6 letter word starting with os

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
osages noun pl. A tribe of southern Sioux Indians, now living in the Indian Territory.
osanne noun Hosanna.
oscine adjective Relating to the Oscines.
oscule noun One of the excurrent apertures of sponges.
oscula plural of Osculum
osiery noun An osier bed.
osiris noun One of the principal divinities of Egypt, the brother and husband of Isis. He was figured as a mummy wearing the royal cap of Upper Egypt, and was symbolized by the sacred bull, called Apis. Cf. Serapis.
osmate noun A salt of osmic acid.
osmite noun A salt of osmious acid.
osmium noun A rare metallic element of the platinum group, found native as an alloy in platinum ore, and in iridosmine. It is a hard, infusible, bluish or grayish white metal, and the heaviest substance known. Its tetroxide is used in histological experiments to stain tissues. Symbol Os. Atomic weight 191.1. Specific gravity 22.477.
osmose noun The tendency in fluids to mix, or become equably diffused, when in contact. It was first observed between fluids of differing densities, and as taking place through a membrane or an intervening porous structure. The more rapid flow from the thinner to the thicker fluid was then called endosmose, and the opposite, slower current, exosmose. Both are, however, results of the same force. Osmose may be regarded as a form of molecular attraction, allied to that of adhesion., The action produced by this tendency.
osmund noun A fern of the genus Osmunda, or flowering fern. The most remarkable species is the osmund royal, or royal fern (Osmunda regalis), which grows in wet or boggy places, and has large bipinnate fronds, often with a panicle of capsules at the top. The rootstock contains much starch, and has been used in stiffening linen.
osprey noun Alt. of Ospray
ospray noun The fishhawk.
ossean noun A fish having a bony skeleton; a teleost.
ossein noun The organic basis of bone tissue; the residue after removal of the mineral matters from bone by dilute acid; in embryonic tissue, the substance in which the mineral salts are deposited to form bone; — called also ostein. Chemically it is the same as collagen.
ossify verb t. To form into bone; to change from a soft animal substance into bone, as by the deposition of lime salts., Fig.: To harden; as, to ossify the heart., To become bone; to change from a soft tissue to a hard bony tissue.
osteal adjective Osseous.
ostein noun Ossein.
ostend verb t. To exhibit; to manifest.
ostent noun Appearance; air; mien., Manifestation; token; portent.
osteo- A combining form of Gr. / a bone.
ostium noun An opening; a passage.
ostler noun See Hostler.
ostmen noun pl. East men; Danish settlers in Ireland, formerly so called.
ostrea noun A genus of bivalve Mollusca which includes the true oysters.