6 letter word starting with ou

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
oughne adjective Own.
ounded adjective Alt. of Oundy
ouphen adjective Elfish.
ourang noun The orang-outang.
ourebi noun A small, graceful, and swift African antelope, allied to the klipspringer.
ousted imp. & past participle of Oust
ouster noun A putting out of possession; dispossession; ejection; disseizin.
outact verb t. To do or beyond; to exceed in acting.
outbar verb t. To bar out.
outbeg verb t. To surpass in begging.
outbid imp. of Outbid, of Outbid, To exceed or surpass in bidding.
outbow verb t. To excel in bowing.
outbud verb i. To sprout.
outcry noun A vehement or loud cry; a cry of distress, alarm, opposition, or detestation; clamor., Sale at public auction.
outdid imp. of Outdo
outfit noun A fitting out, or equipment, as of a ship for a voyage, or of a person for an expedition in an unoccupied region or residence in a foreign land; things required for equipment; the expense of, or allowance made for, equipment, as by the government of the United States to a diplomatic agent going abroad.
outfly verb t. To surpass in flying; to fly beyond or faster than.
outher conj. Other.
outing noun The act of going out; an airing; an excursion; as, a summer outing., A feast given by an apprentice when he is out of his time.
outjet noun That which jets out or projects from anything.
outlaw noun A person excluded from the benefit of the law, or deprived of its protection., To deprive of the benefit and protection of law; to declare to be an outlaw; to proscribe., To remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement; as, to outlaw a debt or claim; to deprive of legal force.
outlay verb t. To lay out; to spread out; to display., A laying out or expending., That which is expended; expenditure., An outlying haunt.
outlet noun The place or opening by which anything is let out; a passage out; an exit; a vent., To let out; to emit.
outlie verb t. To exceed in lying.
output noun The amount of coal or ore put out from one or more mines, or the quantity of material produced by, or turned out from, one or more furnaces or mills, in a given time., That which is thrown out as products of the metabolic activity of the body; the egesta other than the faeces. See Income.
outray verb t. To outshine., To spread out in array.
outran imp. of Outrun
outrun past participle of Outrun, To exceed, or leave behind, in running; to run faster than; to outstrip; to go beyond.
outsee verb t. To see beyond; to excel in cer/ainty of seeing; to surpass in foresight.
outset noun A setting out, starting, or beginning.
outsit verb t. To remain sitting, or in session, longer than, or beyond the time of; to outstay.
outtop verb t. To overtop.
outvie verb t. To exceed in vying.
outway noun A way out; exit.
outwin verb t. To win a way out of.
outwit verb t. To surpass in wisdom, esp. in cunning; to defeat or overreach by superior craft., The faculty of acquiring wisdom by observation and experience, or the wisdom so acquired; — opposed to inwit.
outwoe verb t. To exceed in woe.