6 letter word starting with mer

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
mercat noun Market; trade.
mercer noun Originally, a dealer in any kind of goods or wares; now restricted to a dealer in textile fabrics, as silks or woolens.
merely adverb Purely; unmixedly; absolutely., Not otherwise than; simply; barely; only.
merged imp. & past participle of Merge
merger noun One who, or that which, merges., An absorption of one estate, or one contract, in another, or of a minor offense in a greater.
meride noun A permanent colony of cells or plastids which may remain isolated, like Rotifer, or may multiply by gemmation to form higher aggregates, termed zoides.
merils noun A boy’s play, called also fivepenny morris. See Morris.
merino adjective Of or pertaining to a variety of sheep with very fine wool, originally bred in Spain., Made of the wool of the merino sheep., A breed of sheep originally from Spain, noted for the fineness of its wool., A fine fabric of merino wool.
merkin noun Originally, a wig; afterwards, a mop for cleaning cannon.
merlin noun A small European falcon (Falco lithofalco, or F. aesalon).
merlon noun One of the solid parts of a battlemented parapet; a battlement. See Illust. of Battlement.
mermen plural of Merman
merman noun The male corresponding to mermaid; a sea man, or man fish.