6 letter word starting with mis

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
miscue noun A false stroke with a billiard cue, the cue slipping from the ball struck without impelling it as desired.
misdid imp. of Misdo
misery noun Great unhappiness; extreme pain of body or mind; wretchedness; distress; woe., Cause of misery; calamity; misfortune., Covetousness; niggardliness; avarice.
misfit noun The act or the state of fitting badly; as, a misfit in making a coat; a ludicrous misfit., Something that fits badly, as a garment.
misget verb t. To get wrongfully.
misgie verb t. See Misgye.
misgye verb t. To misguide.
mishap noun Evil accident; ill luck; misfortune; mischance., To happen unluckily; — used impersonally.
mishna noun A collection or digest of Jewish traditions and explanations of Scripture, forming the text of the Talmud.
misken verb t. Not to know.
miskin noun A little bagpipe.
mislay verb t. To lay in a wrong place; to ascribe to a wrong source., To lay in a place not recollected; to lose.
misled imp. & past participle of Misle, of Mislead, imp. & p. p. of Mislead.
mislin noun & adjective See Maslin.
mispay verb t. To dissatisfy.
misses plural of Miss
missed imp. & past participle of Miss
missae plural of Missa
missal noun The book containing the service of the Mass for the entire year; a Mass book., Of or pertaining to the Mass, or to a missal or Mass book.
missay verb t. To say wrongly., To speak evil of; to slander., To speak ill.
missel noun Mistletoe.
misset verb t. To set pr place wrongly.
missis noun A mistress; a wife; — so used by the illiterate.
missit verb t. To sit badly or imperfectly upon; to misbecome.
misted imp. & past participle of Mist
mister noun A title of courtesy prefixed to the name of a man or youth. It is usually written in the abbreviated form Mr., To address or mention by the title Mr.; as, he mistered me in a formal way., A trade, art, or occupation., Manner; kind; sort., Need; necessity., To be needful or of use.
mistic noun Alt. of Mistico
mistle verb i. To fall in very fine drops, as rain.
misuse verb t. To treat or use improperly; to use to a bad purpose; to misapply; as, to misuse one’s talents., To abuse; to treat ill., Wrong use; misapplication; erroneous or improper use., Violence, or its effects.
misway noun A wrong way.
miswed verb t. To wed improperly.