6 letter word starting with pet

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
petted imp. & past participle of Pet
petala plural of Petalum
petard noun A case containing powder to be exploded, esp. a conical or cylindrical case of metal filled with powder and attached to a plank, to be exploded against and break down gates, barricades, drawbridges, etc. It has been superseded.
petong noun See Packfong.
petrel noun Any one of numerous species of longwinged sea birds belonging to the family Procellaridae. The small petrels, or Mother Carey’s chickens, belong to Oceanites, Oceanodroma, Procellaria, and several allied genera.
petro- A combining form from Gr. / a rock, / a stone; as, petrology, petroglyphic.
petrol noun Petroleum.