6 letter word starting with nu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nuance noun A shade of difference; a delicate gradation.
nubbin noun A small or imperfect ear of maize.
nubble verb t. To beat or bruise with the fist.
nubian adjective Of or pertaining to Nubia in Eastern Africa., A native of Nubia.
nubile adjective Of an age suitable for marriage; marriageable.
nuchal adjective Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the back, or nape, of the neck; — applied especially to the anterior median plate in the carapace of turtles.
nuclei plural of Nucleus
nucula noun A genus of small marine bivalve shells, having a pearly interior.
nuddle verb i. To walk quickly with the head bent forward; — often with along.
nudge/ imp. & past participle of Nudge
nudity noun The quality or state of being nude; nakedness., That which is nude or naked; naked part; undraped or unclothed portion; esp. (Fine Arts), the human figure represented unclothed; any representation of nakedness; — chiefly used in the plural and in a bad sense.
nugget noun A lump; a mass, esp. a native lump of a precious metal; as, a nugget of gold.
nugify verb t. To render trifling or futile; to make silly.
nulled adjective Turned so as to resemble nulls.
numbed imp. & past participle of Numb
number noun That which admits of being counted or reckoned; a unit, or an aggregate of units; a numerable aggregate or collection of individuals; an assemblage made up of distinct things expressible by figures., A collection of many individuals; a numerous assemblage; a multitude; many., A numeral; a word or character denoting a number; as, to put a number on a door., Numerousness; multitude., The state or quality of being numerable or countable., Quantity, regarded as made up of an aggregate of separate things., That which is regulated by count; poetic measure, as divisions of time or number of syllables; hence, poetry, verse; — chiefly used in the plural., The distinction of objects, as one, or more than one (in some languages, as one, or two, or more than two), expressed (usually) by a difference in the form of a word; thus, the singular number and the plural number are the names of the forms of a word indicating the objects denoted or referred to by the word as one, or as more than one., The measure of the relation between quantities or things of the same kind; that abstract species of quantity which is capable of being expressed by figures; numerical value., To count; to reckon; to ascertain the units of; to enumerate., To reckon as one of a collection or multitude., To give or apply a number or numbers to; to assign the place of in a series by order of number; to designate the place of by a number or numeral; as, to number the houses in a street, or the apartments in a building., To amount; to equal in number; to contain; to consist of; as, the army numbers fifty thousand.
numero noun Number; — often abbrev. No.
nuncio noun A messenger., The permanent official representative of the pope at a foreign court or seat of government. Distinguished from a legate a latere, whose mission is temporary in its nature, or for some special purpose. Nuncios are of higher rank than internuncios.
nuncii plural of Nuncius
nuphar noun A genus of plants found in the fresh-water ponds or lakes of Europe, Asia, and North America; the yellow water lily. Cf. Nymphaea.
nupson noun A simpleton; a fool.
nurled imp. & past participle of Nurl
nursed imp. & past participle of Nurse
nurser noun One who nurses; a nurse; one who cherishes or encourages growth.
nustle verb t. To fondle; to cherish.
nutted imp. & past participle of Nut
nutant adjective Nodding; having the top bent downward.
nutlet noun A small nut; also, the stone of a drupe.
nutmeg noun The kernel of the fruit of the nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans), a native of the Molucca Islands, but cultivated elsewhere in the tropics.
nutria noun The fur of the coypu. See Coypu.
nutter noun A gatherer of nuts.
nuzzle verb t. To noursle or nurse; to foster; to bring up., To nestle; to house, as in a nest., To work with the nose, like a swine in the mud., To go with head poised like a swine, with nose down., To hide the head, as a child in the mother’s bosom; to nestle., To loiter; to idle.