6 letter word starting with ov

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ovally adverb In an oval form.
ovaria plural of Ovarium
ovated adjective Ovate.
overdo verb t. To do too much; to exceed what is proper or true in doing; to exaggerate; to carry too far., To overtask. or overtax; to fatigue; to exhaust; as, to overdo one’s strength., To surpass; to excel., To cook too much; as, to overdo the meat., To labor too hard; to do too much.
overgo verb t. To travel over., To exceed; to surpass., To cover., To oppress; to weigh down.
overly adjective Careless; negligent; inattentive; superfical; not thorough., Excessive; too much., In an overly manner.
ovisac noun A Graafian follicle; any sac containing an ovum or ova., The inner layer of the fibrous wall of a Graafian follicle.
ovular adjective Relating or belonging to an ovule; as, an ovular growth.
ovulum noun An ovule.