6 letter word starting with par

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
parade verb t. The ground where a military display is held, or where troops are drilled., An assembly and orderly arrangement or display of troops, in full equipments, for inspection or evolutions before some superior officer; a review of troops. Parades are general, regimental, or private (troop, battery, or company), according to the force assembled., Pompous show; formal display or exhibition., That which is displayed; a show; a spectacle; an imposing procession; the movement of any body marshaled in military order; as, a parade of firemen., Posture of defense; guard., A public walk; a promenade., To exhibit in a showy or ostentatious manner; to show off., To assemble and form; to marshal; to cause to maneuver or march ceremoniously; as, to parade troops., To make an exhibition or spectacle of one’s self, as by walking in a public place., To assemble in military order for evolutions and inspection; to form or march, as in review.
parage noun Equality of condition, blood, or dignity; also, equality in the partition of an inheritance., Equality of condition between persons holding unequal portions of a fee., Kindred; family; birth.
parail noun See Apparel.
paramo noun A high, bleak plateau or district, with stunted trees, and cold, damp atmosphere, as in the Andes, in South America.
paraph noun A flourish made with the pen at the end of a signature. In the Middle Ages, this formed a sort of rude safeguard against forgery., To add a paraph to; to sign, esp. with the initials.
parcae noun pl. The Fates. See Fate, 4.
parcel noun A portion of anything taken separately; a fragment of a whole; a part., A part; a portion; a piece; as, a certain piece of land is part and parcel of another piece., An indiscriminate or indefinite number, measure, or quantity; a collection; a group., A number or quantity of things put up together; a bundle; a package; a packet., To divide and distribute by parts or portions; — often with out or into., To add a parcel or item to; to itemize., To make up into a parcel; as, to parcel a customer’s purchases; the machine parcels yarn, wool, etc., Part or half; in part; partially. Shak. [Sometimes hyphened with the word following.]
pardie adverb / interj. Certainly; surely; truly; verily; — originally an oath.
pardon verb t. The act of pardoning; forgiveness, as of an offender, or of an offense; release from penalty; remission of punishment; absolution., An official warrant of remission of penalty., The state of being forgiven., A release, by a sovereign, or officer having jurisdiction, from the penalties of an offense, being distinguished from amenesty, which is a general obliteration and canceling of a particular line of past offenses., To absolve from the consequences of a fault or the punishment of crime; to free from penalty; — applied to the offender., To remit the penalty of; to suffer to pass without punishment; to forgive; — applied to offenses., To refrain from exacting as a penalty., To give leave (of departure) to.
paring present participle & vb. noun of Pare, The act of cutting off the surface or extremites of anything., That which is pared off.
parent noun One who begets, or brings forth, offspring; a father or a mother., That which produces; cause; source; author; begetter; as, idleness is the parent of vice.
parfay interj. By my faith; verily.
parfit adjective Perfect.
parget verb t. To coat with parget; to plaster, as walls, or the interior of flues; as, to parget the outside of their houses., To paint; to cover over., To lay on plaster., To paint, as the face., Gypsum or plaster stone., Plaster, as for lining the interior of flues, or for stuccowork., Paint, especially for the face.
pariah noun One of an aboriginal people of Southern India, regarded by the four castes of the Hindoos as of very low grade. They are usually the serfs of the Sudra agriculturalists. See Caste., An outcast; one despised by society.
parial noun See Pair royal, under Pair, n.
parian adjective Of or pertaining to Paros, an island in the Aegean Sea noted for its excellent statuary marble; as, Parian marble., A native or inhabitant of Paros., A ceramic ware, resembling unglazed porcelain biscuit, of which are made statuettes, ornaments, etc.
paries noun The triangular middle part of each segment of the shell of a barnacle.
parish noun That circuit of ground committed to the charge of one parson or vicar, or other minister having cure of souls therein., The same district, constituting a civil jurisdiction, with its own officers and regulations, as respects the poor, taxes, etc., An ecclesiastical society, usually not bounded by territorial limits, but composed of those persons who choose to unite under the charge of a particular priest, clergyman, or minister; also, loosely, the territory in which the members of a congregation live., In Louisiana, a civil division corresponding to a county in other States., Of or pertaining to a parish; parochial; as, a parish church; parish records; a parish priest; maintained by the parish; as, parish poor.
parity noun The quality or condition of being equal or equivalent; A like state or degree; equality; close correspondence; analogy; as, parity of reasoning.
parked imp. & past participle of Park
parker noun The keeper of a park.
parley noun Mutual discourse or conversation; discussion; hence, an oral conference with an enemy, as with regard to a truce., To speak with another; to confer on some point of mutual concern; to discuss orally; hence, specifically, to confer orally with an enemy; to treat with him by words, as on an exchange of prisoners, an armistice, or terms of peace.
parlor noun A room for business or social conversation, for the reception of guests, etc., The apartment in a monastery or nunnery where the inmates are permitted to meet and converse with each other, or with visitors and friends from without., In large private houses, a sitting room for the family and for familiar guests, — a room for less formal uses than the drawing-room. Esp., in modern times, the dining room of a house having few apartments, as a London house, where the dining parlor is usually on the ground floor., Commonly, in the United States, a drawing-room, or the room where visitors are received and entertained.
parody noun A writing in which the language or sentiment of an author is mimicked; especially, a kind of literary pleasantry, in which what is written on one subject is altered, and applied to another by way of burlesque; travesty., A popular maxim, adage, or proverb., To write a parody upon; to burlesque.
parole noun A word; an oral utterance., Word of promise; word of honor; plighted faith; especially (Mil.), promise, upon one’s faith and honor, to fulfill stated conditions, as not to bear arms against one’s captors, to return to custody, or the like., A watchword given only to officers of guards; — distinguished from countersign, which is given to all guards., Oral declaration. See lst Parol, 2., See 2d Parol., To set at liberty on parole; as, to parole prisoners.
parral noun Alt. of Parrel
parrel noun The rope or collar by which a yard or spar is held to the mast in such a way that it may be hoisted or lowered at pleasure., A chimney-piece.
parrot noun In a general sense, any bird of the order Psittaci., Any species of Psittacus, Chrysotis, Pionus, and other genera of the family Psittacidae, as distinguished from the parrakeets, macaws, and lories. They have a short rounded or even tail, and often a naked space on the cheeks. The gray parrot, or jako (P. erithacus) of Africa (see Jako), and the species of Amazon, or green, parrots (Chrysotis) of America, are examples. Many species, as cage birds, readily learn to imitate sounds, and to repeat words and phrases., To repeat by rote, as a parrot., To chatter like a parrot.
parsed imp. & past participle of Parse
parsee noun One of the adherents of the Zoroastrian or ancient Persian religion, descended from Persian refugees settled in India; a fire worshiper; a Gheber., The Iranian dialect of much of the religious literature of the Parsees.
parser noun One who parses.
parson noun A person who represents a parish in its ecclesiastical and corporate capacities; hence, the rector or incumbent of a parochial church, who has full possession of all the rights thereof, with the cure of souls., Any clergyman having ecclesiastical preferment; one who is in orders, or is licensed to preach; a preacher.
parted imp. & past participle of Part, Separated; devided., Endowed with parts or abilities., Cleft so that the divisions reach nearly, but not quite, to the midrib, or the base of the blade; — said of a leaf, and used chiefly in composition; as, three-parted, five-parted, etc.
partan noun An edible British crab.
parter noun One who, or which, parts or separates.
partly adverb In part; in some measure of degree; not wholly.
parvis noun Alt. of Parvise