed imp. & past participle of Mess
messet noun A dog.
mestee noun The offspring of a white person and a quadroon; — so called in the West Indies.
mester noun See Mister, a trade.
metage verb Measurement, especially of coal., Charge for, or price of, measuring.
meting present participle & vb. noun of Mete
metely adjective According to measure or proportion; proportionable; proportionate.
meteor noun Any phenomenon or appearance in the atmosphere, as clouds, rain, hail, snow, etc., Specif.: A transient luminous body or appearance seen in the atmosphere, or in a more elevated region.
methal noun A white waxy substance, found in small quantities in spermaceti as an ethereal salt of several fatty acids, and regarded as an alcohol of the methane series.
method noun An orderly procedure or process; regular manner of doing anything; hence, manner; way; mode; as, a method of teaching languages; a method of improving the mind., Orderly arrangement, elucidation, development, or classification; clear and lucid exhibition; systematic arrangement peculiar to an individual., Classification; a mode or system of classifying natural objects according to certain common characteristics; as, the method of Theophrastus; the method of Ray; the Linnaean method.
methol noun The technical name of methyl alcohol or wood spirit; also, by extension, the class name of any of the series of alcohols of the methane series of which methol proper is the type. See Methyl alcohol, under Methyl.
methyl noun A hydrocarbon radical, CH3, not existing alone but regarded as an essential residue of methane, and appearing as a component part of many derivatives; as, methyl alcohol, methyl ether, methyl amine, etc.
metive noun f. See Metis.
metope noun The space between two triglyphs of the Doric frieze, which, among the ancients, was often adorned with carved work. See Illust. of Entablature., The face of a crab.
metric adjective Relating to measurement; involving, or proceeding by, measurement., Of or pertaining to the meter as a standard of measurement; of or pertaining to the decimal system of measurement of which a meter is the unit; as, the metric system; a metric measurement.
mettle noun Substance or quality of temperament; spirit, esp. as regards honor, courage, fortitude, ardor, etc.; disposition; — usually in a good sense.
mewing present participle & vb. noun of Mew
mewled imp. & past participle of Mewl
mewler noun One that mewls.
mezcal noun Same as Mescal.