6 letter word starting with pla

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
placed imp. & past participle of Place
placer noun One who places or sets., A deposit of earth, sand, or gravel, containing valuable mineral in particles, especially by the side of a river, or in the bed of a mountain torrent.
placet noun A vote of assent, as of the governing body of a university, of an ecclesiastical council, etc., The assent of the civil power to the promulgation of an ecclesiastical ordinance.
placid adjective Pleased; contented; unruffied; undisturbed; serene; peaceful; tranquil; quiet; gentle.
placit noun A decree or determination; a dictum.
plagae plural of Plaga
plagal adjective Having a scale running from the dominant to its octave; — said of certain old church modes or tunes, as opposed to those called authentic, which ran from the tonic to its octave.
plague noun That which smites, wounds, or troubles; a blow; a calamity; any afflictive evil or torment; a great trail or vexation., An acute malignant contagious fever, that often prevails in Egypt, Syria, and Turkey, and has at times visited the large cities of Europe with frightful mortality; hence, any pestilence; as, the great London plague., To infest or afflict with disease, calamity, or natural evil of any kind., Fig.: To vex; to tease; to harass.
plaguy adjective Vexatious; troublesome; tormenting; as, a plaguy horse. [Colloq.] Also used adverbially; as, “He is so plaguy proud.”
plaice noun A European food fish (Pleuronectes platessa), allied to the flounder, and growing to the weight of eight or ten pounds or more., A large American flounder (Paralichthys dentatus; called also brail, puckermouth, and summer flounder. The name is sometimes applied to other allied species.
plaint noun Audible expression of sorrow; lamentation; complaint; hence, a mournful song; a lament., An accusation or protest on account of an injury., A private memorial tendered to a court, in which a person sets forth his cause of action; the exhibiting of an action in writing.
plaise noun See Plaice.
planch noun A plank., To make or cover with planks or boards; to plank.
planed imp. & past participle of Plane
planer noun One who, or that which, planes; a planing machine; esp., a machine for planing wood or metals., A wooden block used for forcing down the type in a form, and making the surface even.
planet noun A celestial body which revolves about the sun in an orbit of a moderate degree of eccentricity. It is distinguished from a comet by the absence of a coma, and by having a less eccentric orbit. See Solar system., A star, as influencing the fate of a men.
plani- adjective Alt. of Plano-
plano- adjective Combining forms signifying flat, level, plane; as planifolious, planimetry, plano-concave., See Plani-.
plaque noun Any flat, thin piece of metal, clay, ivory, or the like, used for ornament, or for painting pictures upon, as a slab, plate, dish, or the like, hung upon a wall; also, a smaller decoration worn on the person, as a brooch.
plashy adjective Watery; abounding with puddles; splashy., Specked, as if plashed with color.
plasma noun A variety of quartz, of a color between grass green and leek green, which is found associated with common chalcedony. It was much esteemed by the ancients for making engraved ornaments., The viscous material of an animal or vegetable cell, out of which the various tissues are formed by a process of differentiation; protoplasm., Unorganized material; elementary matter., A mixture of starch and glycerin, used as a substitute for ointments.
platan noun The plane tree.
plated imp. & past participle of Plate
platel noun A small dish.
platen noun The part of a printing press which presses the paper against the type and by which the impression is made., Hence, an analogous part of a typewriter, on which the paper rests to receive an impression., The movable table of a machine tool, as a planer, on which the work is fastened, and presented to the action of the tool; — also called table.
plater noun One who plates or coats articles with gold or silver; as, a silver plater., A machine for calendering paper.
platin noun See Platen.
platly adjective Flatly. See Plat, a.
platy- A combining form from Gr. platy`s broad, wide, flat; as, platypus, platycephalous.
played imp. & past participle of Play
player noun One who plays, or amuses himself; one without serious aims; an idler; a trifler., One who plays any game., A dramatic actor., One who plays on an instrument of music., A gamester; a gambler.
playte noun See Pleyt.