6 letter word starting with pi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pieing present participle & vb. noun of Pi
piacle noun A heinous offense which requires expiation.
pianet noun The magpie., The lesser woodpecker.
piapec noun A West African pie (Ptilostomus Senegalensis).
piatti noun pl. Cymbals.
piazza noun An open square in a European town, especially an Italian town; hence (Arch.), an arcaded and roofed gallery; a portico. In the United States the word is popularly applied to a veranda.
picard noun One of a sect of Adamites in the fifteenth century; — so called from one Picard of Flanders. See Adamite.
picene noun A hydrocarbon (C/H/) extracted from the pitchy residue of coal tar and petroleum as a bluish fluorescent crystalline substance.
pichey noun A Brazilian armadillo (Dasypus minutus); the little armadillo.
picine adjective Of or pertaining to the woodpeckers (Pici), or to the Piciformes.
picked imp. & past participle of Pick, Pointed; sharp., Having a pike or spine on the back; — said of certain fishes., Carefully selected; chosen; as, picked men., Fine; spruce; smart; precise; dianty.
pickax noun Alt. of Pickaxe
picker noun One who, or that which, picks, in any sense, — as, one who uses a pick; one who gathers; a thief; a pick; a pickax; as, a cotton picker., A machine for picking fibrous materials to pieces so as to loosen and separate the fiber., The piece in a loom which strikes the end of the shuttle, and impels it through the warp., A priming wire for cleaning the vent.
picket noun A stake sharpened or pointed, especially one used in fortification and encampments, to mark bounds and angles; or one used for tethering horses., A pointed pale, used in marking fences., A detached body of troops serving to guard an army from surprise, and to oppose reconnoitering parties of the enemy; — called also outlying picket., By extension, men appointed by a trades union, or other labor organization, to intercept outsiders, and prevent them from working for employers with whom the organization is at variance., A military punishment, formerly resorted to, in which the offender was forced to stand with one foot on a pointed stake., A game at cards. See Piquet., To fortify with pointed stakes., To inclose or fence with pickets or pales., To tether to, or as to, a picket; as, to picket a horse., To guard, as a camp or road, by an outlying picket., To torture by compelling to stand with one foot on a pointed stake.
pickle noun See Picle., A solution of salt and water, in which fish, meat, etc., may be preserved or corned; brine., Vinegar, plain or spiced, used for preserving vegetables, fish, eggs, oysters, etc., Any article of food which has been preserved in brine or in vinegar., A bath of dilute sulphuric or nitric acid, etc., to remove burnt sand, scale rust, etc., from the surface of castings, or other articles of metal, or to brighten them or improve their color., A troublesome child; as, a little pickle., To preserve or season in pickle; to treat with some kind of pickle; as, to pickle herrings or cucumbers., To give an antique appearance to; — said of copies or imitations of paintings by the old masters.
picksy noun See Pixy.
picnic verb Formerly, an entertainment at which each person contributed some dish to a common table; now, an excursion or pleasure party in which the members partake of a collation or repast (usually in the open air, and from food carried by themselves)., To go on a picnic, or pleasure excursion; to eat in public fashion.
picoid adjective Like or pertaining to the Pici.
picric adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a strong organic acid (called picric acid), intensely bitter.
picryl noun The hypothetical radical of picric acid, analogous to phenyl.
piddle verb i. To deal in trifles; to concern one’s self with trivial matters rather than with those that are important., To be squeamishly nice about one’s food., To urinate; — child’s word.
pieced imp. & past participle of Piece
piecer noun One who pieces; a patcher., A child employed in spinning mill to tie together broken threads.
piemen plural of Pieman
pieman noun A man who makes or sells pies.
pierce verb t. To thrust into, penetrate, or transfix, with a pointed instrument., To penetrate; to enter; to force a way into or through; to pass into or through; as, to pierce the enemy’s line; a shot pierced the ship., Fig.: To penetrate; to affect deeply; as, to pierce a mystery., To enter; to penetrate; to make a way into or through something, as a pointed instrument does; — used literally and figuratively.
pierid noun Any butterfly of the genus Pieris and related genera. See Cabbage butterfly, under Cabbage.
pigged imp. & past participle of Pig
pigeon noun Any bird of the order Columbae, of which numerous species occur in nearly all parts of the world., An unsuspected victim of sharpers; a gull., To pluck; to fleece; to swindle by tricks in gambling.
piggin noun A small wooden pail or tub with an upright stave for a handle, — often used as a dipper.
pignus noun A pledge or pawn.
