6 letter word starting with n

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nabbed imp. & past participle of Nab
nacker noun See Nacre.
nadder noun An adder.
naenia noun See Nenia.
nagged imp. & past participle of Nag
naiant adjective See Natant.
nailed imp. & past participle of Nail
nailer noun One whose occupation is to make nails; a nail maker., One who fastens with, or drives, nails.
naming present participle & vb. noun of Name
namely adverb By name; by particular mention; specifically; especially; expressly., That is to say; to wit; videlicet; — introducing a particular or specific designation.
nandou noun Alt. of Nandu
nanpie noun The magpie.
napped imp. & past participle of Nap
napery noun Table linen; also, linen clothing, or linen in general.
naphew noun See Navew.
napkin noun A little towel, or small cloth, esp. one for wiping the fingers and mouth at table., A handkerchief.
nardoo noun An Australian name for Marsilea Drummondii, a four-leaved cryptogamous plant, sometimes used for food.
narica noun The brown coati. See Coati.
narine adjective Of or belonging to the nostrils.
narrow superl. Of little breadth; not wide or broad; having little distance from side to side; as, a narrow board; a narrow street; a narrow hem., Of little extent; very limited; circumscribed., Having but a little margin; having barely sufficient space, time, or number, etc.; close; near; — with special reference to some peril or misfortune; as, a narrow shot; a narrow escape; a narrow majority., Limited as to means; straitened; pinching; as, narrow circumstances., Contracted; of limited scope; illiberal; bigoted; as, a narrow mind; narrow views., Parsimonious; niggardly; covetous; selfish., Scrutinizing in detail; close; accurate; exact., Formed (as a vowel) by a close position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate; or (according to Bell) by a tense condition of the pharynx; — distinguished from wide; as e (eve) and / (f/d), etc., from i (ill) and / (f/t), etc. See Guide to Pronunciation, / 13., A narrow passage; esp., a contracted part of a stream, lake, or sea; a strait connecting two bodies of water; — usually in the plural; as, The Narrows of New York harbor., To lessen the breadth of; to contract; to draw into a smaller compass; to reduce the width or extent of., To contract the reach or sphere of; to make less liberal or more selfish; to limit; to confine; to restrict; as, to narrow one’s views or knowledge; to narrow a question in discussion., To contract the size of, as a stocking, by taking two stitches into one., To become less broad; to contract; to become narrower; as, the sea narrows into a strait., Not to step out enough to the one hand or the other; as, a horse narrows., To contract the size of a stocking or other knit article, by taking two stitches into one.
narwal noun See Narwhal.
nascal noun A kind of pessary of medicated wool or cotton, formerly used.
nasion noun The middle point of the nasofrontal suture.
nassas plural of Nassa
nassae plural of Nassa
nasute adjective Having a nice sense of smell., Critically nice; captious.
natals noun pl. One’s birth, or the circumstances attending it.
natant adjective Floating in water, as the leaves of water lilies, or submersed, as those of many aquatic plants., Placed horizontally across the field, as if swimmimg toward the dexter side; said of all sorts of fishes except the flying fish.
natica noun Any one of numerous species of marine gastropods belonging to Natica, Lunatia, Neverita, and other allied genera (family Naticidae.) They burrow beneath the sand, or mud, and drill other shells.
nation noun A part, or division, of the people of the earth, distinguished from the rest by common descent, language, or institutions; a race; a stock., The body of inhabitants of a country, united under an independent government of their own., Family; lineage., One of the divisions of university students in a classification according to nativity, formerly common in Europe., One of the four divisions (named from the parts of Scotland) in which students were classified according to their nativity., A great number; a great deal; — by way of emphasis; as, a nation of herbs.
native adjective Arising by birth; having an origin; born., Of or pertaining to one’s birth; natal; belonging to the place or the circumstances in which one is born; — opposed to foreign; as, native land, language, color, etc., Born in the region in which one lives; as, a native inhabitant, race; grown or originating in the region where used or sold; not foreign or imported; as, native oysters, or strawberries., Original; constituting the original substance of anything; as, native dust., Conferred by birth; derived from origin; born with one; inherent; inborn; not acquired; as, native genius, cheerfulness, simplicity, rights, etc., Naturally related; cognate; connected (with)., Found in nature uncombined with other elements; as, native silver., Found in nature; not artificial; as native sodium chloride., One who, or that which, is born in a place or country referred to; a denizen by birth; an animal, a fruit, or vegetable, produced in a certain region; as, a native of France., Any of the live stock found in a region, as distinguished from such as belong to pure and distinct imported breeds.
