6 letter word starting with per

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
peract verb t. To go through with; to perform.
perdie adverb See Parde.
perdix noun A genus of birds including the common European partridge. Formerly the word was used in a much wider sense to include many allied genera.
perdue adjective Lost to view; in concealment or ambush; close., Accustomed to, or employed in, desperate enterprises; hence, reckless; hopeless.
perfit adjective Perfect.
perfix verb t. To fix surely; to appoint.
period noun A portion of time as limited and determined by some recurring phenomenon, as by the completion of a revolution of one of the heavenly bodies; a division of time, as a series of years, months, or days, in which something is completed, and ready to recommence and go on in the same order; as, the period of the sun, or the earth, or a comet., A stated and recurring interval of time; more generally, an interval of time specified or left indefinite; a certain series of years, months, days, or the like; a time; a cycle; an age; an epoch; as, the period of the Roman republic., One of the great divisions of geological time; as, the Tertiary period; the Glacial period. See the Chart of Geology., The termination or completion of a revolution, cycle, series of events, single event, or act; hence, a limit; a bound; an end; a conclusion., A complete sentence, from one full stop to another; esp., a well-proportioned, harmonious sentence., The punctuation point [.] that marks the end of a complete sentence, or of an abbreviated word., One of several similar sets of figures or terms usually marked by points or commas placed at regular intervals, as in numeration, in the extraction of roots, and in circulating decimals., The time of the exacerbation and remission of a disease, or of the paroxysm and intermission., A complete musical sentence., To put an end to., To come to a period; to conclude. [Obs.] “You may period upon this, that,” etc.
perish verb i. To be destroyed; to pass away; to become nothing; to be lost; to die; hence, to wither; to waste away., To cause perish.
perite adjective Skilled.
perked imp. & past participle of Perk
perkin noun A kind of weak perry.
perlid noun Any insect of the genus Perla, or family Perlidae. See Stone fly, under Stone.
permit verb t. To consent to; to allow or suffer to be done; to tolerate; to put up with., To grant (one) express license or liberty to do an act; to authorize; to give leave; — followed by an infinitive., To give over; to resign; to leave; to commit., To grant permission; to allow., Warrant; license; leave; permission; specifically, a written license or permission given to a person or persons having authority; as, a permit to land goods subject to duty.
permix verb t. To mix; to mingle.
pernel noun See Pimpernel.
pernio noun A chilblain.
pernor verb One who receives the profits, as of an estate.
perrie noun Precious stones; jewels.
persic adjective Of or relating to Persia., The Persian language.
persis noun A kind of coloring matter obtained from lichens.
person noun A character or part, as in a play; a specific kind or manifestation of individual character, whether in real life, or in literary or dramatic representation; an assumed character., The bodily form of a human being; body; outward appearance; as, of comely person., A living, self-conscious being, as distinct from an animal or a thing; a moral agent; a human being; a man, woman, or child., A human being spoken of indefinitely; one; a man; as, any person present., A parson; the parish priest., Among Trinitarians, one of the three subdivisions of the Godhead (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost); an hypostasis., One of three relations or conditions (that of speaking, that of being spoken to, and that of being spoken of) pertaining to a noun or a pronoun, and thence also to the verb of which it may be the subject., A shoot or bud of a plant; a polyp or zooid of the compound Hydrozoa Anthozoa, etc.; also, an individual, in the narrowest sense, among the higher animals., To represent as a person; to personify; to impersonate.
pertly adverb In a pert manner.
peruke noun A wig; a periwig., To dress with a peruke.
perula noun One of the scales of a leaf bud., A pouchlike portion of the perianth in certain orchides.
perule noun Same as Perula.
peruse verb t. To observe; to examine with care., To read through; to read carefully.
pervis noun See Parvis.