pignut noun See Groundnut (d)., The bitter-flavored nut of a species of hickory (Carya glabra, / porcina); also, the tree itself.
pigpen noun A pen, or sty, for pigs.
pigsty noun A pigpen.
pilage noun See Pelage.
piling present participle & vb. noun of Pile, The act of heaping up., The process of building up, heating, and working, fagots, or piles, to form bars, etc., A series of piles; piles considered collectively; as, the piling of a bridge.
pileus noun A kind of skull cap of felt., The expanded upper portion of many of the fungi. See Mushroom., The top of the head of a bird, from the bill to the nape.
pilfer verb i. To steal in small quantities, or articles of small value; to practice petty theft., To take by petty theft; to filch; to steal little by little.
pildia plural of Pilidium
pilled imp. & past participle of Pill, Stripped of hair; scant of hair; bald.
pillar noun The general and popular term for a firm, upright, insulated support for a superstructure; a pier, column, or post; also, a column or shaft not supporting a superstructure, as one erected for a monument or an ornament., Figuratively, that which resembles such a pillar in appearance, character, or office; a supporter or mainstay; as, the Pillars of Hercules; a pillar of the state., A portable ornamental column, formerly carried before a cardinal, as emblematic of his support to the church., The center of the volta, ring, or manege ground, around which a horse turns., Having a support in the form of a pillar, instead of legs; as, a pillar drill.
pillau noun An Oriental dish consisting of rice boiled with mutton, fat, or butter.
piller noun One who pills or plunders.
pillow noun Anything used to support the head of a person when reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair, or other soft material., A piece of metal or wood, forming a support to equalize pressure; a brass; a pillow block., A block under the inner end of a bowsprit., A kind of plain, coarse fustian., To rest or lay upon, or as upon, a pillow; to support; as, to pillow the head.
pilose adjective Hairy; full of, or made of, hair., Clothed thickly with pile or soft down., Covered with long, slender hairs; resembling long hairs; hairy; as, pilose pubescence.
pilour noun A piller; a plunderer.
pilous adjective See Pilose.
pilser noun An insect that flies into a flame.
piment noun Wine flavored with spice or honey. See Pigment, 3.
pimped imp. & past participle of Pimp
pimple noun Any small acuminated elevation of the cuticle, whether going on to suppuration or not., Fig.: A swelling or protuberance like a pimple.
pimply adjective Pimpled.
pinned imp. & past participle of Pin
pindal noun Alt. of Pindar
pindar noun The peanut (Arachis hypogaea); — so called in the West Indies.
pinder noun One who impounds; a poundkeeper.
pining present participle & vb. noun of Pine, Languishing; drooping; wasting away, as with longing., Wasting; consuming.
pineal adjective Of or pertaining to a pine cone; resembling a pine cone.
pinery noun A pine forest; a grove of pines., A hothouse in which pineapples are grown.
pinged imp. & past participle of Ping
pingle noun A small piece of inclosed ground.
pinion noun A moth of the genus Lithophane, as L. antennata, whose larva bores large holes in young peaches and apples., A feather; a quill., A wing, literal or figurative., The joint of bird’s wing most remote from the body., A fetter for the arm., A cogwheel with a small number of teeth, or leaves, adapted to engage with a larger wheel, or rack (see Rack); esp., such a wheel having its leaves formed of the substance of the arbor or spindle which is its axis., To bind or confine the wings of; to confine by binding the wings., To disable by cutting off the pinion joint., To disable or restrain, as a person, by binding the arms, esp. by binding the arms to the body., Hence, generally, to confine; to bind; to tie up.
pinite noun A compact granular cryptocrystalline mineral of a dull grayish or greenish white color. It is a hydrous alkaline silicate, and is derived from the alteration of other minerals, as iolite., Any fossil wood which exhibits traces of having belonged to the Pine family., A sweet white crystalline substance extracted from the gum of a species of pine (Pinus Lambertina). It is isomeric with, and resembles, quercite.
pinked imp. & past participle of Pink, Pierced with small holes; worked in eyelets; scalloped on the edge.
pinnae plural of Pinna
pinnas plural of Pinna
pinner noun One who, or that which, pins or fastens, as with pins., A headdress like a cap, with long lappets., An apron with a bib; a pinafore., A cloth band for a gown., A pin maker., One who pins or impounds cattle. See Pin, v. t.
pinnet noun A pinnacle.
pinole noun An aromatic powder used in Italy in the manufacture of chocolate., Parched maize, ground, and mixed with sugar, etc. Mixed with water, it makes a nutritious beverage.