natron noun Native sodium carbonate.
natter verb i. To find fault; to be peevish.
nature noun The existing system of things; the world of matter, or of matter and mind; the creation; the universe., The personified sum and order of causes and effects; the powers which produce existing phenomena, whether in the total or in detail; the agencies which carry on the processes of creation or of being; — often conceived of as a single and separate entity, embodying the total of all finite agencies and forces as disconnected from a creating or ordering intelligence., The established or regular course of things; usual order of events; connection of cause and effect., Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artifical, or forced, or remote from actual experience., The sum of qualities and attributes which make a person or thing what it is, as distinct from others; native character; inherent or essential qualities or attributes; peculiar constitution or quality of being., Hence: Kind, sort; character; quality., Physical constitution or existence; the vital powers; the natural life., Natural affection or reverence., Constitution or quality of mind or character., To endow with natural qualities.
naught adverb Nothing., The arithmetical character 0; a cipher. See Cipher., In no degree; not at all., Of no value or account; worthless; bad; useless., Hence, vile; base; naughty.
nausea noun Seasickness; hence, any similar sickness of the stomach accompanied with a propensity to vomit; qualm; squeamishness of the stomach; loathing.
nautch noun An entertainment consisting chiefly of dancing by professional dancing (or Nautch) girls.
nautic adjective Nautical.
navals nounpl. Naval affairs.
navies plural of Navvy, of Navy
nayaur noun A specied of wild sheep (Ovis Hodgsonii), native of Nepaul and Thibet. It has a dorsal mane and a white ruff beneath the neck.
neaped adjective Left aground on the height of a spring tide, so that it will not float till the next spring tide; — called also beneaped.
neared imp. & past participle of Near
nearly adverb In a near manner; not remotely; closely; intimately; almost.
neatly adverb In a neat manner; tidily; tastefully.
nebula noun A faint, cloudlike, self-luminous mass of matter situated beyond the solar system among the stars. True nebulae are gaseous; but very distant star clusters often appear like them in the telescope., A white spot or a slight opacity of the cornea., A cloudy appearance in the urine.
nebule noun A little cloud; a cloud., Alt. of Nebuly
nebuly adjective Composed of successive short curves supposed to resemble a cloud; — said of a heraldic line by which an ordinary or subordinary may be bounded., A line or a direction composed of successive short curves or waves supposed to resembe a cloud. See NEbulE
necked imp. & past participle of Neck, Having (such) a neck; — chiefly used in composition; as, stiff-necked., Cracked; — said of a treenail.
nectar noun The drink of the gods (as ambrosia was their food); hence, any delicious or inspiring beverage., A sweetish secretion of blossoms from which bees make honey.
nedder noun An adder.
needed imp. & past participle of Need
needer noun One who needs anything.
needle noun A small instrument of steel, sharply pointed at one end, with an eye to receive a thread, — used in sewing., See Magnetic needle, under Magnetic., A slender rod or wire used in knitting; a knitting needle; also, a hooked instrument which carries the thread or twine, and by means of which knots or loops are formed in the process of netting, knitting, or crocheting., One of the needle-shaped secondary leaves of pine trees. See Pinus., Any slender, pointed object, like a needle, as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc., To form in the shape of a needle; as, to needle crystals., To form needles; to crystallize in the form of needles.
needly adjective Like a needle or needles; as, a needly horn; a needly beard., Necessarily; of necessity.
neesed imp. & past participle of Neese
nefand adjective Alt. of Nefandous
nefast adjective Wicked.
negoce noun Business; occupation.
nemean adjective Of or pertaining to Nemea, in Argolis, where the ancient Greeks celebrated games, and Hercules killed a lion.
nempne verb To name or call.
neogen noun An alloy resembling silver, and consisting chiefly of copper, zinc, and nickel, with small proportions of tin, aluminium, and bismuth.
nepeta noun A genus of labiate plants, including the catnip and ground ivy.
nephew noun A grandson or grandchild, or remoter lineal descendant., A cousin., The son of a brother or a sister, or of a brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
nereid noun A sea nymph, one of the daughters of Nereus, who were attendants upon Neptune, and were represented as riding on sea horses, sometimes with the human form entire, and sometimes with the tail of a fish., Any species of Nereis. The word is sometimes used for similar annelids of other families.
nereis noun A Nereid. See Nereid., A genus, including numerous species, of marine chaetopod annelids, having a well-formed head, with two pairs of eyes, antennae, four pairs of tentacles, and a protrusile pharynx, armed with a pair of hooked jaws.
