6 letter word starting with ph

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
phalli plural of Phallus
pharos noun A lighthouse or beacon for the guidance of seamen.
phases plural of Phase, of Phasis
phasel noun The French bean, or kidney bean.
phasis noun See Phase.
phasma noun An apparition; a phantom; an appearance.
pheese verb t. To comb; also, to beat; to worry., Fretful excitement.
phenic adjective Of, pertaining to, derived from, or resembling, phenyl or phenol.
phenix noun A bird fabled to exist single, to be consumed by fire by its own act, and to rise again from its ashes. Hence, an emblem of immortality., A southern constellation., A marvelous person or thing.
phenol noun A white or pinkish crystalline substance, C6H5OH, produced by the destructive distillation of many organic bodies, as wood, coal, etc., and obtained from the heavy oil from coal tar., Any one of the series of hydroxyl derivatives of which phenol proper is the type.
phenyl noun A hydrocarbon radical (C6H5) regarded as the essential residue of benzene, and the basis of an immense number of aromatic derivatives.
philip noun The European hedge sparrow., The house sparrow. Called also phip.
philo- A combining form from Gr. fi`los loving, fond of, attached to; as, philosophy, philotechnic.
phizes plural of Phiz
phlegm adjective One of the four humors of which the ancients supposed the blood to be composed. See Humor., Viscid mucus secreted in abnormal quantity in the respiratory and digestive passages., A watery distilled liquor, in distinction from a spirituous liquor., Sluggishness of temperament; dullness; want of interest; indifference; coldness.
phleme noun See Fleam.
phleum noun A genus of grasses, including the timothy (Phleum pratense), which is highly valued for hay; cat’s-tail grass.
phloem noun That portion of fibrovascular bundles which corresponds to the inner bark; the liber tissue; — distinguished from xylem.
phocal adjective Pertaining to seals.
phoebe noun The pewee, or pewit.
pholad noun Any species of Pholas.
pholas noun Any one of numerous species of marine bivalve mollusks of the genus Pholas, or family Pholadidae. They bore holes for themselves in clay, peat, and soft rocks.
phonal adjective Of or relating to the voice; as, phonal structure.
phonic adjective Of or pertaining to sound; of the nature of sound; acoustic.
phono- A combining form from Gr. / sound, tone; as, phonograph, phonology.
photic adjective Relating to the production of light by the lower animals.
photos plural of Photo
photo- A combining form from Gr. fw^s, fwto`s, light; as, photography, phototype, photometer.
phrase noun A brief expression, sometimes a single word, but usually two or more words forming an expression by themselves, or being a portion of a sentence; as, an adverbial phrase., A short, pithy expression; especially, one which is often employed; a peculiar or idiomatic turn of speech; as, to err is human., A mode or form of speech; the manner or style in which any one expreses himself; diction; expression., A short clause or portion of a period., To express in words, or in peculiar words; to call; to style., To use proper or fine phrases., To group notes into phrases; as, he phrases well. See Phrase, n., 4.
phthor noun Fluorine.
phylae plural of Phyle
phylon noun A tribe.
phylum noun One of the larger divisions of the animal kingdom; a branch; a grand division.
physic noun The art of healing diseases; the science of medicine; the theory or practice of medicine., A specific internal application for the cure or relief of sickness; a remedy for disease; a medicine., Specifically, a medicine that purges; a cathartic., A physician., To treat with physic or medicine; to administer medicine to, esp. a cathartic; to operate on as a cathartic; to purge., To work on as a remedy; to heal; to cure.
phyto- A combining form from Gr. fyto`n a plant; as, phytochemistry, phytography.
phyton noun One of the parts which by their repetition make up a flowering plant, each being a single joint of a stem with its leaf or leaves; a phytomer.