6 letter word starting with pra

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
praise verb To commend; to applaud; to express approbation of; to laud; — applied to a person or his acts., To extol in words or song; to magnify; to glorify on account of perfections or excellent works; to do honor to; to display the excellence of; — applied especially to the Divine Being., To value; to appraise., Commendation for worth; approval expressed; honor rendered because of excellence or worth; laudation; approbation., Especially, the joyful tribute of gratitude or homage rendered to the Divine Being; the act of glorifying or extolling the Creator; worship, particularly worship by song, distinction from prayer and other acts of worship; as, a service of praise., The object, ground, or reason of praise.
prance verb i. To spring or bound, as a horse in high mettle., To ride on a prancing horse; to ride in an ostentatious manner., To walk or strut about in a pompous, showy manner, or with warlike parade.
prated imp. & past participle of Prate
prater noun One who prates.
pratic noun See Pratique.
praxis noun Use; practice; especially, exercise or discipline for a specific purpose or object., An example or form of exercise, or a collection of such examples, for practice.
prayed imp. & past participle of Pray
prayer noun One who prays; a supplicant., The act of praying, or of asking a favor; earnest request or entreaty; hence, a petition or memorial addressed to a court or a legislative body., The act of addressing supplication to a divinity, especially to the true God; the offering of adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving to the Supreme Being; as, public prayer; secret prayer., The form of words used in praying; a formula of supplication; an expressed petition; especially, a supplication addressed to God; as, a written or extemporaneous prayer; to repeat one’s prayers.