nerita noun A genus of marine gastropods, mostly natives of warm climates.
nerite noun Any mollusk of the genus Nerita.
neroli noun An essential oil obtained by distillation from the flowers of the orange. It has a strong odor, and is used in perfumery, etc.
nerved imp. & past participle of Nerve, Having nerves of a special character; as, weak-nerved., Having nerves, or simple and parallel ribs or veins.
nestle verb i. To make and occupy a nest; to nest., To lie close and snug, as a bird in her nest; to cuddle up; to settle, as in a nest; to harbor; to take shelter., To move about in one’s place, like a bird when shaping the interior of her nest or a young bird getting close to the parent; as, a child nestles., To house, as in a nest., To cherish, as a bird her young.
nestor noun A genus of parrots with gray heads. of New Zeland and papua, allied to the cockatoos. See Kaka.
netted imp. & past participle of Net, of Net
nether adjective Situated down or below; lying beneath, or in the lower part; having a lower position; belonging to the region below; lower; under; — opposed to upper.
netify verb t. To render neat; to clean; to put in order.
nettle noun A plant of the genus Urtica, covered with minute sharp hairs containing a poison that produces a stinging sensation. Urtica gracitis is common in the Northern, and U. chamaedryoides in the Southern, United States. the common European species, U. urens and U. dioica, are also found in the Eastern united States. U. pilulifera is the Roman nettle of England., To fret or sting; to irritate or vex; to cause to experience sensations of displeasure or uneasiness not amounting to violent anger.
neurad adverb Toward the neural side; — opposed to haemad.
neural adjective relating to the nerves or nervous system; taining to, situated in the region of, or on the side with, the neural, or cerebro-spinal, axis; — opposed to hemal. As applied to vertebrates, neural is the same as dorsal; as applied to invertebrates it is usually the same as ventral. Cf. Hemal.
neuro- A combining denoting a nerve, of / pertaining to a nerve / the nervous system.
neuron noun The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; myelencephalon.
neuter adjective Neither the one thing nor the other; on neither side; impartial; neutral., Having a form belonging more especially to words which are not appellations of males or females; expressing or designating that which is of neither sex; as, a neuter noun; a neuter termination; the neuter gender., Intransitive; as, a neuter verb., Having no generative organs, or imperfectly developed ones; sexless. See Neuter, n., 3., A person who takes no part in a contest; one who is either indifferent to a cause or forbears to interfere; a neutral., A noun of the neuter gender; any one of those words which have the terminations usually found in neuter words., An intransitive verb., An organism, either vegetable or animal, which at its maturity has no generative organs, or but imperfectly developed ones, as a plant without stamens or pistils, as the garden Hydrangea; esp., one of the imperfectly developed females of certain social insects, as of the ant and the common honeybee, which perform the labors of the community, and are called workers.
newing verb t. Yeast; barm.
newish adjective Somewhat new; nearly new.
nebbed imp. & past participle of Nib
nibbed adjective Having a nib or point.
nibble verb t. To bite by little at a time; to seize gently with the mouth; to eat slowly or in small bits., To bite upon something gently or cautiously; to eat a little of a thing, as by taking small bits cautiously; as, fishes nibble at the bait., A small or cautious bite.
nicely adverb In a nice manner.
nicene adjective Of or pertaining to Nice, a town of Asia Minor, or to the ecumenial council held there A. D. 325.
nicery noun Nicety.
nicety noun The quality or state of being nice (in any of the senses of that word.)., Delicacy or exactness of perception; minuteness of observation or of discrimination; precision., A delicate expression, act, mode of treatment, distinction, or the like; a minute distinction.
niched adjective Placed in a niche.
nicked imp. & past participle of Nick
nickel noun A bright silver-white metallic element. It is of the iron group, and is hard, malleable, and ductile. It occurs combined with sulphur in millerite, with arsenic in the mineral niccolite, and with arsenic and sulphur in nickel glance. Symbol Ni. Atomic weight 58.6., A small coin made of or containing nickel; esp., a five-cent piece.
nicker verb t. One of the night brawlers of London formerly noted for breaking windows with half-pence., The cutting lip which projects downward at the edge of a boring bit and cuts a circular groove in the wood to limit the size of the hole that is bored.
nickle noun The European woodpecker, or yaffle; — called also nicker pecker.
nidary noun A collection of nests.
nidget noun A fool; an idiot, a coward.
