6 letter word starting with min

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
minaul noun Same as Manul.
minced imp. & past participle of Mince
mincer noun One who minces.
minded imp. & past participle of Mind, Disposed; inclined; having a mind.
minder noun One who minds, tends, or watches something, as a child, a machine, or cattle; as, a minder of a loom., One to be attended; specif., a pauper child intrusted to the care of a private person.
mining present participle & vb. noun of Mine, The act or business of making mines or of working them., Of or pertaining to mines; as, mining engineer; mining machinery; a mining region.
mingle verb t. To mix; intermix; to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product; to confuse; to confound., To associate or unite in society or by ties of relationship; to cause or allow to intermarry; to intermarry., To deprive of purity by mixture; to contaminate., To put together; to join., To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of., To become mixed or blended., A mixture.
minify verb t. To make small, or smaller; to diminish the apparent dimensions of; to lessen., To degrade by speech or action.
minima plural of Minimum
minimi plural of Minimus
minion noun Minimum., A loved one; one highly esteemed and favored; — in a good sense., An obsequious or servile dependent or agent of another; a fawning favorite., A small kind of type, in size between brevier and nonpareil., An ancient form of ordnance, the caliber of which was about three inches., Fine; trim; dainty.
minish adjective To diminish; to lessen.
minium noun A heavy, brilliant red pigment, consisting of an oxide of lead, Pb3O4, obtained by exposing lead or massicot to a gentle and continued heat in the air. It is used as a cement, as a paint, and in the manufacture of flint glass. Called also red lead.
minnow noun A small European fresh-water cyprinoid fish (Phoxinus laevis, formerly Leuciscus phoxinus); sometimes applied also to the young of larger kinds; — called also minim and minny. The name is also applied to several allied American species, of the genera Phoxinus, Notropis, or Minnilus, and Rhinichthys., Any of numerous small American cyprinodont fishes of the genus Fundulus, and related genera. They live both in fresh and in salt water. Called also killifish, minny, and mummichog.
minted imp. & past participle of Mint
minter noun One who mints.
minuet noun A slow graceful dance consisting of a coupee, a high step, and a balance., A tune or air to regulate the movements of the dance so called; a movement in suites, sonatas, symphonies, etc., having the dance form, and commonly in 3-4, sometimes 3-8, measure.
minute noun The sixtieth part of an hour; sixty seconds. (Abbrev. m.; as, 4 h. 30 m.), The sixtieth part of a degree; sixty seconds (Marked thus (‘); as, 10ยก 20’)., A nautical or a geographic mile., A coin; a half farthing., A very small part of anything, or anything very small; a jot; a tittle., A point of time; a moment., The memorandum; a record; a note to preserve the memory of anything; as, to take minutes of a contract; to take minutes of a conversation or debate., A fixed part of a module. See Module., Of or pertaining to a minute or minutes; occurring at or marking successive minutes., To set down a short sketch or note of; to jot down; to make a minute or a brief summary of., Very small; little; tiny; fine; slight; slender; inconsiderable., Attentive to small things; paying attention to details; critical; particular; precise; as, a minute observer; minute observation.