pintle noun A little pin., An upright pivot pin, The pivot pin of a hinge., A hook or pin on which a rudder hangs and turns., A pivot about which the chassis swings, in some kinds of gun carriages., A kingbolt of a wagon.
pintos noun pl. A mountain tribe of Mexican Indians living near Acapulco. They are remarkable for having the dark skin of the face irregularly spotted with white. Called also speckled Indians.
pinule noun One of the sights of an astrolabe.
pinxit A word appended to the artist’s name or initials on a painting, or engraved copy of a painting; as, Rubens pinxit, Rubens painted (this).
pioned adjective A Shakespearean word of disputed meaning; perh., “abounding in marsh marigolds.”
pioner noun A pioneer.
pipped imp. & past participle of Pip
pipage noun Transportation, as of petroleum oil, by means of a pipe conduit; also, the charge for such transportation.
piping present participle & vb. noun of Pipe, Playing on a musical pipe., Peaceful; favorable to, or characterized by, the music of the pipe rather than of the drum and fife., Emitting a high, shrill sound., Simmering; boiling; sizzling; hissing; — from the sound of boiling fluids., A small cord covered with cloth, — used as trimming for women’s dresses., Pipes, collectively; as, the piping of a house., The act of playing on a pipe; the shrill noted of birds, etc., A piece cut off to be set or planted; a cutting; also, propagation by cuttings.
pipkin noun A small earthen boiler.
pippin noun An apple from a tree raised from the seed and not grafted; a seedling apple., A name given to apples of several different kinds, as Newtown pippin, summer pippin, fall pippin, golden pippin.
pipras plural of Pipra
piqued imp. & past participle of Pique
piquet noun See Picket., A game at cards played between two persons, with thirty-two cards, all the deuces, threes, fours, fives, and sixes, being set aside.
piracy noun The act or crime of a pirate., Robbery on the high seas; the taking of property from others on the open sea by open violence; without lawful authority, and with intent to steal; — a crime answering to robbery on land.,
pirate noun A robber on the high seas; one who by open violence takes the property of another on the high seas; especially, one who makes it his business to cruise for robbery or plunder; a freebooter on the seas; also, one who steals in a harbor., An armed ship or vessel which sails without a legal commission, for the purpose of plundering other vessels on the high seas., One who infringes the law of copyright, or publishes the work of an author without permission., To play the pirate; to practice robbery on the high seas., To publish, as books or writings, without the permission of the author.
piraya noun A large voracious fresh-water fish (Serrasalmo piraya) of South America, having lancet-shaped teeth.
pirrie noun A rough gale of wind.
pisces noun pl. The twelfth sign of the zodiac, marked / in almanacs., A zodiacal constellation, including the first point of Aries, which is the vernal equinoctial point; the Fish., The class of Vertebrata that includes the fishes. The principal divisions are Elasmobranchii, Ganoidei, and Teleostei.
pistel noun Alt. of Pistil
pistil noun An epistle., The seed-bearing organ of a flower. It consists of an ovary, containing the ovules or rudimentary seeds, and a stigma, which is commonly raised on an elongated portion called a style. When composed of one carpel a pistil is simple; when composed of several, it is compound. See Illust. of Flower, and Ovary.
pistic adjective Pure; genuine.
pistol noun The smallest firearm used, intended to be fired from one hand, — now of many patterns, and bearing a great variety of names. See Illust. of Revolver., To shoot with a pistol.
piston noun A sliding piece which either is moved by, or moves against, fluid pressure. It usually consists of a short cylinder fitting within a cylindrical vessel along which it moves, back and forth. It is used in steam engines to receive motion from the steam, and in pumps to transmit motion to a fluid; also for other purposes.
pitted imp. & past participle of Pit, Marked with little pits, as in smallpox. See Pit, v. t., 2., Having minute thin spots; as, pitted ducts in the vascular parts of vegetable tissue.
pitchy adjective Partaking of the qualities of pitch; resembling pitch., Smeared with pitch., Black; pitch-dark; dismal.
pitier noun One who pities.
pitmen plural of Pitman
pitman noun One who works in a pit, as in mining, in sawing timber, etc., The connecting rod in a sawmill; also, sometimes, a connecting rod in other machinery.
pitpan noun A long, flat-bottomed canoe, used for the navigation of rivers and lagoons in Central America.
pitpat noun & adverb See Pitapat.
pitter noun A contrivance for removing the pits from peaches, plums, and other stone fruit., To make a pattering sound; to murmur; as, pittering streams.
pities plural of Pity
pitied imp. & past participle of Pity
pixies plural of Pixie
pizzle noun The penis; — so called in some animals, as the bull.