niding noun A coward; a dastard; — a term of utmost opprobrium.
niello noun A metallic alloy of a deep black color., The art, process, or method of decorating metal with incised designs filled with the black alloy., A piece of metal, or any other object, so decorated., An impression on paper taken from an ancient incised decoration or metal plate.
nigged noun Hammer-dressed; — said of building stone.
nigger noun A negro; — in vulgar derision or depreciation.
niggle verb t. To trifle with; to deceive; to mock., To trifle or play., To act or walk mincingly., To fret and snarl about trifles.
nighly adverb In a near relation in place, time, degree, etc.; within a little; almost.
nilgau noun see Nylghau.
nilled imp. & past participle of Nill
nimmed of Nim
nimble superl. Light and quick in motion; moving with ease and celerity; lively; swift.
nimbly adverb In a nimble manner; with agility; with light, quick motion.
nimbus noun A circle, or disk, or any indication of radiant light around the heads of divinities, saints, and sovereigns, upon medals, pictures, etc.; a halo. See Aureola, and Glory, n., 5., A rain cloud; one of the four principal varieties of clouds. See Cloud.
nimmer noun A thief.
ninety adjective Nine times ten; eighty-nine and one more; as, ninety men., The sum of nine times ten; the number greater by a unit than eighty-nine; ninety units or objects., A symbol representing ninety units, as 90 or xc.
niobic adjective Same as Columbic.
nipped imp. & past participle of Nip
nipper noun One who, or that which, nips., A fore tooth of a horse. The nippers are four in number., A satirist., A pickpocket; a young or petty thief., The cunner., A European crab (Polybius Henslowii).
nipple noun The protuberance through which milk is drawn from the breast or mamma; the mammilla; a teat; a pap., The orifice at which any animal liquid, as the oil from an oil bag, is discharged., Any small projection or article in which there is an orifice for discharging a fluid, or for other purposes; as, the nipple of a nursing bottle; the nipple of a percussion lock, or that part on which the cap is put and through which the fire passes to the charge., A pipe fitting, consisting of a short piece of pipe, usually provided with a screw thread at each end, for connecting two other fittings.
nyseys plural of Nisey
nitric adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, nitrogen; specifically, designating any one of those compounds in which, as contrasted with nitrous compounds, the element has a higher valence; as, nitric oxide; nitric acid.
nitro- A combining form or an adjective denoting the presence of niter., A combining form (used also adjectively) designating certain compounds of nitrogen or of its acids, as nitrohydrochloric, nitrocalcite; also, designating the group or radical NO2, or its compounds, as nitrobenzene.
nitrol noun Any one of a series of hydrocarbons containing the nitro and the nitroso or isonitroso group united to the same carbon atom.
nitrum noun Niter.
nitryl noun A name sometimes given to the nitro group or radical.
nitter noun The horselouse; an insect that deposits nits on horses.
nivose noun The fourth month of the French republican calendar [1792-1806]. It commenced December 21, and ended January 19. See VendEmiaire.
nobley noun The body of nobles; the nobility., Noble birth; nobility; dignity.
nobody noun No person; no one; not anybody., A person of no influence or importance; an insignificant or contemptible person.
nocake noun Indian corn parched, and beaten to powder, — used for food by the Northern American Indians.
nocent adjective Doing hurt, or having a tendency to hurt; hurtful; mischievous; noxious; as, nocent qualities., Guilty; — the opposite of innocent., A criminal.
nocive adjective Hurtful; injurious.
nodded imp. & past participle of Nod
nodder noun One who nods; a drowsy person.
noddle noun The head; — used jocosely or contemptuously., The back part of the head or neck.
nodose adjective Knotty; having numerous or conspicuous nodes., Having nodes or prominences; having the alternate joints enlarged, as the antennae of certain insects.
nodous adjective Nodose; knotty; knotted.
nodule noun A rounded mass or irregular shape; a little knot or lump.
noetic adjective Alt. of Noetical
noggen adjective Made of hemp; hence, hard; rough; harsh.
noggin noun A small mug or cup., A measure equivalent to a gill.
noious adjective Annoying; troublesome.
noised imp. & past participle of Noise
nomade noun See Nomad, n.
nomial noun A name or term.
nonage noun The ninth part of movable goods, formerly payable to the clergy on the death of persons in their parishes., Time of life before a person becomes of age; legal immaturity; minority.
nonane noun One of a group of metameric hydrocarbons C9H20 of the paraffin series; — so called because of the nine carbon atoms in the molecule. Normal nonane is a colorless volatile liquid, an ingredient of ordinary kerosene.
nonett noun The titmouse.
nonius noun A vernier.
nonoic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or resembling, nonane; as, nonoic acid, which is also called pelargonic acid. Cf. Pelargonic.
nonone noun Any one of several metameric unsaturated hydrocarbons (C9H14) of the valylene series.
noodle noun A simpleton; a blockhead; a stupid person; a ninny., A thin strip of dough, made with eggs, rolled up, cut into small pieces, and used in soup.
noosed imp. & past participle of Noose
norian adjective Pertaining to the upper portion of the Laurentian rocks.
norice noun Nurse.
norite noun A granular crystalline rock consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar (as labradorite) and hypersthene.
norium noun A supposed metal alleged to have been discovered in zircon.
normal adjective According to an established norm, rule, or principle; conformed to a type, standard, or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal; regular; natural; analogical., According to a square or rule; perpendicular; forming a right angle. Specifically: Of or pertaining to a normal., Standard; original; exact; typical., Denoting a solution of such strength that every cubic centimeter contains the same number of milligrams of the element in question as the number of its molecular weight., Denoting certain hypothetical compounds, as acids from which the real acids are obtained by dehydration; thus, normal sulphuric acid and normal nitric acid are respectively S(OH)6, and N(OH)5., Denoting that series of hydrocarbons in which no carbon atom is united with more than two other carbon atoms; as, normal pentane, hexane, etc. Cf. Iso-., Any perpendicular., A straight line or plane drawn from any point of a curve or surface so as to be perpendicular to the curve or surface at that point.
norman noun A wooden bar, or iron pin., Of or pertaining to Normandy or to the Normans; as, the Norman language; the Norman conquest., A native or inhabitant of Normandy; originally, one of the Northmen or Scandinavians who conquered Normandy in the 10th century; afterwards, one of the mixed (Norman-French) race which conquered England, under William the Conqueror.
norroy noun The most northern of the English Kings-at-arms. See King-at-arms, under King.
nosing present participle & vb. noun of Nose, That part of the treadboard of a stair which projects over the riser; hence, any like projection, as the projecting edge of a molding.
nostoc noun A genus of algae. The plants are composed of moniliform cells imbedded in a gelatinous substance.
notary noun One who records in shorthand what is said or done; as, the notary of an ecclesiastical body., A public officer who attests or certifies deeds and other writings, or copies of them, usually under his official seal, to make them authentic, especially in foreign countries. His duties chiefly relate to instruments used in commercial transactions, such as protests of negotiable paper, ship’s papers in cases of loss, damage, etc. He is generally called a notary public.
notate adjective Marked with spots or lines, which are often colored.
noting present participle & vb. noun of Note
nother conj. Neither; nor.
notice noun The act of noting, remarking, or observing; observation by the senses or intellect; cognizance; note., Intelligence, by whatever means communicated; knowledge given or received; means of knowledge; express notification; announcement; warning., An announcement, often accompanied by comments or remarks; as, book notices; theatrical notices., A writing communicating information or warning., Attention; respectful treatment; civility., To observe; to see to mark; to take note of; to heed; to pay attention to., To show that one has observed; to take public note of; remark upon; to make comments on; to refer to; as, to notice a book., To treat with attention and civility; as, to notice strangers.
notify verb t. To make known; to declare; to publish; as, to notify a fact to a person., To give notice to; to inform by notice; to apprise; as, the constable has notified the citizens to meet at the city hall; the bell notifies us of the time of meeting.
notion Mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined; an idea; a conception; more properly, a general or universal conception, as distinguishable or definable by marks or notae., A sentiment; an opinion., Sense; mind., An invention; an ingenious device; a knickknack; as, Yankee notions., Inclination; intention; disposition; as, I have a notion to do it.
notist noun An annotator.
nougat noun A cake, sweetmeat, or confection made with almonds or other nuts.
nought noun & adverb See Naught.
nounal adjective Of or pertaining to a noun.
nousel verb t. Alt. of Nousle
nousle verb t. To insnare; to entrap.
nouthe adverb Alt. of Nowthe
nowthe adverb Just now; at present., See Nouthe.
novene adjective Relating to, or dependent on, the number nine; novenary.
novice noun One who is new in any business, profession, or calling; one unacquainted or unskilled; one yet in the rudiments; a beginner; a tyro., One newly received into the church, or one newly converted to the Christian faith., One who enters a religious house, whether of monks or nuns, as a probationist., Like a novice; becoming a novice.
novity noun Newness; novelty.
noways adverb In no manner or degree; not at all; nowise.
nowise noun Not in any manner or degree; in no way; noways.
noyful adjective Full of annoyance.
noyous adjective Annoying; disagreeable.
nozzle noun The nose; the snout; hence, the projecting vent of anything; as, the nozzle of a bellows., A short tube, usually tapering, forming the vent of a hose or pipe., A short outlet, or inlet, pipe projecting from the end or side of a hollow vessel, as a steam-engine cylinder or a steam boiler.
nuance noun A shade of difference; a delicate gradation.
nubbin noun A small or imperfect ear of maize.
nubble verb t. To beat or bruise with the fist.
nubian adjective Of or pertaining to Nubia in Eastern Africa., A native of Nubia.
nubile adjective Of an age suitable for marriage; marriageable.
nuchal adjective Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the back, or nape, of the neck; — applied especially to the anterior median plate in the carapace of turtles.
nuclei plural of Nucleus
nucula noun A genus of small marine bivalve shells, having a pearly interior.
nuddle verb i. To walk quickly with the head bent forward; — often with along.
nudge/ imp. & past participle of Nudge
nudity noun The quality or state of being nude; nakedness., That which is nude or naked; naked part; undraped or unclothed portion; esp. (Fine Arts), the human figure represented unclothed; any representation of nakedness; — chiefly used in the plural and in a bad sense.
nugget noun A lump; a mass, esp. a native lump of a precious metal; as, a nugget of gold.
nugify verb t. To render trifling or futile; to make silly.
nulled adjective Turned so as to resemble nulls.
numbed imp. & past participle of Numb
number noun That which admits of being counted or reckoned; a unit, or an aggregate of units; a numerable aggregate or collection of individuals; an assemblage made up of distinct things expressible by figures., A collection of many individuals; a numerous assemblage; a multitude; many., A numeral; a word or character denoting a number; as, to put a number on a door., Numerousness; multitude., The state or quality of being numerable or countable., Quantity, regarded as made up of an aggregate of separate things., That which is regulated by count; poetic measure, as divisions of time or number of syllables; hence, poetry, verse; — chiefly used in the plural., The distinction of objects, as one, or more than one (in some languages, as one, or two, or more than two), expressed (usually) by a difference in the form of a word; thus, the singular number and the plural number are the names of the forms of a word indicating the objects denoted or referred to by the word as one, or as more than one., The measure of the relation between quantities or things of the same kind; that abstract species of quantity which is capable of being expressed by figures; numerical value., To count; to reckon; to ascertain the units of; to enumerate., To reckon as one of a collection or multitude., To give or apply a number or numbers to; to assign the place of in a series by order of number; to designate the place of by a number or numeral; as, to number the houses in a street, or the apartments in a building., To amount; to equal in number; to contain; to consist of; as, the army numbers fifty thousand.
numero noun Number; — often abbrev. No.
nuncio noun A messenger., The permanent official representative of the pope at a foreign court or seat of government. Distinguished from a legate a latere, whose mission is temporary in its nature, or for some special purpose. Nuncios are of higher rank than internuncios.
nuncii plural of Nuncius
nuphar noun A genus of plants found in the fresh-water ponds or lakes of Europe, Asia, and North America; the yellow water lily. Cf. Nymphaea.
nupson noun A simpleton; a fool.
nurled imp. & past participle of Nurl
nursed imp. & past participle of Nurse
nurser noun One who nurses; a nurse; one who cherishes or encourages growth.
nustle verb t. To fondle; to cherish.
nutted imp. & past participle of Nut
nutant adjective Nodding; having the top bent downward.
nutlet noun A small nut; also, the stone of a drupe.
nutmeg noun The kernel of the fruit of the nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans), a native of the Molucca Islands, but cultivated elsewhere in the tropics.
nutria noun The fur of the coypu. See Coypu.
nutter noun A gatherer of nuts.
nuzzle verb t. To noursle or nurse; to foster; to bring up., To nestle; to house, as in a nest., To work with the nose, like a swine in the mud., To go with head poised like a swine, with nose down., To hide the head, as a child in the mother’s bosom; to nestle., To loiter; to idle.
nylgau noun A large Asiatic antelope (Boselaphus, / Portax, tragocamelus), found in Northern India. It has short horns, a black mane, and a bunch of long hair on the throat. The general color is grayish brown.
nymph/ plural of Nympha
nympha noun Same as Nymph, 3., Two folds of mucous membrane, within the labia, at the opening of the vulva.